Nice words from @JoeBiden but troubling waffling on proposed legislation - twice vetoed by Trump- to ban arms sales to #Saudi, uses vague words on protecting values and re-examining relationship but no outright endorsement of sanctions and arms ban
If the DNI report is finally declassified (will Biden make that happen?) Biden admin will be in tough spot, effectively forced to choose between giving up juicy arms profits to Saudi and doing business with a murderer officially identified as responsible for Jamal’s murder
Tbh hope Biden is true to his general promises of “values” based policy but Obama - who at the time broke all records in arms sales to Saudi - made the same promises
For more on what a @JoeBiden presidency would look like for the Gulf region, read my analysis w @Mikeyeis@DAWNmenaorg here:
Here's Trump hanging out last night w Yasir Al-Rumayyan, head of Saudi @PIF_en, a nearly trillion dollar cash cow involved in terrible abuses, inc a role in the murder of #JamalKhashoggi & gobbling up so many US assets that the Senate launched investigative hearings into its national security risks
For details about how PIF planes controlled by Yasir and his buddies transported the murderers who flew to Istanbul to kidnap and kill Khashoggi, and tortured and imprisoned the original owner of the fleet of planes:…
As @hrw documented the @PIF_en has been directly involved in human rights abuses including the 2017 “anti-corruption” crackdown that involved arbitrary detentions, abusive treatment &extortion of property from former & current government officials, prominent businessmen & rivals within the royal family.
For everyone just “outraged, outraged” by the execution of an American citizen by a bunch of terrorist thugs, I remind you of the execution of American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu-Aqleh, assassinated in cold blood, broad daylight, by the @IDF in 2022.
The @idf lied and lied about it until multiple investigations confirmed it was their bullets, with a trigger pulled by a sniper who shot her exposed neck in the narrow area exactly between her helmet and flak jacket.
@IDF The Biden administration hid its own investigation into the murder, literally hid it, and still hasn’t made it public:
NEW: “The @StateDept should immediately invoke Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act & suspend all military assistance to Israel in light of extensive evidence, inc a leaked State Dept memo, documenting Israel’s blocking of U.S aid to Gaza”
“3 recent reports, inc the leaked internal State Department memorandum, an internal assessment by USAID & report of the Independent Task Force on National Security Memorandum-20 to Israel, conclusively confirm that Israel's conduct impeding & blocking humanitarian aid has triggered the legal requirement to halt military aid.”
“The @StateDept leaked confirmation that Israel has restricted transport & delivery of US humanitarian assistance leaves no doubt: U.S. law requires the suspension of military aid to Israel.
For too long, the Biden administration has breached or ignored U.S. laws that require suspension of aid to an abusive regime like Israel, fueling Israeli belligerence & rewarding its atrocities. It's time for real consequences."
Pentagon has now confirmed that Iran has commenced an attack on Israel responding to Israel's attack on Iran's embassy compound in Damascus; the Biden admin should exercise utmost restraint and avoid entangling us in this conflict -- which of course has been Israel's goal all along...…
Jordan and Iraq have now both closed their airspaces
We’re shocked, shocked we tell you, that Israel is openly talking about resettling Palestinians outside of Gaza. Sure, they’ve said it in their plans, destroyed all the housing, shoved all Gazans to the border, but still we are shocked!…
We’re about to enter the Grand Middle East Bazaar, as governments start the horse-trading to see what they can get (from the US of course, not Israel) to acquiesce to the resettlement plan.
Egypt will want what it always wants - money, lots of money, more from the IMF - but also silence about military aid human rights “conditions”, silence about their corruption of our senators, even a little hand-kissing praise for their “diplomacy”.
NAMES: "These 40 IDF commanders who have been responsible for planning, ordering, & executing Israel's indiscriminate bombardment, wanton destruction, & mass killing of civilians in Gaza should be prime suspects in any ICC investigation”…
"Israeli criminal law does not establish any type of 'command responsibility' for war crimes, which means Israeli courts never hold senior officers accountable — while it almost always absolves their subordinates of committing serious war crimes,"
"As a U.S.-based organization, we have a responsibility to seek accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity carried out by U.S.-backed, U.S.-protected military forces, and that's why our focus is on crimes committed by Israeli soldiers with U.S. weapons in Gaza