Mollie Profile picture
Editor-in-chief, @FDRLST. Senior Journalism Fellow, @Hillsdale. Fox News Contributor. A very smart woman, respected by everyone.
175 subscribers
Jan 28 4 tweets 2 min read
In April 2021, I pointed out the absurdity of a hit piece against Kash Patel written by David Ignatius, essentially the CIA's in-house columnist at the Washington Post. Today, CNN Russia collusion hoaxers Natasha Bertrand and Evan Perez closed the loop on a part of that (🧵) Here's my piece ... in which I noted the curious language Ignatius used to defame Kash. He was "facing" investigation for ... something.…Image
Nov 18, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The "Society for the Rule of Law" attacks rule of law -- They use dangerous and destabilizing lawfare to fight Trump and other political opponents. Anywho, they had a conference last week and I watched two sessions and hoo boy was it sad ... One featured Liz Cheney's BFF Barbara Comstock and George Conway (along with a sad and broken Michael Luttig and moderator Gregg Nunziata). Several of the panelists were absolutely SEETHING with hatred for Trump and repeating the most far-fetched conspiracy theories about him...
Oct 24, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I keep thinking about this McConnell pledge to fight elected Republicans more than Democrats after the election. It's far more insidious and dangerous than it even seems at first blush.

1/x The refusal to accept the legitimacy of the 2016 election is a cause of massive ongoing problems. From 2016-2020, McConnell either aided or impotently fought the Russia collusion hoax, costly investigations, the (1st) bogus impeachment, a well-organized and funded resistance 2/x
Jul 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Democrat propaganda outlet CNN is now running wild with stories about Biden needing to step down to help the Democrat Party win in November. But what were they saying about media outlets who reported the facts of Biden's problems days before the debate? Let's look! CNN anti-speech activist and censorship promoter Oliver Darcy said that noticing problems at the big Hollywood George Clooney fundraiser meant you were "misleading" readers, for example: Image
May 14, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Sam Feist, a beloved CNN institutional figure (who ran CNN's Washington Bureau while it ran the false and damaging Russia collusion lie, among other hoaxes,) has been named the new CEO of C-SPAN. Congrats! This does remind me also of one of the media's most impressive moments in 2020, when C-SPAN political editor Steve Scully was caught conspiring with anti-Trumpist figures ahead of the debate he was supposed to "moderate" and claimed his account was hacked.
Dec 8, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
"Defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes."
I like that "women" and "adult entertainment" are SEPARATE expenses and that one is $683,212 and the other is $188,960. For a total of $872,172.
Oct 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Just received an email from "VineSight," which claims to be a leading company targeting "disinformation and toxic narratives on social media." They have bragged previously they play a major role in suppressing free speech around environmental and election integrity debates ... The free speech they're targeting in the "election" section is terrifying. They highlight for their suppression efforts, for example, a @TulsiGabbard TikTok that says of the coordinated Dem strategy to remove Trump from the ballot: "Biden is trying to get Trump off the ballot."
Sep 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A friend sent the front page of Gannett's Knoxville News Sentinel. Setting aside the anti-gun rights lead story, look at how it runs propaganda for one of the most brazen grifts in modern politics -- the Democrat-run and operated dark money operation "Republicans for Ukraine." Image Activists Sarah Longwell and Bill Kristol -- who support Democrat policies and candidates every day -- set up a dark money operation to make money by falsely claiming to be "conservative" and "Republican." The paper uncritically regurgitates their lies and propaganda.
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Checking out the scene at Trump Tower. Sidewalks blocked off and police/media presence. Immigrant Trump fan says he’s sick about political prosecution of Trump
Jan 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm reading this NYT piece on Durham by three Russia collusion hoaxers (Charlie Savage, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner) and it reads like a continuation of their previous conspiracy theorizing -- anonymous sources, junior-high-schoolish attacks on their political opponents, etc. It's just this long, weird alternate reality where the Russia collusion hoax still must be bitterly clung to and anyone who doesn't join them in this fever dream (or otherwise pretends to believe it) is weird and inexplicable.
Dec 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Wow did I get a ton of feedback to my article and tweets on McConnell (like, literally more than 10K responses to one tweet). Some criticism was that I was way too kind to him... 1/X Nat'l Review and other McConnell defenders emphasized that he included China WITH add'l Ukraine funding as GOP's biggest budget concern and that we should be comforted that his (undeniable) support of the $1.7T Omni wasn't as effusive as it seemed.
Nov 16, 2022 10 tweets 1 min read
Trump just announced that, as expected, he's running for president. "This will not be my campaign. This will be our campaign all together." Says the only force big enough to take on America's challenges is the American people.
Sep 13, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of @sbaprolife, celebrating the hard-fought triumph of overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that prohibited Americans from protecting women and our children from the violence of abortion. Vice President Mike Pence praises @marjoriesba as one of this country’s greatest defenders of life. Says that he explained to his own children that his political work is “for the babies.” And that “life won” in June 2022x
Aug 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
ABC News's @jonkarl out there pushing completely fake news as part of its obsessive pro-Democrat election meddling, as per usual. Donald Trump picked up Senate seats in his first mid-term and he did it against an absolutely deranged media and establishment resistance. @jonkarl Oh my goodness, I just read the transcript of his messy tongue-bath of Cheney and it's truly one of the most sycophantic and fact-free and delusional "interviews" I've ever observed.
Aug 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Headed to the great state of Wyoming today. A bit too excited! Real: Image
Jul 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm shocked, shocked to learn that pro-abortion activists made up a story for political gain. I guess the other option is that abortionists and their activist allies are aiding and abetting the rape of children by failing to report criminal acts -- which, to be fair, would be very on-brand for them.
Jan 19, 2022 37 tweets 5 min read
In Press conference, Joe Biden says it's been a year of progress. Bragging about vaccination, job creation, unemployment, child poverty, new business applications, etc. Claims working people got a raise. Acknowledges "frustration and fatigue," which he blames not on his policies or governing approach ... but on Omicron.
Dec 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
While GOP voters PLEAD with GOP leaders to fight Democrat/media's attacks on them and their causes, Mitch McConnell just orchestrated to get someone fired from Bob Dole funeral events because he was listed as applicant for a *peaceful* protest on January 6, according to NYT. I don't know who needs to hear this other than, oh, I DON'T KNOW THE FREAKING TOP ELECTED REPUBLICAN IN THE COUNTRY, but people have a right to peaceably assemble and protest without being attacked by powerful politicians and having their lives destroyed with witch hunts.
Dec 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Having literally just written the book on the 2020 election, I kept waiting, as I waded through The Atlantic's way-too-long screed on GOP's views on the election, for how they engaged literally *any* substantive argument. It was just strawman after shrill and unhinged strawman. The magazine pushed the Russia collusion lies LAST WEEK. So I wasn't expecting a good faith argument. But to suffer through 15K words that engage NOTHING is really painful for those who aren't far-left activists seeking to be comforted instead of challenged.
Dec 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Today is the day many have prayed and worked for.
Oct 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
At surprisingly large and energetic Youngkin for Governor rally in Old Town Alexandria. Youngkin bus has arrived. In Old Town Alexandria.