#sunki soulmate au 🍃✨

where everything you write on your body appears on your soulmate's body once you turn 18. sunoo writes small doodles on his arms almost everyday but he never got a reply ImageImageImageImage
• this is my first au so pls be kind and patient to me
• english isn't my first language
• ignore date and timestamps
• pls quote, and don't reply to the thread
• fluff but might add sumn along the way
• dm me anytime
• enjoy reading and interact w me pls
#sunki au

sunoo and niki profile ImageImage
#sunki au


• jungwon and daniel are sunoo's friends
• hanbin is sunoo's brother ImageImageImage
#sunki au


jay and k are both niki's friends ImageImage
#sunki au


• jakehoon are soulmates and boyfriends ImageImage
#sunki au


• boyfriends but they are not soulmates ImageImage
additional notes:
• the 'doodles' that i'll be using are mostly real tattoos. let's just pretend they are doodles 😅
• the characters are college students
[ 00:01 ] #sunki au


the biggest hopeless romantic ImageImage
[ 00:02 ] #sunki au

hbd 🎂🎊🎈 ImageImageImage
[ 00:03 ] #sunki au

😏 Image
[ 00:04 ] #sunki au

i'm doing it ImageImage

• ignore dates and timestamps pls 🙏 all of these are still flashbacks from a year ago. i'll be inserting "present" once it's over
[ 00:05 ] #sunki au

🍰 ImageImage
[ 00:06 ] #sunki au

gn Image
[ 00:07 ] #sunki au

be a lil more patient w/ this one Image
[ 00:08 ] #sunki au

he sighed sadly Image
[ 00:09 ] #sunki au

breakfast with me at the cafeteria? 😉 Image
[ 00:10 ] #sunki au

s****'s ImageImage
[ 00:11 ] #sunki au

he looked at his wrist and traced the doodle using his fingers Image
my last update for tonight 😊 i hope y'all are liking it so far. pls let me know if u do 💛 since it's friday tomorrow i'll try to update more after my class!
[ 00:12 ] #sunki au

these are pretty cute ☺ ImageImage
[ 00:13 ] #sunki au

mom i'm scared ImageImage
[ 00:14 ] #sunki au

i doodled today too 😊 Image
[ 00:15 ] #sunki au

💗💗💗 Image
[ 00:16 ] #sunki au

who's gonna tell oomf Image
[ 00:17 ] #sunki au

sounds fake but ok ImageImageImage
[ 00:18 ] #sunki au

... Image
[ 00:19 ] #sunki au

told y'all Image
i hope it's okay that i'll be changing it to twitter day mode on the next updates
[ 00:20 ] #sunki au

tell me what's wrong ImageImage
[ 00:21 ] #sunki au

sunoo's pov ImageImage
[ 00:22 ] #sunki au

i'm starting to get more impatient Image
[ 00:23 ] #sunki au

2 responsible adults and the brats Image
[ 00:24 ] #sunki au

... Image
[ 00:25 ] #sunki au

party? Image
[ 00:26 ] #sunki au

hmm ImageImage
[ 00:27 ] #sunki au

GC NOW ImageImage
[ 00:28 ] #sunki au

... Image
[ 00:29 ] #sunki au

i could bring u guys w me Image
[ 00:30 ] #sunki au

i'm in 😉 ImageImage
[ 00:31 ] #sunki au

sunoo? Image
[ 00:32 ] #sunki au

i think both 😅 Image
[ 00:33 ] #sunki au

hehehehe ImageImage
[ 00:34 ] #sunki au

dowon? Image
[ 00:35 ] #sunki au

oh not again Image
[ 00:36 ] #sunki au

i know... Image
[ 00:37 ] #sunki au

😭 Image
[ 00:38 ] #sunki au

try forgetting about that for some time Image
[ 00:39 ] #sunki au

but what if Image
[ 00:40 ] #sunki au

not on my watch Image
[ 00:41 ] #sunki au

that's so not u 😔 ImageImage
[ 00:42 ] #sunki au

bec u wuv me ImageImage
last update for tonight 💓 idk if it's getting boring or what 😔 but they're meeting very soon! also u can dm me if u wanna ask sumn or maybe u just need someone to talk to i'll try to reply as fast as i can 💗 i hope y'all had a great day and let me know what u think abt this au
[ 00:43 ] #sunki au

bro ❤ Image
[ 00:44 ] #sunki au

still no ❤ ImageImage
[ 00:45 ] #sunki au Image
[ 00:46 ] #sunki au

hyung 😿 ImageImage
[ 00:47 ] #sunki au

gotta go ImageImage
[ 00:48 ] #sunki

say yes niki Image
[ 00:49 ] #sunki au

i hate it here ImageImage
[ 00:50 ] #sunki au

brat Image
[ 00:51 ] #sunki au

✨ deserved ✨ ImageImage
[ 00:52 ] #sunki au

close Image
[ 00:53 ] #sunki au

fave hyung Image
[ 00:54 ] #sunki au

defeated Image
i'm sorry that i didn't get to update last sunday 😿 i was sick and our univ is being a bitch. anyway i hope everyone started this week good! dm me anytime and if u can qrt comments i'd love to read them 💗

reminder: you are very loved and valid 💛
[ 00:55 ] #sunki au

✈✈ Image
[ 00:56 ] #sunki au

fashion ImageImageImage
[ 00:57 ] #sunki au

don't let them ruin your night 💖 ImageImageImage
[ 00:58 ] #sunki au

typical college parties ImageImageImage
[ 00:59 ] #sunki au

bitch i don't dance ImageImageImage
[ 00:60 ] #sunki au

i'll leave you two here Image
[ 00:61 ] #sunki au

it seems like you're having too much fun ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:62 ] #sunki au

random guy at the sofa ImageImage
[ 00:63 ] #sunki au

"which one?"
"the pretty one."
"they're both pretty dumbass!" ImageImageImage
[ 00:64 ] #sunki au

yes or no ImageImageImage
[ 00:65 ] #sunki au

here i gooo ImageImage
[ 00:66 ] #sunki au

pretty boy's pov ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:67 ] #sunki au

everyone left me 😢 ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:68 ] #sunki au

how do i start conversation with a stranger ImageImage
[ 00:69 ] #sunki au

compliment anything about them ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:70 ] #sunki au

LAME LAME ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:71 ] #sunki au

he's cute too tho 😳🙊 ImageImageImage
[ 00:72 ] #sunki au

do i smell bad ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:73 ] #sunki au

excuse me?!!!?! ImageImageImage
yaaay i updated earlier tonight 🤗 i wrote some of the updates during our class! also this au is getting longer than i expected and idk if it's okay with y'all 😭 i hope everyone had a great day 💖 pls keep safe and stay healthy. pls qrt if u can i'd love to read them 🥰
[ 00:74 ] #sunki au

ig they're going home ImageImageImage
[ 00:75 ] #sunki au

this isn't the lost & found corner ImageImageImage
[ 00:76 ] #sunki au

i know a place here ImageImageImageImage
very very short update tonight i'm sorry 😭 i had three quizzes today and i have to study for three more quizzes tomorrow. wish me luck 💗 we're getting our fandom name tomorrow too aaaaa i hope everyone's excited 😻 take care of yourselves and pls always wear a mask
[ 00:77 ] #sunki au

ohhh.. ImageImageImage
[ 00:78 ] #sunki au

shivered ImageImageImage
[ 00:79 ] #sunki au

i'll give you the privilege to ask me anything ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:80 ] #sunki au

oh crap ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:81 ] #sunki au

phone on silent ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:82 ] #sunki au

see you ImageImageImageImage
tbh i'm not satisfied with this update i'm sorry i feel like i could've done better 😔 i wasn't able to update too bec i'm really not feeling well since friday. i'll try to update tomorrow after doing my home works 😊 keep safe everyone and have a great day 💓
[ 00:83 ] #sunki au

monday morning (read tweets from bottom to top hehe) ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:84 ] #sunki au

sucks to be u ImageImageImage
[ 00:85 ] #sunki au

jake best boy ImageImageImage
[ 00:86 ] #sunki au

??? ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:87 ] #sunki au

u wouldn't let this topic go anyway ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:88 ] #sunki au

what's his name??? ImageImageImage
[ 00:89 ] #sunki au

he's not my crush ImageImageImage
[ 00:90 ] #sunki au

cheer up, our sunshine ImageImage
[ 00:91 ] #sunki au


niki's birthday ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:92 ] #sunki au

whatever let's just go with something simple ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:93 ] #sunki au

let's cry together ImageImageImage
[ 00:94 ] #sunki au

thread ImageImageImage
[ 00:95 ] #sunki au

long update tonight since i didn't get to update last night 😊 i hope y'all are happy with this update as much as i am! thank you for the kind messages last time too 😭 i love reading your feedbacks so much 💓 i wish u all the best ilyyy 🤗💖
[ 00:96 ] #sunki au

hey bestie 😘 ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:97 ] #sunki au

you're on your own ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:98 ] #sunki au

tea time 🍵 ImageImageImageImage
[ 00:99 ] #sunki au

lunch ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:00 ] #sunki au

what's going on ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:01 ] #sunki au

hello my favorite people 💓 ImageImageImage
[ 01:02 ] #sunki au

not the first time ImageImage
[ 01:03 ] #sunki au

that's what friends are for :( ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:04 ] #sunki au

that was unplanned ImageImageImage
[ 01:05 ] #sunki au

dancer guy ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:06 ] #sunki au

[ 01:07 ] #sunki au

i'm going ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:08 ] #sunki au

k hyung ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:09 ] #sunki au

good luck ImageImageImage
[ 01:10 ] #sunki au

u good bro? no bro ❤ ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:11 ] #sunki au

i'm not friends with him ImageImageImageImage
long update tonight again 💗 it's heeseungie's birthday 🎉🎂 pls do wish him a happy birthday 💓 also i think i'll start posting updates every 2 days bec i'm so busy w college 😭 i hope you gus are all safe and let me know what u think abt this au 😊 i'd love to read them!
[ 01:12 ] #sunki au

throw my body somewhere else ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:13 ] #sunki au

really! ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:14 ] #sunki au

am i really about to do this ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:15 ] #sunki au

best brother in da world ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:16 ] #sunki au

what's going on w me ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:17 ] #sunki au

mint choco ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:18 ] #sunki au

TASTE ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:19 ] #sunki au

send selca ImageImageImage
[ 01:20 ] #sunki au

good night 💗 ImageImageImage
sorry for my late update 😭 college isn't really going great rn but i'm trying to work on it 💓 i hope everyone will have an amazing weekend! stay safe 💖 i'll try to update more tomorrow 😊
[ 01:21 ] #sunki au

morning fairy ImageImageImage
[ 01:22 ] #sunki au

coffee shop ImageImage
[ 01:23 ] #sunki au

were u waiting for someone ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:24 ] #sunki au

i wanna ask him something ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:25 ] #sunki au

i'll pay u back ImageImageImage
[ 01:26 ] #sunki au

✨FEW DAYS PASSED✨ ImageImageImage
short short update tonight i'm sorry 😭 aaaaa i'm so happy that some of u are actually liking this au 🥺 thank you so much for taking time on reading it! my dms are open if any of u need someone to talk to 💓
[ 01:27 ] #sunki au

is that ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:28 ] #sunki au

yes let's do that Image
[ 01:29 ] #sunki au

favor ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:30 ] #sunki au

bus stop ImageImage
[ 01:31 ] #sunki au

grocery shopping with you ImageImage
[ 01:32 ] #sunki au

weirdos ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:33 ] #sunki au

nothing just askin ☺ ImageImageImage
[ 01:34 ] #sunki au

last place ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:35 ] #sunki au

mario ImageImageImage
sorry for this late update again 😢 i was just not satisfied every time i tried to post an update the past days so it got delayed. BUT HEY I'M BACK AND IT'S SUNKI DAY 💖 HAPPY SUNKI DAY EVERYONE 😍 i hope you liked this update! stay safe and wear a mask 💓
i just noticed the first part on 01:31 is missing 😅 so this should be 01:31 ImageImageImage
[ 01:36 ] #sunki au

you're just imagining things ImageImage
[ 01:37 ] #sunki au

i look happier? ImageImage
[ 01:38 ] #sunki au

and what about it ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:39 ] #sunki au

this is just nothing ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:40 ] #sunki au

sorry i forgot to tell u ImageImageImage
[ 01:41 ] #sunki au

just promise me, hyung! ImageImage
short update again 😢 it's our exam week so i'm really busy these days. wish me luck on my exams 😊 i'm honestly quiet unsure of this update let me know how is it. stay warm and stay safe everyone 💗
[ 01:42 ] #sunki au

sorry ImageImage
[ 01:43 ] #sunki au

lonely ImageImageImage
[ 01:44 ] #sunki au

a week has passed ImageImageImage
[ 01:45 ] #sunki au

🎨💫 ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:46 ] #sunki au

the best soulmate ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:47 ] #sunki au

bff to the rescue ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:48 ] #sunki au

monday morning pls be good to me ImageImage
[ 01:49 ] #sunki au

is he back for real ImageImageImage
[ 01:50 ] #sunki au

heart calm down for once ImageImage
[ 01:51 ] #sunki au

take outs ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:52 ] #sunki au

bro ImageImage
[ 01:53 ] #sunki au

the betrayal ImageImageImage
[ 01:54 ] #sunki au

for someone who's suffering u look hella happy ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:55 ] #sunki au

got home safe ImageImageImage
[ 01:56 ] #sunki au

this or that? ImageImage
[ 01:57 ] #sunki au

soulmate = purple
niki = blue ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:58 ] #sunki au

top score ImageImageImage
[ 01:59 ] #sunki au

lunch ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:60 ] #sunki au

oh about our project ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:61 ] #sunki au ImageImageImage
[ 01:62 ] #sunki au

i should take you home ImageImageImage
[ 01:63 ] #sunki au

it felt different ImageImageImage
[ 01:64 ] #sunki au

he's already the best :( ImageImage
[ 01:65 ] #sunki au

soulmate ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:66 ] #sunki au

snu garden at 3:15 ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:67 ] #sunki au

i forgot the reason why i went there ImageImageImage
pls don't hate me 💗 i'm sorry if the pacing of this au is slow i'm working hard on it! i hope you liked this update pls let me know if u do 😊 have a great weekend everyone 🤗 stay safe pls!

aaaa i didn't re-check my writings for this so sorry for the errors
[ 01:68 ] #sunki au

how ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:69 ] #sunki au

we're watching u ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:70 ] #sunki au

didn't expect that ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:71 ] #sunki au

i deserve it tho ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:72 ] #sunki au

excuses ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:73 ] #sunki au

skip classes ImageImageImage
[ 01:74 ] #sunki au

i said i can't 😠 ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:75 ] #sunki au

💔 ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:76 ] #sunki au

i miss u ImageImageImage
i'll try to end this au on this month's sunki day 💗 have a great day everyone!
[ 01:77 ] #sunki au

are u for real ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:78 ] #sunki au

babie wonie and sunoo ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:79 ] #sunki au

i don't do childish stuffs ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:80 ] #sunki au

less similarities ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:81 ] #sunki au

just when i thought i could finally go home ImageImageImage
[ 01:82 ] #sunki au

it's happening again ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:83 ] #sunki au

then my phone starts ringing ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:84 ] #sunki au

i wanna go there as fast as i can ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:85 ] #sunki au

😜💗💖💓💞💖💗💓❤😜 ImageImageImageImage
i had to post a late update again because our town is affected by the typhoon ulysses so they had to cut out the electricity for how many days. thank god we're all safe and not affected by the flood 😢 but there are still a lot of people who needs help esp those
from the highly affected places. let's spread awareness everyone! let's include them in our prayers pls 😭 stay safe and i greatly appreciate the love that u have for this au 💖 also happy birthday to our dearest jakey 🎉🎂
also i think i'll have 2 updates left for this au 😢 aaaaa i'm gonna miss this so bad! tho i have 3 aus in my drafts rn but i have no proper plot for any of them yet. so they probably won't be out soon. sorry for a very long note from me 😅💞
[ 01:86 ] #sunki au

please leave ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:87 ] #sunki au

suspended ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:88 ] #sunki au

after how many weeks things are starting to get better again ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:89 ] #sunki au ImageImageImage
[ 01:90 ] #sunki au

SOULMATES ImageImageImage
[ 01:91 ] #sunki au

is he still mad ImageImageImage
[ 01:92 ] #sunki au

but there's no way ImageImageImage
[ 01:93 ] #sunki au

dowon's pov... ImageImage
[ 01:94 ] #sunki au

pls tell me it's not what i think it is ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:95 ] #sunki au ImageImageImage
[ 01:96 ] #sunki au

[ 01:97 ] #sunki au

😜 ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:98 ] #sunki au ImageImageImageImage
[ 01:99 ] #sunki au ImageImageImageImage
[ 02:00 ] #sunki au

right.. ImageImageImageImage
[ 02:01 ] #sunki au

all the couples decided to go ImageImageImageImage
[ 02:02 ] #sunki au

i didn't even notice that i dropped my cup ImageImageImageImage
aaaaa i wasn't able to post it last night 😭 i fell asleep! have a great weekend everyone 💖 i hope y'all are doing great and keeping yourselves safe! i have one update left 😢 see youu on sunki day!
[ 02:03 ] #sunki au

babie ImageImage
[ 02:04 ] #sunki au

ARE THEY FINALLY ImageImageImageImage
[ 02:05 ] #sunki au

it exactly matches mine ImageImageImageImage
[ 02:06 ] #sunki au

final exams ImageImageImageImage
[ 02:07 ] #sunki au ImageImageImage
[ 02:08 ] #sunki au ImageImageImage
[ 02:09 ] #sunki au

WHIPPED ImageImage
[ 02:10 ] #sunki au

wait are u nervous ImageImageImage
[ 02:11 ] #sunki au

it doesn't have to be a surprise ImageImageImageImage
[ 02:12 ] #sunki au

the night ended perfectly 💖 ImageImageImage

thank you so much for always patiently waiting for my updates 😢 aaaaa my heart feels so full and happy with all the feedbacks that i read! thank you for taking time to read this au 💞 aaaaa i will have to say bye to this au now 😭 AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH
aaaaa also i would like to know what would u like more out of this 3. i currently have 3 aus in mind but i'm not sure which one of it should i make first. they won't be out anytime soon 😊💗

• • •

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