The #HathrasHorror has shocked India not just for it’s brutality but the disgraceful conduct of the police & administration. But the last 2 days reveals that there have been almost 18 rapes/gang rapes and attempted rapes in UP. A thread on Ram Rajya-
1. Meerut, UP. Woman drugged and gang raped in a moving bus by bus driver Sunil Chaudhry and conductor and helper.
ये वो लोग हैं जो बिल्किस बानो के आरोपियों को रिहा करवाते हैं,
ये वो लोग हैं जो विश्वविजेता महिलाओं को का शोषण करने वाली चैंपियन पहलवान बेटियों तक पर अत्याचार करने वालों को संरक्षण देते हैं,
ये वो लोग हैं जो हाथरस में बलात्कार पीड़िता के शव का ज़बरदस्ती दाह संस्कार करा देते हैं,……
ये लोग हर विषय को चुनावी राजनीति से जोड़ कर देखते हैं, ये लोग कार्यवाही तक के लिए जनआक्रोश का इंतज़ार करते हैं, इन लोगों में ना संवेदनशीलता है और ना ही दीन और ईमान।
और इनकी सबसे बड़ी ताक़त है मुख्यधारा की मीडिया का संरक्षण जो किसी भी विषय को जनता के बीच मुद्दा ही नहीं बनने देता।
एक बाउंड्री तक बन जाये तो नेताओं की बड़ी बड़ी तस्वीर लगाकर उनका महिमामंडन करने वाला मीडिया ऐसे मौक़ों पर इन लोगों का नाम लेकर एक अदद सवाल तक पूछने में डरता है।
सवाल ये पूछने नहीं देते, जवाब ये देते नहीं हैं, इस कलयुग में द्रौपदी को अपनी अस्मिता की रक्षा ख़ुद करनी होगी। यहाँ……
Major changes sweeping through Noida channels as they perceive winds of change. One hate spewing anchor has been sacked and his boss was not given a raise- the only one in the network. This despite the anchor trying to desperately show that he had the support of some powerful……
Also a major Hindi channel that had hired the biggest Bhakts to increase TRPs is now grappling with worse than ever TRPs so a major reshuffle is on the cards there as well. Karnataka elections was the last example of the inability of Noida channels to set narrative and agenda.……
Just by buying landing pages and manipulating ratings with money you can’t validate viewership and generate revenues. As more states fall in the opposition’s kitty more TV channels will be forced to moderate their communal content. Reason for change is commerce, perception and……
पंजाब में हुई गिरफ्तारी से नोएडा एंकर्स व्यथित हैं!
पर यह वही रास्ता है जो भाजपा ने सरकारों को दिखाया है, कैसे सिद्दीक़ कप्पन जैसे पत्रकारों को महीनों जेल में रखो, स्वतंत्र मीडिया संस्थाओं पर रेड करो, रस्सी को साँप बना कर फर्जी मुकदमे करो और अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी को समाप्त कर दो।
आज जो भावना के साथ हो रहा है वो देश में ना जाने कितने पत्रकारों के साथ हुआ है। किसी की नौकरी छीन ली गई, किसी को जेल भेजा गया, किसी की जासूसी कि गयी तो किसी को सोशल मीडिया पर निरंतर अपमानित किया गया। सच बोलने की क़ीमत हर पत्रकार चुका रहा है और यह रास्ता भाजपा का ही दिखाया हुआ है।
सरकारों का चरित्र एक सा होता जा रहा है, बदले की भावना से कार्यवाही अब आम बात होती जा रही है और इसका कारण मुख्यधारा की मीडिया है। जिसने इस नीति को अपनी मौन सहमति दी।
अब आग अपने घर तक पहुँची तो तकलीफ हो रही है, शायद हम जो बात वर्षों से कह रहे हैं वो थोड़ी बहुत समझ आयी होगी।
Devendra Fadnavis says the attempt to blackmail his wife was was a part of a political conspiracy. Some questions for @Dev_Fadnavis ji- Did opposition party leaders force your wife to befriend the daughter of a notorious bookie?
The bookie was wanted by the police for several years. The story says your wife befriended her in 2014. You were Chief Minister then. The girl had access to your residence too. Did opposition party leaders make you ignorant of the girl and her father’s antecedents?
Did opposition party leaders tell your wife to accept clothes and jewellery from the bookie’s daughter out of ‘sympathy’ as reported by the Indian Express?
No other leader in Indian politics has been trolled, abused and wrongly and deliberately misquoted as Rahul Gandhi. From newsrooms to paid troll armies, a campaign was launched to destroy his reputation & make him a subject of ridicule. Every journalist in Delhi knows this well.
You could have an opinion on whether he is or isn’t a good leader or whether he makes for a good politician but the campaign wasn’t just an organic or a spontaneous one but calculated and carefully planned with some top editors playing a starring role.
What helped was also that Rahul Gandhi isn’t a vindictive leader and for years the Congress’ communication was headed by a man who didn’t think it was worth addressing for reasons best known to him. That of course has changed now which is good for both Gandhi and his party.
Some observations on how Noida media has covered @kharge’s election as @INCIndia president and @JPNadda’s selection as BJP president. Kharge is considered a ‘rubber stamp’ because he has never indulged in dissident activities & is staunchly committed to his party & it’s ideology.
Nadda was celebrated for being a ‘silent strategist’ and a staunch loyalist with an ‘unflinching commitment to ideology’. No rubber stamp and remote control here of course despite the fact that Nadda wasn’t elected but selected as president…
Thousands of Congress workers voted for Kharge. You could argue that he was visibly supported by the Gandhis but the Gandhis’ choice was endorsed by party workers. Noida media cannot be upset that the person they endorsed- in this case Tharoor- was not the choice of Cong members.