Marximilian ☭ Profile picture
🇸🇪, Autistic, 🍞 Eco-Marxist 🖤❤️, Theater-Actor 📝 Poet/Writer, Musician/Singer, Vegetarian, Cat-Owner🐱 Night-Owl 🌙 Atheist ♍️ Shy 🕶️ INFJ. 90s kid
Jan 30 35 tweets 5 min read
Kapitalismens logik är enkel men förödande: maximera profit på bekostnad av arbetare, natur och samhälle. I dess värld är arbetarklassen en nödvändig kostnad, och miljön en resurs att exploatera för kortsiktig vinning. De som styr, de stora företagen och de som sitter på kapitalet, har inget intresse av att förändra systemet – det gynnar dem för mycket.
Jan 30 66 tweets 7 min read
Trump är en paradox. En miljardär som utger sig för att vara en outsider. En del av eliten som utmålar sig själv som dess främsta fiende. Hans politiska strategi bygger inte på en sammanhängande ideologi utan på en konstant omdefiniering av konfliktlinjer, där han alltid själv står i centrum som ledaren för en påstådd folkresning mot en korrumperad maktapparat.
Jan 30 21 tweets 3 min read
Peterson’s tweet / claim that "population growth leads to abundance, not scarcity" is a convenient oversimplification that fails to address the fundamental issue:

How resources are distributed under capitalism. In theory, population growth might spur innovation and economic growth, but in practice, it feeds the very inequality that underpins capitalist society.
Jul 4, 2024 32 tweets 3 min read
Classicide: The Structural Genocide of Capitalism

Classicide, a term popularized by sociologist Michael Mann, denotes the deliberate and systematic extermination, in whole or in part, of a social class through persecution and violence. The concept focuses on the targeting of social classes rather than entire populations, distinguishing it from genocide.
Jul 4, 2024 28 tweets 3 min read
Capitalism and Structural Genocide: An Inherent Crisis in the Global South
Capitalism, as an economic system, has long been critiqued for its inherent inequalities and its tendency to exacerbate social and economic disparities. Image A critical perspective suggests that capitalism constitutes a form of structural genocide, particularly impacting the impoverished populations in the global South.
Jul 4, 2024 15 tweets 2 min read
Samir Amin's The Liberal Virus: Permanent War and the Americanization of the World is a critical examination of the global spread of American imperialism and its ideological underpinnings rooted in European liberalism. Image The book delves into the mechanisms and consequences of this phenomenon, highlighting the interplay between capitalism, democracy, and social structures.
Jul 1, 2024 29 tweets 3 min read
Marx on Individualism
Part II


Karl Marx’s analysis of the proletariat, encapsulated in his writings with Friedrich Engels, provides a profound insight into the dynamics of class struggle, social change, and the ultimate goal of human emancipation. Central to Marx’s thought is the concept of the proletariat as a revolutionary force that holds within itself the potential for self-abolition and the transformation of society at large.
Jul 1, 2024 47 tweets 5 min read
Marx on Individualism:

Part I 1

In exploring the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, particularly in "Grundrisse" and "German Ideology," we encounter a profound critique of the capitalist system, focusing on the alienation of individuals from their own productive forces and the resultant effects on
Jun 25, 2024 26 tweets 3 min read
The notion that individuals can achieve economic independence within capitalism overlooks the systemic barriers and structural inequalities inherent in the capitalist mode of production. The bourgeoisie, driven by the imperative to accumulate capital, perpetuates and benefits from the exploitation of the proletariat.
May 27, 2024 42 tweets 5 min read
Marx opposed capitalism not because it was unjust in a legal sense but because it was exploitative, alienating, and dehumanizing. His critique was rooted in the belief that capitalism inherently leads to social and economic inequalities and periodic crises, all of which harm the majority of society.
May 9, 2024 73 tweets 8 min read
Engels' critique of historical notions of nationalism is evident in his analysis of real political movements. Image For instance, he challenges the simplistic view of "pure and simple" nationalism by highlighting the complexities of socially revolutionary national movements in Hungary, Poland, and Bohemia.
Apr 20, 2024 78 tweets 9 min read


The paper by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston investigates the global structure of corporate control among transnational corporations (TNCs)… They use complex network analysis to uncover the architecture of international ownership networks and compute the control held by each global player.
Apr 19, 2024 114 tweets 13 min read
In Marxist theory, the concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" stands as a crucial, albeit contentious, idea. Friedrich Engels dedicated a whole chapter to critiquing the "radical equality socialism" put forth by Duhring in opposition to Marxist socialism. However, it was Lenin who took a significant departure from traditional Marxist thought by reshaping this concept into what he termed the "Dictatorship of the Vanguard Party."
Apr 19, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
on Lenin's Revisionist Version of
"Dictatorship of the Proletariat"

Exploring State-theory. In Marxist theory, the concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" stands as a crucial, albeit contentious, idea.

Friedrich Engels dedicated a whole chapter to critiquing the "radical equality socialism" put forth by Duhring in opposition to Marxist socialism.
Dec 7, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
Jordan Peterson's statement suggesting that women need to "step it up and start inventing cool things" can be considered problematic and potentially misogynistic because it implies a stereotype that women, as a group, are not already contributing significantly to innovation. Image Such a generalization overlooks the countless achievements and inventions by women throughout history and reinforces gender-based assumptions about capabilities.

In reality, many women have made groundbreaking contributions to various fields. Some examples include:
Dec 6, 2023 38 tweets 4 min read
Marx and Engels' Critique of Idealism:
Expanding on the Criticism of "Illusions of Philosophy"

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of Marxism, were critical of what they perceived as the undue emphasis on abstract ideas divorced from material reality. 💡 Marx and Engels' theory focused on critiquing intellectuals (ideologists) who produce a form of social analysis (ideology).
Sep 11, 2023 42 tweets 5 min read
Bob Dylan's lyrics have often contained social and political themes that lend themselves to a Marxist analysis. Let's look at some of his old and new lyrics from a Marxist perspective: "The Times They Are A-Changin'" (1963):
This iconic song speaks to the changing social and political landscape of the 1960s. From a Marxist perspective, it can be seen as a call for societal transformation, where the old order is giving way to new ideas and movements.
Mar 17, 2023 88 tweets 12 min read…

Princeton University study from 2019 by Joel Finkelstein showed that those who began their YouTube commenting history on Peterson’s channel migrated twice as fast to alt-right content compared to those who had not started there.…

Moreover, Peterson was favorably referenced in altright and white supremacy social media postings in relation to "their most heinous misogynist and white supremacist ideas."
Mar 17, 2023 39 tweets 6 min read

The struggle for socialism is not an ethical imperative based on some lofty or liberal notions from a university. It is found embedded within the experiences of the oppressed and exploited (recall as Marx noted the seeds of destruction, the end of capitalism, lie within the very internal contradictions it cultivates). Their intimate understanding of their own social circumstances including the alienation which is pervasive in every engagement.
Mar 16, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Why Capitalism doesn't create individual freedom: Image Why doesn't create individual freedom:

Not everyone even “can” acquire private property no matter the hypothetical used when comparing it to the actual functioning of capitalism. Capitalism (and to a greater extent even, Imperialism) is built upon the social division of labor
Mar 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@ClarkeMicah… The Vatican supported Hitler because he was anti-communist…