This bit starts well but tails off into a contradiction of the IHRA definition (which isn’t mentioned once!) by stating “But holding all Jewish people in the UK responsible for the actions of Israel, or demanding they denounce Israel can be antisemitic.” According to IHRA it is.
You’ve framed the argument alright, no mention of defence from terror attacks or continued calls for Israel’s destruction. Odd for a organisation to make a training guide on antisemitism with such a biased stand against the Jewish State.
This is a woeful definition of Zionism and dismissing it as a 19th century political construct is deeply offensive from a guide to antisemitism. You’ve just erased thousands of years of Jewish history and tradition.
You’ve just erased Jewish ethnicity. Why say “White British Male?” It’s almost as irrelevant as the fact he’s in “Sales.”
Education on antisemitism is always welcomed, and this guide does some of it well, specifically the timeline that conveniently stops around 2010 and doesn’t include anything from the Labour antisemitism crisis at all. Almost as if it never happened.
A training guide to antisemitism that attempts to deny Jewish ethnicity, history and traditions, does not reference or even mention the IHRA definition, but contradicts it, and is heavily framed in anti-Israel bias. Even Labour’s one in July 19 was better than this.