Trump asked about his nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. He says that elections have consequences, that Republicans won presidency and senate. That ACB is a great judge. "As good as anybody who has served on that court."
Strong tie game from both Trump and Biden.
"I'm not opposed to the justice, she's a very fine person." -- Biden says of Judge Amy Coney Barrett
"I am the Democrat Party right now. The platform of the Democrat Party is what I approve of." -- Biden.
"Guess they didn't shift the circadian rhythms enough." -- Overheard at the debate watch party I'm at, regarding Biden's answer in the first segment ...
Even Biden laughed when Trump said that he guessed he had to debate Wallace in addition to Biden. (This is what killed Mondale's chances, when he laughed at Reagan's jokes)
"I beat Bernie Sanders." -- Biden
"Not by much." -- Trump
When Biden claims everything Trump says is a lie, Trump reminds Biden that he lied about being first in his class as opposed to last. (He was near the last, but not the very last)
Biden refuses to answer what he thinks about ending the filibuster. Flat out says "I'm not going to answer the question." Then, flustered by Trump telling him to, "Shut up man." And "keep yapping man."
Biden lambasts Trump on Coronavirus. Trump responds with a litany of what he accomplished and says the only thing he hasn't done well with is getting good news coverage, since the media adore Biden and hate him.
Biden blames Trump and Trump alone for the global Coronavirus pandemic and its resultant economic costs.
Trump asked about when to get the vaccine out and does a poor job explaining that the vaccine will begin to be distributed earlier.
Wallace asks Biden about Kamala Harris telling people not to trust the vaccine scientists. Now Biden's turn to flail.
Trump says Biden wants to shut down the country and that he does not want to do that. That the more we learn, the less we need to completely shut down the country and schools.
Biden routinely wears masks when he doesn't need to, and I'm wondering why he's not wearing one now. It makes no sense.
When Wallace notes that Biden isn't holding rallies, Trump says "that's because no one would show up" or something like that.
Trump mentions divorce, drug addiction, as side effects for rampant shutdowns.
Biden says Trump is of the billionaire class, not the normal person class, implying that he's more in tune with that class.
Biden defends banning children from schools and says that children can't safely attend (this is not true)
Trump says people want their schools open, their states open, their restaurants open. Says he's worried that NY will never recover from their shutdown. Trump says he brought back Big 10 football.
Wallace uses one of his questions to ask about the NYT report on taxes.
Wallace says, "Will you tell us how much you paid in taxes in 2016 and 2017" and Trump says "millions of dollars." This matches with his attorney's on-the-record claim. NYT has not made the documents it claims to hold public, fwiw.
Biden says the reason why he didn't do anything in the last 25 years to fix the tax code he's now complaining about is because "You are the worst president we ever had." (Trump was elected in 2016.)
Democrat media figures repeatedly previewed the debate by saying that Biden was preparing to be "personally attacked" by Trump, so it's kind of interesting how deeply personal the attacks Biden is making against Trump.
Trump brings up Hunter Biden getting 3.5M from a Moscow oligarch and also profiting off of China. Asks what Hunter did to earn this. This is based on official Treasury documents. Biden claims that it's not true and says "My son did nothing wrong" at Burisma.
"It's hard to get any word with this clown. I mean this president" says Biden. He later says, incongruously, that his run for president was about "decency."
Wallace describes racist "critical race theory" as "racial sensitivity training." Wallace asks, "What is radical about racial sensitivity training?" Trump says it teaches hatred for our country. He says he's not going to allow that to happen.
Biden follows Wallace's lead on the racial sensitivity training question.
Wallace now asks if violence in Democrat cities is a particular Democrat problem because it's happening in "Republican" cities, too.
Wallace asks Biden if he ever called the Democrat mayor of Portland or the governor of Oregon and told them to stop the days and months of violence?
Biden just said "Antifa is an idea not an organization"
Virtually no major media outlets reported the $3.5M Hunter Biden received from a Moscow oligarch. Wallace says the American people are done with any discussion of it. Biden agrees.
Biden said this was false but even the Washington Post admitted Hunter was discharged after a positive cocaine test back in 2014.
Wallace and Biden just had a little moment. Then, Biden says the GND would pay for itself, after claiming that he doesn't support the GND.
Wallace never asked Hillary Clinton if she would accept the 2016 election results, though he asked Trump. She still claims the election was stolen from her. I was really hoping he would ask Biden if he would accept the election results if he loses.
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Everyone's been assuming TROs can't be appealed but in this order that just dropped, Judge Katsas argues convincingly in his dissent that when lower court impinges on the POTUS's core Article II powers, immediate appeal should be available.…
Katsas, the dissenter, is the third judge on this D.C. Circuit panel that includes leftwing judges Pan and Childs (I wrote about Pan's attempt to rig Trump's j6 case in 2023, here: )…
Judge Pan is the wife of Max Stier, incidentally. Stier, who was on the Clinton defense team during the Monica Lewinsky scandal and part of the effort to smear Brett Kavanaugh, is the head of the Partnership for Public Service, a pro-bureaucracy outfit.
NeverTrumpers are praising Danielle Sassoon for resigning from the DOJ's Southern District New York rather than comply with the new DOJ policy against weaponized investigations and prosecutions. Usually they emphasize her affiliations ... a few quick thoughts...
1) if you do not want to comply with a policy, the right thing to do is resign. I don't know why she said nothing as DOJ did Russiagate, false FISA warrants, cartoonish overprosecution of J6ers, Mar-a-Lago raid, refusing to enforce border laws, etc. but
nevertheless, if she wanted to continue what had been deemed a political prosecution, she can resign. ANYWAY, I keep seeing people posting an image of her being affiliated with the Federalist Society, a group for conservative and libertarian lawyers. She *might* be a member but
In April 2021, I pointed out the absurdity of a hit piece against Kash Patel written by David Ignatius, essentially the CIA's in-house columnist at the Washington Post. Today, CNN Russia collusion hoaxers Natasha Bertrand and Evan Perez closed the loop on a part of that (🧵)
Here's my piece ... in which I noted the curious language Ignatius used to defame Kash. He was "facing" investigation for ... something.…
Today, Natasha "I spread Russian disinfo" Bertrand and Evan "OG Russia collusion liar" Perez reveal that it was David Ignatius's own CIA that planted this meritless investigation and that it ended up being so weak that even the Biden DOJ couldn't squeeze anything out of it.
The "Society for the Rule of Law" attacks rule of law -- They use dangerous and destabilizing lawfare to fight Trump and other political opponents. Anywho, they had a conference last week and I watched two sessions and hoo boy was it sad ...
One featured Liz Cheney's BFF Barbara Comstock and George Conway (along with a sad and broken Michael Luttig and moderator Gregg Nunziata). Several of the panelists were absolutely SEETHING with hatred for Trump and repeating the most far-fetched conspiracy theories about him...
This was generally encouraged even though it came off as absolutely bat guano insane. Then there was a session with former White House counsels Don McGahn, Bob Bauer, and Alberto Gonzales, moderated by Peter Keisler. This was better ...
I keep thinking about this McConnell pledge to fight elected Republicans more than Democrats after the election. It's far more insidious and dangerous than it even seems at first blush.
The refusal to accept the legitimacy of the 2016 election is a cause of massive ongoing problems. From 2016-2020, McConnell either aided or impotently fought the Russia collusion hoax, costly investigations, the (1st) bogus impeachment, a well-organized and funded resistance 2/x
For the country to truly heal from this trauma, it is not sufficient to just elect Trump, thereby rejecting these dangerous and damaging information operations perpetrated against Trump and the Republican Party specifically, but against the Constitutional order generally.
Democrat propaganda outlet CNN is now running wild with stories about Biden needing to step down to help the Democrat Party win in November. But what were they saying about media outlets who reported the facts of Biden's problems days before the debate? Let's look!
CNN anti-speech activist and censorship promoter Oliver Darcy said that noticing problems at the big Hollywood George Clooney fundraiser meant you were "misleading" readers, for example:
Yes. CNN literally had Oliver Darcy call the New York Post to complain on behalf of Joe Biden that they covered POTUS as mentally incapicitated. CNN has in no way apologized for calling such accurate coverage "misleading" as part of their censorship and anti-speech efforts.