🇨🇦The Minister of Justice has reintroduced a bill of ban conversion therapy as #billc6. Text is not yet available but it is said to be the same as #billc8. The bill is only at first reading so debate was very short. @BardishKW spoke for the govt using the slogan @freetobeme_ca /2
Opposition leader @erinotoole emphasized his support for the LGBT community but spoke about the need for changes to the bill so it will not criminalize private conversations between parents, teachers etc. He did not specifically refer to therapy or gender identity issues /3
@r_garrison for the NDP supported the bill but said that his party would be looked for amendments to expand the restrictions on "conversion therapy" for gender identity. The Bloc and Green speakers supported the govt without adding anything new. /4
It will be an uphill battle to get changes to the bill to ensure that gender non-conforming children are protected from medical harm. We are likely to see competing amendments from the Conservatives and NDP and the Liberals will then claim the bill is a reasonable middle ground.
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1/ The Amy Hamm (@preta_6) decision is a defeat for women, free speech, law, science and common sense. It is a fundamental denial of Amy's freedom to advocate for women's sex based rights. I'll try to do a longer analysis but here are some preliminary comments.
@preta_6 2/ The decision is 115 pages long, consisting of 85 pages of reasons and a 30 page appendix which discusses specific statements. There will be a further hearing on penalty and costs. You can read the full decision at this link if you can stand it. jccf.ca/wp-content/upl…
@preta_6 3/ The panel says that it considered only statements where Amy was identified as a nurse or nurse educator. The problem here is that it is hard to publish or give interviews in the media without providing this kind of basic biographical information.
1/ If the US Supreme Court strikes down Colorado's law against "conversion therapy" to change gender identity, that would do far more, in the long term, to protect gender dysphoric youth than a simple ban on medical transition of minors.
2/ While most conversion therapy laws have exemptions for some form of exploratory therapy, transgender activists promote a narrow interpretation which puts any therapist who questions the assumptions of the gender affirmative care model at risk. donoharmmedicine.org/2023/12/18/sen…
3/ The concept of conversion therapy cannot be applied to gender identity, which is is a poorly defined and unstable concept. Gender Dysphoria is a complex phenomena with many potential causes and man potential resolutions. jme.bmj.com/lookup/doi/10.…
1/ Today's Executive Order is being widely celebrated as a ban on youth transitions. In fact, a total ban is outside of executive power and even the power of Congress, but there is no doubt that medical transition of minors will be significantly limited. whitehouse.gov/presidential-a…
2/ All federal agencies are ordered to rescind policies that rely on WPATH guidance and the Secretary of Health and Human Services is directed to publish a literature review of best practices for treatment of gender dysphoria in children within 90 days.
3/ Federal agencies are directed to require that hospitals and universities that receive federal research and education grants "end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children." If this can be enforced, it will shut down all of the biggest gender clinics.
1/ 🧵🎉🍾🥳 A 2024 year end review of the great gender debate. This was the year the world reached peak trans. The public at large has had enough of the absurdity and excess of gender ideology and politicians are listening (or losing if they don't).
2/ The years started with an attempt by the World Health Organization to create a new guideline of transgender health with a hopelessly biased development group. segm.org/world-health-o…
3/ Despite a comment period that ran over the Christmas break the was worldwide push back, including a strongly worded letter from the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls. WHO responded by extending the comment period. ohchr.org/sites/default/…
🧵The Cass Review and reviews in Sweden and Finland have recommended that puberty blockers only be used in a research setting. However, Cass was clear that any research studies would need ethical approval and the case for further research on children is not there. 1/
Before any more children are put at risk, the existing data on puberty blockers needs to be studied properly. A first step should be publishing the data from the Joanna Olson-Kennedy study which have been withheld for political reasons. 2/cnn.com/2024/10/25/hea…
The first children treated with puberty blockers for gender dysphoria are now young adults and we should have data on their health.The data linkage study the Cass Review proposed should be completed before any new clinical trials are authorized. 3/transgendertrend.com/adult-gender-c…
1/ The US Supreme Court decision on gender affirming care for minors will probably have less impact on gender medicine in general than anticipated. The bans only affect about half the states and only apply up to are 18. There are two other factors that will be more important.
2/ The first is litigation, which is starting against some of the biggest names in medicine. There are also investigations by state governments and congressional investigations will follow.
3/ Don't expect many doctors to be bankrupted; they have insurance to cover damages and legal costs. But insurance premiums will go up and more time in court and before congressional committees means less time seeing patients.