Archangel Michael Has Returned to Earth in Service to Humanity and the Infinite Creator
36 subscribers
May 22, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
05.22.24 TOXIC SHAME, AND HOW IT KEEPS YOU FROM ENJOYING YOUR LIFE AND SERVING OTHERS. Hi, dear friends. I’ve about had all I can stand of the Bar review for a few hours, so today I will discuss a topic I was asked to cover for you all, as well as myself. We have many challenges as we do our best to serve others here on Earth. One of the biggest challenges many of us face does not originate from the actions of others, but our own stuck thought processes. Toxic Shame (TS) is one of those processes.
May 20, 2024 29 tweets 6 min read
05.20.24 TWIN FLAMES: OUR DIVINE COUNTERPARTS. Happy Monday, my friends. Today I will answer a request to talk about “twins flames,” and then I will be off for a few days because I really need to study, as much as I would rather talk with all of you. What is a “twin flame?” (hereinafter “TF) Twin flames have been described in the past as “one soul that split,” and a variety of other descriptions. What it actually is are two or more souls that have completely joined and melded their energy. I will explain the process.
May 1, 2024 30 tweets 6 min read
05.01.24 WHAT IS, OR WHO ARE, YOUR “COUNCIL?” Hello, dear friends. Today I will talk about who and what your council is, and what it is they do for you. I first learned about councils while doing hundreds of QHHT and BQH sessions. Whenever I do sessions, I always regress a person through a few past lifetimes, and I always ask them to tell me what their experience is like at the moment they transition out of their body. Hearing thousands of experiences, I can verify that we are energy, and we do not die.
Apr 5, 2023 36 tweets 7 min read
04.05.23 BEWARE OF THE DRAGON. My friends, today I have possibly the weirdest message I’ve ever been asked to give you. I have told you how I struggle because I love facts and data and so little of what I deal with now is empirically demonstrable, and this is no exception. Lightworkers are heavily targeted right now with the propaganda war that is being waged against Humanity. Many lightworkers have higher vibrations which makes them targets of energetic weapons and implants that float around and seek higher vibration individuals.
Mar 22, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
3.22.23 WHO DID WE COME TO SERVE? Hello, dear friends. I hear from quite a few of you who reach out and ask me who you are here to serve, and what you are here to do in your service to Humanity. It really is a misconception that we are all here to do something really major. Not all of us signed up to be a Gandhi or Buddha or Jesus figure on the planet. The great majority of us signed up to be human, to do human things, and to simply anchor higher dimensional light.
Mar 15, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
03.15.22 THE REALITY WE CREATE AS WE SERVE HERE. Hello, old and new friends. I am glad to be back with you and hope you are well. While I've been gone, I was doing some heavy-duty thinking and meditating, really taking stock of the difficulties we face as we serve here. I've told you in my own life some big changes are happening, and some of the most important people in my life are transitioning out, their service here finished. I have really had to work on my attitude, and sought a lot of help through meditation.
Feb 9, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
02.09.23 GROWING STRONGER, FINDING THE MEANING IN CHANGE AND PAIN. Hi, my friends. I hope those of you who participated in our chakra tuning and trauma residue clearing are feeling better and enjoying how great it is to have a load of energetic stuff lifted off. Today I want to talk with you about one reason why Service to Others is such a great way to find yourself and find your way to Higher Consciousness. Obviously, if you are here serving the light from any of the 600+ Angelic Starseed delegations, or one of the 72 angelic gestalts..
Feb 4, 2023 34 tweets 7 min read
02.04.23 CHAKRA TUNING AND TRAUMA CLEARING TOMORROW AT NOON, YOUR TIME: Hi, dear ones. I'm really excited for those of you who requested, through the power of your own Higher Self, to receive help from the angelic gestalt tomorrow to clear your trauma and tune up your chakras. Did you know your own "Higher Self" is what the churches on this planet misappropriated and called the "Holy Spirit?" It was always you. The churches misappropriated it so they could threaten to take it away from you if you did not pay, pray, and obey--losing your free will.
Feb 2, 2023 51 tweets 9 min read
02.02.23 UPCOMING CHAKRA TUNING AND TRAUMA ELIMINATION: Hi, my friends. I apologize for my absence. As I explained last month, my responsibilities have changed and I am having to focus on different things. I am happy to be with you today. On February 5 at noon your time, the angelic gestalts are planning on working with lightworkers who want to have their chakras tuned. All you have to do to participate is work through your own Higher Self, in meditation or prayer or however you connect with your Higher Self.
Jan 15, 2023 51 tweets 10 min read
01.14.23 CHAKRA TUNING EVENT TO COINCIDE WITH THE NEW ENERGY THAT IS HERE. Hello, dear old and new friends. My message today is a few days overdue, and for that I apologize. I have some things to tell you I hope you will find interesting. The reason I focused this past week on the walls we build around ourselves that divide Humanity, ourselves, and limit our opportunities, is because there is more information I want to give you about why those things matter to each of us as we serve here.
Jan 11, 2023 44 tweets 9 min read
01.11.23 CLEARING THE ENERGETIC BLOCKS OF TRAUMA FROM YOUR BRAIN TO ENHANCE YOUR ABILITY TO ENJOY YOUR HUMAN EXPERIENCE AND SERVE OTHERS. Hi, my friends. I want to continue with my discussion of yesterday, which I realize was a little on the negative side. It's always been my goal to be completely transparent with you about the concerns of the Guardian Alliance as well as the Big M Michael for what we see happening here. As I was dealing with my own life sorrows and experiencing what others would deal with after the Harvest...
Jan 10, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
01.10.23 THE WALLS WE BUILD AROUND US: Hello, dear friends. Thank you so much for all of the great energy you sent me. I am mostly back to health and I appreciate all of you. I still have not been able to get through all of the texts, tweets, and emails. I appreciate them all. As I told you last month, I am dealing with some of my own human sorrows we all experience as we serve here. As I have done that, I spent a lot of time on the new gray planet the Third Density re-cyclers will be going to with me after the Harvest. I learned while I was there.
Dec 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
12.19.22 Thank you all who have reached out to me. I am really ok. I am resilient. I learned I am going through a process of emotional desensitizing so I can make hard decisions in the future without the cloud of human emotion. Remember when I told you all the story of having the past life memory leak when I went see the new Top Gun Maverick movie, and I remembered watching one of my flight students get killed in a crash on another planet in a previous life?
Dec 18, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
12.18.22 HAVE A GENTLE HOLIDAY. Hello, friends. I’m tweeting in a hotel room from my phone from a hotel room and I’m not even sure where we are, on the way to meet another community member for a holiday meet up with the kids. I want to reach out to those of you who are struggling this holiday season. I am with you. In the last few weeks I’ve found out several key people in my life are transitioning out and I find myself struggling to deal with the hard parts of our human adventure.
Nov 26, 2022 30 tweets 6 min read
11.26.22 THE UPCOMING ENERGETIC SHIFT AND WHAT IT COULD MEAN FOR YOU. Hello, dear old and and new friends. I am finally back with you with some news and some update on current energetic conditions. I attended a council meeting a couple of weeks ago, consisting of several primary archangels as well as some others with different jobs, and have some news to share with you, both about what is coming for all of us, as well as some changes that will affect my service here.
Nov 21, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
11.21.22. EMAIL LIST TO MAINTAIN CONTACT: Dear old and new friends, we’ve been working in our community for nearly three years to build our group of those who served together across dimensions and galaxies. I will be back with you later today to talk about some exciting infornatiom, but for now, please consider sending your name and email address to my email address so we can stay in touch if Twitter implodes.
Nov 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
11.15.22 HELLO FRIENDS. I am currently traveling. I have some exciting news to talk about with you as soon as I can get back with you. I am always with you, the Big M is always available to you. You are loved and supported. We’ll talk soon. In the meantime, I want to share this song with you that is a prelude to what great news I have to give you as soon as I return. Be sure and listen to the words. Stronger
Nov 5, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
11.05.22 REMEMBERING WHAT REALLY MATTERS IN LIFE. My old friends and new friends, today I want to share some experiences with you that really touched me and changed me in this lifetime: My observations of the sick and those transitioning out of this incarnation. Those of you who have been here as part of our community for awhile know that I have been an attorney for 26 years, but I was told I needed to quit that profession in order to get my vibration up high enough to serve as I said I would serve so I could access my own Higher Self.
Nov 1, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
11.01.22. YOUR TWO SETS OF DNA. Hello, fellow light warriors. I’ve had several questions lately about DNA, and why human DNA is so important, so that is what I will discuss with you today. All of us, every single one of us, is an equal, identical fractal of our Creator. There are no elite souls, we are all perfectly equal. We are different only in that we each have unlimited free will, given as the greatest gift of our Creator, to become who we want to be.
Oct 31, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
10.31.22 HALLOWEEN AND HOW LIGHTWORKERS CAN HELP EARTHBOUND SOULS: Hello, beautiful Light-bearing friends. It is Halloween in the United States, the holiday which recognizes the thinness of the “veil” between the living and those who have transitioned out of their bodies. When I first first re-emerged three and a half years ago, I was stunned to really see how many billions of earthbound souls were on the planet. The number of living and earthbound souls was almost equal. Since then, there have been big efforts to move on the earthbound souls.
Oct 29, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
10.29.22 WHATEVER DIVIDES US OR INVITES VIOLENCE IS NOT OF THE LIGHT. Dear friends, fellow peaceful warriors for the Light, I have watched in utter dismay this week as relationships between family members, friends, and community members continue to deteriorate due to politics. I have watched as the increasing energetic waves that are speeding up the energetic reconciliation sometimes called “Karma” is being demonstrated spectacularly in the music and merchandise forums. I’ve watched public figures incite violence from social media.