Mr Satya ,The RI, KhanNagar, Dasarathpur Block.. Neither you are responding to my watts up message nor my several telephone calls. As you know more than 1.5 month have been passed .My brother Mr Santosh Nayak has given documents on 3.8.2020 but you have applied for
Good Morning Sir. Today the RI, Khannager visited our village with Satya. Met Umesh Nayak first and were entertained by him then other villagers, sarpanch in presence of My brother Santosh.Husband of Sarpanch Mr chuban Barik,our villager Bhimsen Nayak&others. Both RI and Satya
were told by villagers that Umesh Nayak is adopted son of Kapil Nayak and he can not claim from lands of Khetrabashi Nayak But RI and Satya got blank sign in white paper of all witnesses for the reason known to him and to manipulate later. Pls look into the matter . RI and Satya
has been bribed by Umesh Nayak. Not only that Satya is playing as Dalal for CCS of Mangal pur of Sudhanshu Sekhar Nayak, CSC Id- or074201520 Mobile No-no 6370341263 7504513277 for applying All certificates on behalf of Customers at a cost of Rs300/- to Rs1000/- . This CSC has
This CSC has become money minting centre for RIs/ Satya/ Dallas/ other Govt Depts.They are collecting documents from applicants and submitting on their behalf. Purpose defeated of CSC. Great Scam of CSC going on. Appeal to you to investigate, ban the CSC, take action against RI/
Dallas/ Satya and CSC owner for exploiting poor customers. This happening in full knowledge of all at Mangalpur . Pls help us. I personally appeal to collector, Jajpur to look into the matter of our case, investigate the CSC and ban it .Regards. R C Nayak S/O Khetrabashi Nayak,
My family bye cutting MCG election, Gurgaon as protest as Old Gurgaon especially sector 4 has been neglected for years/No Metro connectivity/Road repair/Kuda lifting/Water logging/repair of Dhanwapur underpass & road to SPR.@narendramodi ,@NayabSainiBJP ,@DC_Gurugram ,@BJP4India
Like us residents have same opinions regarding apathy of Haryana Govt/District Administration Gurgaon. 3 CMs/ several MP/MLAs/Councillors No metro to sector 4 and it as usual gone to cold storage. Wonder how people are tolerating such inefficient people. @aajtak ,@indianews_hr
Sector 4, Gurgaon is heritage sector. Last night two vehicle glass broken Infront of House No-1931/2 days back in 1947/1907, sector 4. Within 2 months vehicles stolen, Several reported dacoity, Water Meter / Pump stolen daytime. No action from police after complaints.
Several vehicles parked Infront of houses.Lack of adequate patrolling by police,Antisocial elements/ Drug addicts using Silver park/ neglected park touching main Surya vihar road during night. All light covers from light poles/ MCBs/ Flood light wires stolen inside Silver park
Many street lights not functioning/drain covers Infront of Govt school/ 𝐇𝐔𝐃𝐀 Gymkhana club broken. Service road of Huda market flooded with sewage water. The Dhanawapur railway underpass flooded/road leading to Expressway totally broken/several vehicles from sector 4/5/7/
Request Mr Sudhir Chaudhary, Black & White , Aajtak to highlight no pension updation for Bank pensioners since Madam not honouring her commitments given years back. Court orders not implemented. IBA , Non statutory body diluted issue.decades.FM
Court cases in SC getting long adjournment. Tarikh pe Tarikh. These Pensioners made 56” Chest of Modi sahab by implementing Jan Dhan/ Demonetisation/PMJRY/PMSBY/ PMJJBY/APY/Digitisation/UPI and What not. Pay revision/DA neutralisation@ CPC/ RBI not getting
Light. Some pensioners died in hoping these things to happen. Will Mr Chaudhary bring these issues to light through Black & White episode. We Bankers are human beings/have right for respectable life/Dignity/ Home life balance/ Protection at work places. Not
Execution petition filed at NCDRC for 6 cases , EA/461,462/,463,464,503 since October 2022 pertaining to Our decree against Ansal Housing Construction Ltd. Several dates lapsed. No concrete action. Devastated by remark of Honorable Justice for feeling helplessness for action,
The MD, Mr Kushagra Ansal as respected person , exempted him for personal hearing without any concrete action in our refund from the builder. Although action of Honourable Justice on 7.7.2023 was strong and today’s action seems diluted. Attending hearing at NCDRC, Delhi became
Rituals/adjournment.Appeal PM sahab/LawMinister/Home Minister/Supreme Court of India/ Chairmain,NCDRC to help us in our Refund.Original cases pertain to January 2020 and Decree dated 26.08.2022. @MLJ_GoI ,@arjunrammeghwal ,@narendramodi , @SCofIndia , @AmitShah ,@threadreaderapp
Answer by PM Modi sahab to Reporter Sabrina Siddique,same reporter tweeted against India.Before this she to look into violation against PMs at Pakistan/against minority Hindus.Not least violation on Kashmir pandits.India more tolerant than any country for all.@SabrinaSiddiqui
During Presidentship of Mr Baral Obama more bombs have been used against several Muslim countries/ caused deaths to many civilians. Several Obama inside India/ other countries will never praise secular steps by ModiGovt , safeguarding minorities. @BarackObama , @narendramodi ,
As common citizen of India I fully support my PM/ My India as we are reaping fruits of Development Kashmiri to Kanyakumari. India to March on ! Jai Hind. @narendramodi ,@PMOIndia , @ZeeNewsEnglish ,@AmitShah , @BJP4India,@INCIndia , @anandmahindra ,@NamoApp ,@threadreaderapp roll
All controversial Mandir Masjid sites to be surveyed and videographer immediately. Why Masjids have mushroomed on Madir during Aurengjeb time. It only exist in India. Hindus are extra tolerant, political fear has damaged much. Wake up. Appeal Hindus to file PIL in SC for all such
Sites in one go. Appeal to scholars/ Researchers to provide photos/ documents/ videos to concerned Dept. I have seen Hindu God/ Goddess inside walls of Qutub Minar. Same thing happened in Gyanbapi Musjid. Krishna Janambhumi , Mathura. Be aware and save Hinduism. Stop infighting