Sundarkanda verses to illustrate Hanuman’s jump to Lanka!!
प्लवङ्गप्रवरैर्दृष्टः प्लवने कृतनिश्चयः।
ववृधे रामवृद्ध्यर्थं समुद्र इव पर्वसु।।5.1.10।।
प्लवङ्गप्रवरैः the monkey troops,
दृष्टः were gazing,
प्लवने taking leap,
कृतनिश्चयः resolved,
पर्वसु during the fullmoon days,
समुद्रः इव like the sea,
रामवृद्ध्यर्थम् for the welfare of Rama, ववृधे began to grow in size.
निष्प्रमाणशरीरः सन् लिलङ्घयिषुरर्णवम्।
बाहुभ्यां पीडयामास चरणाभ्यां च पर्वतम्।
अर्णवम् ocean, लिलङ्घयिषुः wishing to cross over, निष्प्रमाणशरीरः having immeasurable size, सन् while being, बाहुभ्याम् with both his arms, चरणाभ्यां च and with feet, पर्वतम् mountain, पीडयामास press
निष्प्रमाणशरीरः सन् लिलङ्घयिषुरर्णवम्।
बाहुभ्यां पीडयामास चरणाभ्यां च पर्वतम्।।1:11
Having enlarged himself (with his Shakti) to an huge almost impossible size, he pressed hard on the mountain surface with his feet and hands in an attempt to cross the ocean.
What effect it had?
Left 2 verses and came to verse 14 of Sundarkanda:
The mountain pressed hard under the Hanuman’s feet discharged streams of water just as an elephant in rut would exude water of intoxication.
उत्तमवीर्येण by the highly valiant self,
तेन by him,
पीड्यमानः pressed very hard,
सः पर्वतः that mountain,
मत्तः intoxicated
द्विपः elephant,
मदम् इव like the rut,
सलिलम् the water,
सम्प्रसुस्राव exuded profusely
Sundarkanda Verse 14 Sarga1
Hanuman’s hands and feet exerted such pressure that Mahendra parvat let out streams of hue of gold ore and silver ore from its quivering depths.
See the magnificence of the sage Valmiki!
बलिना by the powerful,
तेन by him,
पीड्यमानः having pressed,
महेन्द्रः पर्वतः Mahendra mountain, काञ्चनाञ्चनराजतीः of gold and silver, रीतीः streams,
निर्वर्तयामास started forming
Close your eyes and think of this image!
मुमोच च शिलाः शैलो विशालाः समनःशिलाः।
मध्यमेनार्चिषा जुष्टा धूमराजीरिवानलः।।5.1.16
The mountain threw down big boulders along with sulphur just like a huge fire emits columns of smoke, surrounded by flames.
शैलः mountain,
मध्यमेन in the midst,
अर्चिषा by the flame,
जुष्टा:possed with,
अनलः fire,
धूमराजीरिव like the columns of smoke, समनः शिलाः along with sulphur pigments,
विशालाः big one,
शिलाः boulders,
मुमोच threw out,
च even
Now look at this amazing image:
Squeezed on all sides of the mountain by Hanuman, all creatures living in the caves shrieked making horrible sounds!!
गुहाविष्टानि of the caves,
भूतानि creatures,
पीड्यमानेन being pressed,
गिरिणा by the mountain,
सर्वतः all over,
पीड्यमानानि on account of pressing, विकृतैः with horrible,
स्वरैः voices
विनेदुः shrieked
See the image of Hanuman pressed down with incredible force on Mahendra
शिरोभिः पृथुभिः सर्पा व्यक्तस्वस्तिकलक्षणैः।
वमन्तः पावकं घोरं ददंशुर्दशनैः शिलाः।।5.1.19
Left one verse. See this image. Close your eyes.
The snakes spread out their broad hoods manifesting swastika marks on them and bit the rocks with their fangs pouring out terrible fire.
सर्पाः snakes,
व्यक्तस्वस्तिकलक्षणैः with signs of swastika marks,
पृथुभिः by wide ones,
शिरोभिः with hoods,
घोरम् terrible,
पावकम् fire,
वमन्तः poured out,
दशनैः with fangs,
शिलाः ददंशुः bit the rocks
Sundarkand 01:19
भिद्यतेऽयं गिरिर्भूतैरिति मत्त्वा तपस्विनः।
त्रस्ता विद्याधरास्तस्मादुत्पेतुः स्त्री गणैः सह।।5.1.22
Even the ascetics left the place approaching that the mountain would be broken into pieces. The alarmed vidyadharas leaped into the sky along with groups of their women,
पानभूमिगतं हित्वा हैममासवभाजनम्।
पात्राणि च महार्हाणि करकांश्च हिरण्मयान्।।5.1.23
लेह्यानुच्चावचान् भक्ष्यान् मांसानि विविधानि च।
आर्षभाणि च चर्माणि खडगांश्च कनकत्सरून्।।5.1.24
पानभूमिगतम् from the drinking places, हैमम्
golden, आसवभाजनम्
drinking cups,
महार्हाणि valuable ones,
करकांश्च goblets,
उच्चावचान् various big and small ones, लेह्यान् food that is licked,
भक्ष्यान् eatables
विविधानि of many kinds,
मांसानि meat,
आर्षभाणि of oxen,
चर्माणि animal hides,
कनकत्सरून् covered with golden sheaths,
खडगांश्च swords,
हित्वा after,
स्त्रीगणैः सह along with groups of women,
तस्मात् from that place,
उत्पेतुः flew away.
The alarmed vidyadharas left behind golden jugs of wine/ precious utensils of all sizes, and golden goblets, cups in the drinking place, as well as many tasty eatables like licking food, chewing food and many types of meat. They also left bullhides and swords with golden sheaths.
कृतकण्ठगुणाः क्षीबा रक्तमाल्यानुलेपनाः।
रक्ताक्षाः पुष्कराक्षाश्च गगनं प्रतिपेदिरे।।5.1.25
What do Vidyadharas look like?
Here it is:
The intoxicated vidyadharas with eyes red like lotuses, wearing garlands around the neck and smeared with red sandalpaste flew into the sky.
कृतकण्ठगुणाः wearing chains,
क्षीबाः intoxicated ones,
रक्तमाल्यानुलेपनाः wearing garlands and smearing with red unguents (sandalpaste),
रक्ताक्षाः with red eyes,
पुष्कराक्षाश्च with lotus like eyes,
गगनम् to the sky,
प्रतिपेदिरे flew into the sky.
Adorned with necklaces, anklets and armlets, the vidyadharis stayed wonderstruck in the sky, smiling gently in the company of their lovers.
Close your eyes and imagine this scene.
हारनूपुरकेयूरपारिहार्यधराः wearing necklaces, anklets and armlets
स्त्रियः women,
विस्मिताः wonderstruck,
सस्मिताः gently smiling,
रमणैः सह with their lovers,
आकाशे in the sky,
तस्थुः stayed.
शुश्रुवुश्च तदा शब्दमृषीणां भावितात्मनाम्।
चारणानां च सिद्धानां स्थितानां विमलेऽम्बरे।।5.1.28
Then the vidyadharas heard words of praise for Hanuman by the Rishis, charanas and the siddhas who stood and watched in the clear sky!!
तदा then,
विमले in a pure,
अम्बरे in the sky
स्थितानाम् of those stationed,
चारणानाम् of charanas,
सिद्धानाम् of siddhas,
भावितात्मनाम् of highly,
ऋषीणां च and of seers,
शब्दम् sound,
शुश्रुवुः heard
For the sake of Rama and the vanaras he wants to reach the other shore of the ocean, which is difficult, and indeed impossible!!
रामार्थम् for the purpose of Sri Rama, वानरार्थं for the sake of vanaras
च also,
दुष्करम् impossible,
कर्म work,
चिकीर्षन् wanting to achieve,
समुद्रस्य (of the) ocean,
दुष्प्रापम् difficult to reach,
परं पारम् the other side,
प्राप्तुम् to reach,
इच्छति he wishes
दुधुवे च स रोमाणि चकम्पे चाचलोपमः।
ननाद सुमहानादं सुमहानिव तोयदः।।5.1.32
Hanuman, huge as a mountain moved his body and shook the hair on his body, thundering like a cloud.
Can you imagine this image?
Close your eyes, think of this shloka, the meaning, the image will come!
अचलोपमः huge as mountain,
सः he,
रोमाणि hair,
दुधुवे shook, चकम्पे च and moved,
सुमहान् great,
तोयदः इव like a cloud,
सुमहानादम् huge sound,
ननाद produced.
दुधुवे च स रोमाणि चकम्पे चाचलोपमः।
ननाद सुमहानादं सुमहानिव तोयदः।।5.1.32
आनुपूर्व्येण वृत्तं च लाङ्गूलं लोमभिश्चितम्।
उत्पतिष्यन् विचिक्षेप पक्षिराज इवोरगम्।।5.1.33
Like the king of birds Garuda would shake a serpent, he shook his tail covered with hair in order to take off.
Another amazing verse.
उत्पतिष्यन् ready to take off,
आनुपूर्व्येण in an order,
वृत्तम् covered,
लोमभिः with hair,
चितम् full of,
लाङ्गूलम् tail,
पक्षिराजः Garuda ,
उरगं इव like a sarpa ,
विचिक्षेप shook and cast down.
Hanuman had the tail curled at his back which appeared like a big serpent being carried off by Garuda.
आत्तवेगस्य of great,
तस्य his, पृष्ठतः at the back,
अविद्धम् curled,
लाङ्गूलम् tail,
गरुडेन by Garuda
ह्रियमाणः carried off,
महोरगः इव like a big serpent,
ददृशे appeared.
बाहू संस्तम्भयामास महापरिघसन्निभौ।
ससाद च कपिः कट्यां चरणौ सञ्चुकोच च।।5.1.35
The monkey fixed his arms, looking like iron clubs, firmly on the mountain (holding them like fists I presume ) and crouched his waist and contracted his feet.
You see this pose today in wrestlers
कपिः (here) Hanumanta,
महापरिघसन्निभौ like huge iron clubs,
बाहू arms,
संस्तम्भयामास pressing down firmly , कट्याम् in the waist,
ससाद crouched in,
चरणौ his feet,
सञ्चुकोच च contracted
बाहू संस्तम्भयामास महापरिघसन्निभौ।
ससाद च कपिः कट्यां चरणौ सञ्चुकोच च।।5.1.35
A mighty elephant among vanaras, Hanuman holding feet firmly n (crouching) like that, ears flattened addressed the monkeys, when he was about to leap.
कपिकुञ्जरः an elephant among monkeys,
महाबलः very strong one,
वानरश्रेष्ठः best of vanaras,
सः हनुमान् that Hanuman,
पद्भ्याम् feet,
दृढम् firmly,
अवस्थानम् standing in that position, कृत्वा did,
कर्णौ ears, निकुञ्च्य contracted, उत्पतिष्यन् while preparing to leap,
Just like an arrow released by Raghava would fly, I too will proceed with the speed of the wind to reach Lanka ruled by Ravana.
न हि द्रक्ष्यामि यदि तां लङ्कायां जनकात्मजाम्।
अनेनैव हि वेगेन गमिष्यामि सुरालयम्।।5.1.40
If I am not able to find the daughter of Janaka at Lanka I will go to heaven, abode of the gods, with the same speed.
यदि वा त्रिदिवे सीतां न द्रक्ष्याम्यकृतश्रमः।
बद्ध्वा राक्षसराजानमानयिष्यामि रावणम्।।5.1.41
If I do not find Sita in heaven in spite of my efforts, I will bind that king of demons, Ravana and bring him here.
त्रिदिवे in heaven,
सीताम् Sita,
न द्रक्ष्यामि यदि वा If I do not find,
अकृतश्रमः in spite of all my efforts, राक्षसराजानम् king of rakshasas,
रावणम् Ravana,
बद्ध्वा bind,
आनयिष्यामि will bring
What a powerful statement it is!
सर्वथा कृतकार्योऽहमेष्यामि सह सीतया।
आनयिष्यामि वा लङ्कां समुत्पाट्य सरावणाम्।।5.1.42
I will, by all means return successful with Sita or else I will uproot Lanka along with Ravana and bring him here.
अहम् I, सर्वथा by all means,
कृतकार्यः doing my duty successfully, सह सीतया along with Sita,
एष्यामि I will come,
वा or,
सरावणाम् along with Ravana,
लङ्काम् Lanka,
समुत्पाट्य after uprooting,
आनयिष्यामि will bring
Having thus addressed the monkeys the foremost of vanaras,Hanuman endowed with great speed leaped without any exertion. Hanuman felt like Garuda himself.
वानरोत्तमः foremost vanara,
हनुमान् Hanuman,
वानरान् to vanaras,
एवम् that way,
उक्त्वा having said,
अथ then, अविचारयन् without any exertion,
वेगवान् swift, वेगेन speedily,
उत्पपात leaped, सः he,
कपिकुञ्जरः best of vanaras,,
आत्मानम् himself,
सुपर्णमिव like Garuda
When great Hanuman took off, numerous trees on the mountain drawing together the branches all over flew along with him.
Close your eyes, imagine the scene!
तस्मिन् when he,
समुत्पतति was leaping,
वेगात् swiftly,
ते they,
नगरोहिणः numerous trees,
सर्वान् all the,
विटपान् branches,
संहृत्य drawing together,
समन्ततः from all over,
समुत्पेतुः flew
Hanuman takes off at terrific speed and with huge force!
स मत्तकोयष्टिमकान् पादपान् पुष्पशालिनः।
उद्वहन्नूरुवेगेन जगाम विमलेऽम्बरे।।5.1.46
He swept away the lapwings in heat on the blossoms of the trees by the speed of his thighs while he coursed through the cloudless sky.
Lapwing by the way is this bird:
सः he,
मत्तकोयष्टिमकान् lapwings in heat, पुष्पशालिनः full of flowers,
पादपान् trees,
ऊरुवेगेन by the speed of his thighs, उद्वहन् while coursing,
विमले pristine (cloudless)
अम्बरे in the sky
जगाम went
स मत्तकोयष्टिमकान् पादपान् पुष्पशालिनः।
उद्वहन्नूरुवेगेन जगाम विमलेऽम्बर
Swept away by the force of his thighs, the trees bent forward following him for a while just as relatives accompany their kith and kin on long travel.
What an image!!
ऊरुवेगोद्धताः bent forward by the force of his thighs,
वृक्षाः trees,
दीर्घम् long,
अध्वानम् path,
प्रस्थितम् starting,
स्वबन्धुम् one's kith and kin,
बान्धवाः इव like the relatives,
कपिम् Hanuman,
मुहूर्तम् for a while,
अन्वयुः followed
With numerous trees laden with flowers following him, Hanuman who looked like a mountain, presented a beautiful if strange spectacle.
बहुभिः by many,
सुपुष्पिताग्रैः with blossomed tops,
पादपैः with trees,
अन्वित: endowed with,
कपिः vanaras,
पर्वताकारः mountain like,
हनुमान् Hanuman,
अद्भुतदर्शनः amazing appearance,
बभूव became
स नानाकुसुमैः कीर्णः कपिः साङ्कुरकोरकैः।
शुशुभे मेघसङ्काशः खद्योतैरिव पर्वतः।।5.1.51
Covered with tender sprouts and buds of different kinds of flowers Hanuman shone brightly like a flying mountain with fireflies.
साङ्कुरकोरकैः with sprouts and buds, नानाकुसुमैः with different kinds of flowers,
कीर्णः spread over,
मेघसङ्काशः resembling a cloud,
सः कपिः that Hanuman,
खद्योतैः covered with fireflies,
पर्वतः इव like a mountain,
शुशुभे was shining brightly
Driven by the wind caused by Hanuman's speed many flowers fell into the ocean and the ocean looked colourful and bright like the starry sky.
लघुत्वेन being light,
विचित्रम् colourful,
कपिवायुसमीरितम् driven by wind due to Hanuman,
द्रुमाणाम् of trees,
तत् there,
विविधम् various,
पुष्पम् flowers,
सागरे in the ocean,
अपतत् fell, महार्णवः ocean,
ताराचितम् filled with stars,
आकाशमिव like sky,
प्रबभौ सः glowing.
Covered with blossoms of different kinds and colours, Hanuman looked like a cloud brightened by lightnings in the sky.
नानावर्णेन of different colours,
अनुबद्धेन stuck,
पुष्पौघेण by the blossoms,
वानरः Hanuman,
आकाशे in the sky,
विद्युद्गणविभूषितः glowing like lightning, मेघः इव like the cloud,
बभौ looked
पिबन्निव बभौ चापि सोर्मिमालं महार्णवम्।।5.1.57।।
पिपासुरिव चाकाशं ददृशे स महाकपिः।
While he was looking upward, that great vanara appeared as if, parched with thirst, he was gulping the entire ocean with its rising waves.
सः that,
महाकपिः great vanara,
सोर्मिमालम् with its rising waves, महार्णवम् ocean,
पिबन्निव as if gulping,
बभौ looked,
आकाशम् sky,
च and ,
अपि also,
पिपासुरिव as if thirsty,
ददृशे looked.
One Previous verse:
तस्याम्बरगतौ बाहू ददृशाते प्रसारितौ।।5.1.56।।
पर्वताग्राद्विनिष्क्रान्तौ पञ्चास्याविव पन्नगौ।
stretched out his two arms spread in the sky, it looked from the top of the mountain like emerging fivehooded snakes.
moving at speed in the sky following the direction of Vayu, his eyes blazed like two fires burning on the mountain, flashing like lightning.
वायुमार्गानुसारिणः of him following the direction of the wind,
तस्य his,
विद्युत्प्रभाकारे both appearing like the glow of lightning,
नयने eyes,
पर्वतस्थौ on the mountain,
अनलौ इव like two fires,
विप्रकाशेते glowing (eyes).
The large, round, red brown eyes of Hanuman shed their bright light like the rising Moon and Sun.
पिङ्गाक्षमुख्यस्य of the leader of monkeys,
पिङ्गे reddishbrown,
बृहती large,
परिमण्डले round in shape,
चक्षुषी eyes,
उदितौ risen,
चन्द्रसूर्याविव like Moon and Sun, सम्प्रकाशेते were shining
By the reflection of his coppery red nose, his face looked the shade of red like the Sun coming close to sandhya.
तस्य his,
ताम्रम् copperred,
मुखम् face,
ताम्रया by the red colour,
नासिकया of the nose,
सन्ध्यया by sandhya,
समभिस्पृष्टम् coming close,
तत् that,
सूर्यमण्डलं यथा like the Sun's orb,
आबभौ appeared
लाङ्गूलं च समाविद्धं प्लवमानस्य शोभते।।5.1.61।।
अम्बरे वायुपुत्रस्य शक्रध्वज इवोच्छ्रितम्।
As the son of Vayu was flying through the sky, his coiled tail looked splendid like the banner installed at the festival in honour of Indra.
अम्बरे in the sky,
प्लवमानस्य when he was flying, वायुपुत्रस्य of the son of Vayu
समाविद्धम् installed,
लाङ्गूलम् tail,
उच्छ्रितं lifted up (in the air),
शक्रध्वजः इव like the flag staff of Indra, शोभते looks splendid
With his white teeth and curled up tail, the wise son of Vayu looked splendid like the halo of the Sun.
शुक्लदंष्ट्रः whiteteethed,
महाप्राज्ञः very wise,
महान् great,
अनिलात्मजः son of Anil,
लाङ्गूलचक्रेण curled up tail,
परिवेषी surrounded,
भास्करः इव like the Sun,
व्यरोचत halo
Anil is also Vayu.
Parivesha has an alternative meaning too, but here surrounded is correct
The wind passing through the arm pits of the vanara who is like huge Simha crossing the ocean sounded like a cloud with thunder !
सागरम् ocean,
प्लवमानस्य while he was crossing,
तस्य his,
वानरसिंहस्य vanara who is like a Simha,
कक्षान्तरगतः through the armpits,
वायुः wind,
जीमूतः इव like thunder (from a cloud),
गर्जति roared
Note the similes here.
खे यथा निपतत्युल्का ह्युत्तरान्ताद्विनिःसृता।।
दृश्यते सानुबन्धा च तथा स कपिकुञ्जरः।
Hanuman of the size of an elephant was seen darting across the ocean(going from north to south) like a comet which arose in the north along with its tail falling down the sky.
उत्तरान्तात् from the northern part, विनिःसृता released,
सानुबन्धा च follows,
उल्का a comet,
खे in the sky,
यथा like,
दृश्यते was seen,
सः that,
कपिकुञ्जरः elephant like vanara,
तथा so,
निपतति falling
Hanuman expanded into an enormous size form appeared as though moving like the setting Sun. He looked like a huge elephant bound round the waist.
पतत्पतङ्गसङ्काशः resembled the setting Sun,
व्यायतः broad,
कपिः monkey (Hanuman),
बध्यमानया bound with,
कक्ष्यया with the girth,
प्रवृद्धः expanded to an enormous size, मातङ्गः इव
elephant like,
शुशुभे appeared
When the vanar was flying in the sky, his shadow reflected in the ocean looked like a ship driven by the wind and sailing on the sea below.
Jai Hanuman
तदा then,
कपि: vanara,
उपरिष्टात् the top,
शरीरेण with his body,
सागरे in the ocean,
अवगाढया reflected,
छायया च shadow also,
मारुताविष्टा swept by the wind,
नौरिव like the ship,
आसीत् appeared
Sundarkanda continues!
यं यं देशं समुद्रस्य जगाम स महाकपिः।
स स तस्योरुवेगेन सोन्माद इव लक्ष्यते।।5.1.68।I
Whichever part of the sea over which that monkey flew, it appeared as though it was going crazy with eddies, whirlpools and foam, all of the ocean under him stirred up by the speed of his thighs.
सः that,
महाकपिः great vanara,
समुद्रस्य of the ocean,
यं यं देशं to whichever part of the ocean,
जगाम (he) went,
सः सः those,
तस्य his,
ऊरुवेगेन by the speed of his thighs, सोन्मादः इव went crazy with eddies, whirlpools and circular moving foam
लक्ष्यते was seen.
• • •
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Astrology is not a perfect science. But sometimes one predicts with impossible odds.
Many decades ago I was an intern. The MO I/c was very anti Jyotish.
He used to slap the closed doors of my quarters “Ae Rahu/ Ae Ketu” on occasion.
One morning, 9am, I was summoned in front on……
Now… the villagers also started laughing. “Arre bala, pratyek tasala bus yete”
“A bus arrives every hour”…
He said , “let me show you how Jyotish is completely wrong: it’s superstition” and he changed and with the villagers, went and stood at the bus stop. Might be 9:30AM. I……
Anyway, there was an Ayurvedic doctor I was friends with, his house was at the bottom of that great mountain etched in Marathi legend.
He got prepared masala tea… and we were discussing Ayurveda, herbs, Maratha valour in battle. I looked at the time which had flown by. It was……
It’s important to understand that “chakras” have minimal relevance for most people. They DO NOT open unless you have electricity going through them( comparison is like a flower which opens only when sunlight sees it).
You can sometimes have some Prana flowing through a Nadi but🧵
Prana flowing through a Nadi produces that Nadi’s sight into the sadhaka.
Nadis connect at certain places, their opening may be blocked in some people and open in others, typical contact of Nadi is with Muladhara and Swadhishthan (hence visions of those based on hidden seed) +
If the mind is controlled, and Brahmacharya is prevalent, then the Devata producing the Nadi Prana flow experience will take the person to almost any limit BUT ONLY AFTER Prana enters Sushumna Nadi
Other important Nadis include Saraswati = Knowledge.
What is above is NOT in place
One particular thing that women should be especially careful about is that some people know a “Naqsha” (a particular Yantra type thing) which if hung with proper timing somewhere is said to cause them feelings of extreme longing or sadness.
I will delete this🧵later.
The Naqsha has a particular entity attached to it .. that particular thing will be called by someone who actually had done the Sadhana of that entity. They bind that to the Naqsha using a special thing (not for SM)
Then every time that piece of paper sways..
One should be extremely careful before leading those sort of men on… as if they really decide single mindedly that they want that woman then you somehow have to teach the woman a lot of meditational remedies.
If the Naqsha sways.. the person is said to become sad.
I have seen quite a few Jyotishis say:
Don’t to Vishnu Sahasranaam. Others say don’t recite Hanuman Chalisa. Others “don’t recite Kavacha”
IMHO, this is in my experience, essential to life, if done following the basic rules.
I have seen a whole lot of people who don’t do anything… get exposed to ideologies which are against their amcestral Dharma… they then do Dharmantaran.. then the family might/ will break.. then ancestors will not get Shraddha.. etc.
The exposure to negative thoughts/ energies is tremendously increased.
And then I have seen helpless people get roped into Ponzi schemes made by wicked people always on the lookout for victims..
Those people who feel that they are troubled by negative energies (entities or whatever) may join my next workshop on Sri Vidya.
A certain Shareer bandhan Shabar mantra meditation is given to reduce the negative energies along with an idea of how to energise the protection.
Most sadhakas are completely unaware of these mantras or that such procedures exist.
So far 1000’s of people have benefited in some small or greater manner in these workshops.
This is the most basic prerequisite for many people … after which other bandhanas can be applied.
There are 100’s of such protective mantras available online but which one is most easily done and which one is the ground level Sadhana is not mentioned by anyone.. since unfortunately most don’t have that knowledge.
Devatas of each Shabar have a different tradition/ process.
Today has come to be accepted as “New Year’s day 2023”
but for Hindus is: 1. Shukla paksha (bright half Moon) Dashami (10th part) with the 2. Sun at Purvashadha fixed star in Dhanus Rashi (Sidereal Sagittarius) 3. where 5088 years have elapsed since Mahabharata
🧵on Samkalpa
Thus you see, Hindus knew everyday the position of the Moon in the sky with relation to a fixed star,
The Moonphase,
The Sun’s position with relation to a fixed star,
The Sun’s Sign,
All these were recorded along with Kali Yuga start at 3102 BCE +
This was said aloud by most Hindus everyday in something called as a Samkalpa:
What is a samkalpa?
I explain it here: