The moderator has absolutely no control over Trump.
Trump lying about insulin. “We’re getting it so cheap, it’s like water.”
Biden just said the vast majority of Americans won’t even qualify for his “public option”.
Great. I totes wanna vote for that.
Trump says “You just lost the left!”
That’s a fact.
Biden just now about packing the court, paraphrasing:
“People should vote first and then I’ll let them know.”
Biden: “Would you shut up, man?”
No. Trump’s strategy is to rattle Biden. And I think it’s working.
Trump’s right about Biden and other Democrats’ early comments regarding COVID. Biden early on criticized Trump for shutting down the economy. It’s true. I’ll bring receipts after this is over for the skeptics.
Biden’s right about Trump saying it would be over by the end of April.
Trump goes against his anti-masker base saying masks and social distancing are good when appropriate. Then makes fun of Biden always wearing a huge mask.
“Because nobody shows up!”
Trump on Biden’s tiny rallies...
Trump on the size of his rallies: “We’ve had no negative effects.”
I’d say something about what Biden’s saying right now but I have no idea what he’s saying.
Trump’s right about the tax bill coming from the Obama/Biden admin. Obviously. We all knew he’d use that.
Biden’s talking about “Buying American”. If Trump is smart, he’ll bring up NAFTA, which Biden voted for and supported, and Trump renegotiated (better than before, but still not good).
Trump also is right about the weak recovery from 2008. He’s wrong that he fixed it.
Biden brings up China, Trump immediately goes after Hunter Biden.
Biden just said Hunter didn’t get $3.5 million from a Russian oligarch, but it’s true.
Then Biden just called Trump a clown. 🤣
This is funnier than I could’ve ever imagined.
Trump just tried to deny that he’s constantly interrupting Biden! 🤣
“Don’t believe you’re lying eyes and ears”
Trump accuses Biden of calling black people “super predators” in 1994, but that was Hillary.
I can’t do this sober. BRB. 💨
Trump’s answer on this racial-sensitivity thing was TERRIBLE. The worst.
Biden is doing well on this despite his very obvious racism.
Violent crime went down during the Obama admin, as Biden just said. It had been falling since 1993, and gun homicides were down by HALF from 1993.
Biden just brought up community policing, which is a great idea. Except that’s not what he’s proposing.
His proposal is for police to better mirror the racial/ethic makeup of the community they police.
Real community policing has the cops living in the neighborhoods they patrol
4 of the 6 officers tried for murdering Freddie Gray in Baltimore were black. Black cops are blue first. We need cops who live in the neighborhoods they police. Who know the people personally.
And it brings money into those neighborhoods, too.
Trump’s right about the judicial openings Obama left. And the Democrats fast-tracked *all* of the ones Trump nominated; some of whom they approved en masse just so they could go on vacation!
Trump is dead right about Hunter Biden.
Biden brought up the “Russian bounties” on American soldiers. That was just shown to be an unfounded accusation a few weeks ago.
Trump’s right that better forest management would reduce forest fires. But the bulk of the forests that are in danger of burning every year are under federal management...
That’s Trump!
Meanwhile, in the last segment where Trump went hard after Hunter, Biden was like:
Trump now going after the Green New Deal, misrepresenting most of it. Also, that’s not the actual Green New Deal.
Twitter says my rate limit is exceeded. I usually only hear this from my bank.
Now Biden just said “The Green New Deal is not my plan!”
Exactly. Because you suck.
Then he says, “I don’t support the Green New Deal” after Trump asked him. Trump is trying to help Biden continue to lose us on the left by making Biden just tell the truth.
Biden is now begging us to vote.
Nobody should ever have to beg anybody to vote. If the candidate is good, people vote! We just have shit candidates, like these two combined at 151 years old.
Bulk mail-in voting is a bad idea. Trump is mostly full of shit about this, but we still need in-person voting at polls so we can have exit polls to judge the results against.
The ballots getting thrown out are due to often a single human declaring the signatures don’t match!
Make no mistake: When Trump says “a fair election” he means “if I win.”
Covid-19 Anti-Vaxxer Education Thread:
There is one major misconception at the root of most anti-vax rhetoric I see and hear online and in real life: The idea that viruses work like bacteria. We’re going to tackle this one now.
If I don’t provide a link, it’s due to Twitter character count, so please just use your browser’s search engine.
Try to engage anti-vaxxers online and you’ll quickly be inundated with misleading headlines from irresponsible media outlets like these. Anti-vaxxers are notorious at this point for only reading the headlines. 3/
The truth as I understand it regarding my not being allowed to finish my speech today at the @M4M4ALL rally in Los Angeles:
I was confirmed as a speaker 6+ weeks ago, thanks to the advocacy of @bigclasstraitor. I was allotted 6-7 min, and I immediately wrote my speech.
About 3 weeks ago, Savage Joy (we don’t get along *because* I criticize Bernie and the Squad—you can search our last interaction on Twitter as proof) had me removed from the docket. Then I had a lot of people fight for me to get me back on the docket, but organizers resisted.
One reason they gave was that there was already too many white men speaking and they wanted more diverse speakers. When @bigclasstraitor told me that, I asked him to please, in the next meeting, tell them how sorry I am for the circumstances of my birth.
Neither party wants to address the root causes of any problem we face because they rely on these problems to campaign against each other. The best you’ll get from either party are ineffective laws that they’ll try to sell afterward as “helping”.
But the goal isn’t to help us. The goal is to garner and maintain power for their party and its big-money backers.
To appeal to voters, they pass ineffective laws and then launch PR campaigns, while the problem they’re supposedly addressing remains unchanged.
The Affordable Care Act was a handout to health-insurers, providers and Big Pharma, but the Democrats tried to present it as the greatest healthcare reform in history in order to garner voter support.
Quick explainer:
I’m a left-wing libertarian.
Right-wing libertarians typically only care about negative liberty, which is about *preventing* (thus, “negative”) the government from interfering in your life. But on the left side of that...
On the left side of libertarianism (which is actually the root of the libertarian concept), we care about negative liberty but also *positive* liberty, which is not just about preventing interference in your life, but actually empowering people to be *able* to live freely.
Conceptually, think about the right to travel wherever you want. Negative liberty would just prevent the government from stopping you. Positive liberty builds the interstate highways, airports, railroads, etc, that enable you to actually travel.
The most difficult thing for our campaign has always been fundraising. The services that provide donor contacts usually cost thousands up front so you have to raise money before you get the contacts to raise money. #Paradox
About a year and a half ago, a campaign volunteer asked a service that supposedly only supports “left wing” candidates, and does it with no money up front, Grassroots Analytics (@grassrootsmath), working with our campaign. They said no because I’m not a Democrat.
A few weeks ago, I decided to ask them myself. They charge no money up front, but charge 3% of what your campaign raises (with or without using their contacts). They set up a phone meeting and then sent over a contract after that meeting!