Ramesh Chandra Nayak, @Dedicated,Upright,Honest, Profile picture
Most Awarded Longest Served LDM(Retd) in India.Ex Director RUDSETI’s.Activist for Bankers/ Bank Pensioners/injustice & Corruption.Retweets are not Endorsement
Mar 2 4 tweets 1 min read
My family bye cutting MCG election, Gurgaon as protest as Old Gurgaon especially sector 4 has been neglected for years/No Metro connectivity/Road repair/Kuda lifting/Water logging/repair of Dhanwapur underpass & road to SPR.@narendramodi ,@NayabSainiBJP ,@DC_Gurugram ,@BJP4India Like us residents have same opinions regarding apathy of Haryana Govt/District Administration Gurgaon. 3 CMs/ several MP/MLAs/Councillors No metro to sector 4 and it as usual gone to cold storage. Wonder how people are tolerating such inefficient people. @aajtak ,@indianews_hr
Feb 10 6 tweets 1 min read
Sector 4, Gurgaon is heritage sector. Last night two vehicle glass broken Infront of House No-1931/2 days back in 1947/1907, sector 4. Within 2 months vehicles stolen, Several reported dacoity, Water Meter / Pump stolen daytime. No action from police after complaints. Several vehicles parked Infront of houses.Lack of adequate patrolling by police,Antisocial elements/ Drug addicts using Silver park/ neglected park touching main Surya vihar road during night. All light covers from light poles/ MCBs/ Flood light wires stolen inside Silver park
Nov 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Request Mr Sudhir Chaudhary, Black & White , Aajtak to highlight no pension updation for Bank pensioners since Madam not honouring her commitments given years back. Court orders not implemented. IBA , Non statutory body diluted issue.decades.FM Court cases in SC getting long adjournment. Tarikh pe Tarikh. These Pensioners made 56” Chest of Modi sahab by implementing Jan Dhan/ Demonetisation/PMJRY/PMSBY/ PMJJBY/APY/Digitisation/UPI and What not. Pay revision/DA neutralisation@ CPC/ RBI not getting
Jul 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Execution petition filed at NCDRC for 6 cases , EA/461,462/,463,464,503 since October 2022 pertaining to Our decree against Ansal Housing Construction Ltd. Several dates lapsed. No concrete action. Devastated by remark of Honorable Justice for feeling helplessness for action,

The MD, Mr Kushagra Ansal as respected person , exempted him for personal hearing without any concrete action in our refund from the builder. Although action of Honourable Justice on 7.7.2023 was strong and today’s action seems diluted. Attending hearing at NCDRC, Delhi became
Jun 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Answer by PM Modi sahab to Reporter Sabrina Siddique,same reporter tweeted against India.Before this she to look into violation against PMs at Pakistan/against minority Hindus.Not least violation on Kashmir pandits.India more tolerant than any country for all.@SabrinaSiddiqui During Presidentship of Mr Baral Obama more bombs have been used against several Muslim countries/ caused deaths to many civilians. Several Obama inside India/ other countries will never praise secular steps by ModiGovt , safeguarding minorities. @BarackObama , @narendramodi ,
May 11, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
All controversial Mandir Masjid sites to be surveyed and videographer immediately. Why Masjids have mushroomed on Madir during Aurengjeb time. It only exist in India. Hindus are extra tolerant, political fear has damaged much. Wake up. Appeal Hindus to file PIL in SC for all such Sites in one go. Appeal to scholars/ Researchers to provide photos/ documents/ videos to concerned Dept. I have seen Hindu God/ Goddess inside walls of Qutub Minar. Same thing happened in Gyanbapi Musjid. Krishna Janambhumi , Mathura. Be aware and save Hinduism. Stop infighting
Nov 8, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
👆The story of Sanjukta Parashar who sent 16 terrorists to Yam Sadan& arrested 64 more extremists after entering the dense forest with AK 47 in her hand should be known to every woman in the country.
If a fair looking and beautiful Sanjukta ever passes in front of you,you can't ever imagine her immense bravery. When an ordinary woman does something that even millions of ordinary men can't do,then her achievements should be sung on social media,but we don't accept that there is a world beyond politics and caste& religion. That's why Sanjukta Parashar's
May 26, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Really I don’t support without mask&social distancing violation. Why such ho halla for Govt servant(Tehsildar)just enjoying his brother’s marriage amid tight schedule of COVID enforcement.We have seen many violations during political Rallies at Bengal,Assam,Kerala. No action for them.Appeal,the CM, Odisha Mr Naveen Patnaik sir to pardon the Govt servant for this violation. As common citizens we are also enforcing lockdown, social distancing but rules to be same for all.@CMOdisha , @CMO_Odisha,@DGPOdisha , @otvnews,@KanakTv , @NandighoshaTV
May 24, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Appeal DC,Gurgaon to give directions to all COVID vaccination centres in Gurgaon as corona worriers to all Bankers/families for priority vaccination as per directive of DFS. Bankers are facing difficulties in vaccination in all centres.Appeal you for special camps. @DC_Gurugram Bankers having tough time.Pls help them in vaccination by arranging special camps for bankers and their families.@anilvijminister , @mlkhattar,@Dchautala , @MunCorpGurugram , @VPSconnect,@ChairmanIba , @nsitharaman,@DFS_India,@DebasishPanda87,@DC_Gurugram,@RajKVerma4,@Bankers_We ImageImage
May 21, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
Good gesture by Canarabank,others to follow.Appeal PSU Bank Management to protect their employees/Families by doing test, providing assistance/Treatment/ Counselling. Bank to engage Retired LDMs to connect to employees in their areas. Rudseti to start online counselling courses to bankers,help deceased families for claims/Damages.Bank Management to help in finding medical facilities.Existing LDMs to take up with DCs for separate vaccination centres.They to collect and provide vaccination details/ Hospitalisation/Death of Bankers/families to SLBC
May 1, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Balaji hospital asking admitted COVID patient to arrange oxygen cylinder for them when DC , Gurgaon made this portal for Hospitals to indent oxygen in advance. Appeal DC sahab to look into & pls supply oxygen. ⁦@DC_Gurugram⁩, ⁦@anilvijministerImage @balajihospital1 , @@Dchautala
Apr 23, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
Appeal FM Madam/PM sir/RBI / IBA/Human Rights to immediately study the root cause of Suicides by Bank employees due to work stress and evaluate the honest attitude of Bank Management/ District Administration to help ease the situation.Adequate compensation/penalty to culprits to be formulated. RBI to constitute panel with Retired SC Judges to give reports in 2 weeks. GOI to publish bank wise deaths on work stress in their website and remedial measures taken. It is just abetting murder and persons responsible to be tried under relevant
Mar 15, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Appeal CM/Dy CM/ Health Minister Haryana to cap Deliver charges in all Hospitals as many prominent Hospitals are charging very high fees above 2 lakhs plus for Norma Delivery and diverting for cesarean fore more especially in Gurugram. High ultrasound in name of experts. Pls stop This is unbearable for common man and has become worse during COVID epidemic. Pls implement capping.Most insurance do not pay more than one lakh on corporate case. @mlkhattar , @Dchautala , @cmohry,@anilvijminister , @DC_Gurugram ,@MunCorpGurugram,@OfficialGMDA , @drharshvardhan
Mar 9, 2021 4 tweets 7 min read
Funniest thing that FInance Ministry/ DFS/ Banks/ IBA are telling that banks are not in a position to increase salary of bankers @ CPC , when they can write off Rs5.85 crores in last 3 years to bank looters.FM is not updating pension also after public announcement & promise. Why this step motherly treatment to bankers/ pensioners. What the hell IBA advocating the issues knowing well all data’s & Ground realities? All IBA consists of yes men for misleading/ Delaying/exploiting banks and bankers. The union leaders are enjoying buffet meal at
Mar 9, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
Banks have written Of Rs5.85 lakh crores over last 3 years. Appeal to FM Madam to make it open the Bank wise Written off Accounts with name /Amount of Looters and persons behind. Another surprise that the Fraud-loans will not be sold to bad Banks but why. Make public the action Taken by Finance Ministry/ RBI/ED/CBI against all Bank Looters. De Bar them from elections/further loan/leaving country/scrap passport/from all Govt benefits/dependant by black listing them till dues are cleared.@nsitharaman , @narendramodi , @DFS_India , @DebasishPanda87
Feb 4, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
Thank you Respected Gadkari sahab for taking issues of Bank pensioners with Respected FM Nirmala Madam. Inspite of the promise of the FM in IBA AGM the answer on pension updation in Rajya sabha by FM Madam has already disheartening and confusing. Appeal FM to clarify her stand. @nsitharaman , @DFS_India , @FinMinIndia,@narendramodi , @NamoApp , @PMOIndia , @DebasishPanda87,@ChiefIba , @ChairmanIba , @nitin_gadkari , @UFBUIndia,@Bankers_We , @DasShaktikanta,@AIBOC_ , @aiboc_in,@EconomicTimes , @ndtv , @PTI_News , @AmitShah , @BJP4India,@rashtrapatibhvn
Feb 3, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Appeal to Finance secretary to do proper Analysis of Employees Provident Fund. It is only means of Middle class and officers of middle level to deposit more on EPF for future retirement/ children education/ Marriage by opting Addl EPF. Alone it will cross 2.5 lakhs for all. If added PPF the contributions will be more. Asking FS to tell how lower/ middle class will save for future. It is anti middle class and failure on GOI to realise the consequences. GOI trying to finish Middle class#only BPL and super Rich. On every Wage revision BP is increased
Dec 30, 2020 7 tweets 10 min read
Personally made several allegations against Khedki Daula police station for not registering FIR against Ansal Housing Construction Ltd for not delivering flats at Ansal Heights 86 , Gurgaon project after taking above 95% from 700 buyers after 10 years.No proper Sanction, prelaunched in 2010 , No NOC,Building plan lapsed,No EDS/ IDC paid to GOvt.No action by Police after direction from CM, Window. More than 150 RERA orders, 10 NCDRC cases, 5 in High court but No FIR. All earlier SHOs/ Present suspended SHO Vishal, ACP/DCP
Dec 21, 2020 6 tweets 9 min read
Request WeBankers to file PIL in HC to ban Levy from Bank Employees by unscrupulous Bank unions and using associations money by unfaithful leaders for their lavish lifestyle.This Rangadari to end immediately. Appeal FM Madam to stop this. @nsitharaman, @Bankers_We , @NamoApp , This is illegal extortion of money forcibly by Bank unions from bank employees after every wage settlement, with nexus from Bank Management and IBA. Stop this.@DasShaktikanta , @RBI, @SCofIndia,@NamoApp , @CBItweets , @CVCIndia , @cboamanimaran,@UFBUIndia , @AIBEA_India,@AIBOC_
Dec 19, 2020 4 tweets 6 min read
Appeal to Madam Nirmala Sitharaman, FM, GOI to clearly declare pension updation/ Family pension increase/ inclusion of Spl allowance in pension calculations for Bank pensioners@one rank one pay as declared by you.From NOC by Govt to IBA does not spell the intention. IBA lost its Creditability with Bankers and they regard IBA as the middleman/Dalal of DFS and handlers of unscrupulous Bank leaders and unions.More than 70 lakh bank pensioners will be benefited by your kind venture. Some pensioners are service class BPL. The CEO of IBA is great manipulator.
Dec 19, 2020 4 tweets 9 min read
GOI planning to set up Bad Bank for exploring other options to improve Health of Banking sector.Instead Govt to stop all Bhandara loans/loans to bad people like tainted politicians/Industrialists/corporates/Defaulters #automatically Health of banks will improve.@nsitharaman. @narendramodi , @DebasishPanda87 , @DFS_India , @FinMinIndia , @PMO_NaMo , @ChairmanIba , @RBI , @UFBUIndia , @Bankers_We , @ianuragthakur , @EconomicTimes , @PTI_News , @ndtv , @BBCWorld , @AmitShah , @rsprasad , @rajnathsingh , @suchetadalal , @DasShaktikanta , @Bankers_United