"As any historian can tell you, while the term “concentration camp” evokes images of the systematic extermination that took place at Auschwitz, the Nazis’ Konzentrationslager were actually set up as early as 1933 to detain people deemed “illegal.” The comparison works. "
Donald Trump recently refused to condemn white supremacists when he was asked to do so ON NATIONAL TELEVISION later he asked his batshit followers to intimidate voters at polling places.
He uses the same kind of rhetoric that other fascist do, like Hitler...
uses new form of media to reach his supporters and calls traditional media false
President ‘made his call to violence crystal clear’, critics say, after he exhorted the far-right Proud Boys to ‘stand back and stand by’ theguardian.com/us-news/2020/s…
Kapitalismens logik är enkel men förödande: maximera profit på bekostnad av arbetare, natur och samhälle. I dess värld är arbetarklassen en nödvändig kostnad, och miljön en resurs att exploatera för kortsiktig vinning.
De som styr, de stora företagen och de som sitter på kapitalet, har inget intresse av att förändra systemet – det gynnar dem för mycket.
Men för att hålla maskineriet igång, för att förhindra att människor ser den verkliga orsaken till deras lidande, måste en illusion av förändring skapas.
Trump är en paradox. En miljardär som utger sig för att vara en outsider. En del av eliten som utmålar sig själv som dess främsta fiende.
Hans politiska strategi bygger inte på en sammanhängande ideologi utan på en konstant omdefiniering av konfliktlinjer, där han alltid själv står i centrum som ledaren för en påstådd folkresning mot en korrumperad maktapparat.
Populismen är hans verktyg, och konflikten är hans drivkraft.
Hans retorik är enkel och känslomässig, designad för att tala direkt till människors frustration snarare än att erbjuda konkreta lösningar.
Peterson’s tweet / claim that "population growth leads to abundance, not scarcity" is a convenient oversimplification that fails to address the fundamental issue:
In theory, population growth might spur innovation and economic growth, but in practice, it feeds the very inequality that underpins capitalist society.
As the population grows, so does the wealth generated from their labor, but instead of being shared, that wealth is concentrated in the hands of the capitalist class.
Classicide, a term popularized by sociologist Michael Mann, denotes the deliberate and systematic extermination, in whole or in part, of a social class through persecution and violence.
The concept focuses on the targeting of social classes rather than entire populations, distinguishing it from genocide.
This essay delves into the origins, definition, and historical examples of classicide, emphasizing its implications and significance in the context of capitalist systems and the inherent class struggles they perpetuate.
Capitalism and Structural Genocide: An Inherent Crisis in the Global South
Capitalism, as an economic system, has long been critiqued for its inherent inequalities and its tendency to exacerbate social and economic disparities.
A critical perspective suggests that capitalism constitutes a form of structural genocide, particularly impacting the impoverished populations in the global South.
This assertion is rooted in the concept of structural violence, defined as social structures that systematically harm or disadvantage certain groups.
Samir Amin's The Liberal Virus: Permanent War and the Americanization of the World is a critical examination of the global spread of American imperialism and its ideological underpinnings rooted in European liberalism.
The book delves into the mechanisms and consequences of this phenomenon, highlighting the interplay between capitalism, democracy, and social structures.
Key Themes 1. Capitalism and Its Contradictions
Amin discusses the inherent contradictions of capitalism, such as its tendency to create economic instability and social polarization.