1. Paracetamol is more effective on an empty stomach.
2. Eating fatty food (eg Milk ) together taking ACT Antimalarial medications will increase it's absorption rate.
3. Taking NSAIDs (eg Ibuprofen, Diclofenac & Aspirin) will irritate
A Thread
your stomach and such medications should be avoided by Ulcer patients.
4. Dexamethasone increases blood sugar & should not be taken by someone who is diabetic (when taken, the blood sugar should seriously be monitored).
Talk to your healthcare provider about your medical history
(especially current MH) about it.
5. Corticosteroids (such as Dexamethasone & Prednisolone) interacts with birth control pills, warfarin, NSAIDs & Digoxin.
6. Corticosteroids can affect certain LABORATORY TEST like “skin test”. Talk to your healthcare provider about this
specific medications before running a test.
7. If you are taking an Antacid & another drug, take the Antacid at least 2 hours before taking the drug or 3 hours after taking the drug.
8. Take Tetracyclines 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking an Antacid.
9. Take Tetracycline 2 hours before or after taking certain minerals containing products (such as Zinc, Magnesium & Iron).
10.Tetracycline, Fluroquinolones, Aminoglycosides, Sulfonamides & Chloramphenicol can HARM the FETUS. If you are pregnant or have plans of becoming pregnant
while taking tetracycline, infrom your Gynecologist immediately.
11. Using Tetracycline during pregnancy or in babies or children up to age 8 can cause the teeth to be PERMANENTLY stained.
12. Alot of Medications, Foods, Drink and Herbs do INTERACT with with Other medications.
More Reason why you should 👇👇👇
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Relationship between HbA1c & Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) Level
(Conversion of Fasting Blood Glucose to HbA1c)
1. What's the full Meaning of HbA1c?
HaemogloBin Airman First Class
2. What's HbA1c test?
HbA1c test is a blood test used to diagnose diabetes
A Thread (1/8) #ChiefRx
& monitor the progress of treatment plan.
The test reflects the average blood sugar levels in the past 90 days/3 months (I will explain why later in the thread).
HbA1c is a type of Glycated Haemoglobin (ie glucose binding to Haemoglobin in your Red blood cells).
Hence ↑ in blood glucose Levels will result in more glucose binding to Haemoglobin which will result in High Hb A1c
Once a Haemoglobin is glycated, it remains that way in the blood until RBC carrying it, is removed from the body (b/c the average RBC lifespan is 3-4 months)
- Squirt is simply urine.
- A woman can get pregnant for 2 different men at a time.
- A woman can get pregnant immediately she stop menstruating.
- A woman can get pregnant 7days after sex.
- Using Viagra while on BP meds can kill you. 6. A woman can get pregnant while pregnant.
1. SQUIRTING is essentially the involuntary emission of URINE during sexual activity, although a marginal contribution of skene's glands secretions to the emitted fluid often exists.
2. Superfecundation:
When a woman has intercourse with 2 different men in a short period of time while ovulating, it's possible for both men to impregnate her separately.
In this case, 2 different sperm impregnate 2 different eggs.
PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal disorder. Basically it is a group of symptoms resulting from hormonal imbalance in body. Now what are hormones? Hormones are different chemicals produced in different parts of body that regulate normal physiological functions of body.
Symptoms :-
Post meal cravings
Difficulty to FALL ASLEEP
It is very important to know what type of PCOS you have, as type of PCOS left untreated can trigger another type of PCOS within same patient.
1. Inflammatory type PCOS 2. Insulin resistance type PCOS 3. Adrenal fatigue type PCOS 4. Hypothyroidism type PCOS