Natasha "Fusion" Bertrand published an interesting article on foreign cooperation with US agencies investigating the Trump campaign in April17.
"In August- more than eight month after British officials were alerted to Trump-Russia contacts."
"It looks like the [US] agencies were asleep."
If British intelligence were talking about Trump figures talking to Russian intelligence figures in 2015 who were they talking about? Carter Page? Paul Manafort?
Natasha's and The Guardian source was Chris Steele.
Paul Wood knew that the pantomime began in Spring, but Peter Strzok and John Brennan have now moved the goalposts.
They say the fusions cells were setup in August 2016.
So, how much information was coming from Europe and when?
BREAKING: Senior US intelligence officials aren't good at distinguishing the four seasons.
@AWeissmann_ book revealed Paul Manafort had been under federal investigation 4 times before Crossfire Hurricane.
Manafort was the focus of US investigators looking at Pakistani intelligence linkages in the US. Manafort was working with radical Jamaat-i-Islami figures.
Indian and French security officials told me they used to think Manafort worked for the CIA judging on his ability to cause headlines, but escape scrutiny.
He was working with an ISI front in Washington.
Why did Mueller's let him off the hook in 2011?
Ghulam Nabi Fai was a member of Jamaat-i-Islami, South Asia's premier fundamentalist outfit. Fai is a friend of Hizbul Mujahideen leader Syed Salahuddin.
Jamaat figures sheltered senior al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan. Built jihad camps which Osama used.
Remember when @Jim_Jordan and @MarkMeadows asked why two DOJ prosecutors Andrew Weissman and Zainab Ahmad had been liasing with Bruce Ohr on Steele dossier related matters in 2016?
Counterintelligence probe? Prosecutors read in on Steele dossier?
"In 2016, prior to the presidential election..." 🤔
Weissman and Ahmad had been told by Bruce Ohr that Christoper Steele (employed by the DNC) was desperate to prevent @realDonaldTrump from becoming President.
Ahmad had been plucked from New York and moved to headquarters in the Spring of 2016. Organised a conference for @Comey
@simonamangiante transcripts to the House Intelligence Committee revealed serious wrongdoing by the London Centre of International Law Practice.
Nagi Idris and Joseph Misfud were encouraging Simona to embellish and lie on LCILP's behalf.
LCILP should have been the centre of the FBI and Special Counsel's probe just by looking at the congressional testimony. The fact it was staffed with Americans in a foreign capital should have raised alarm bells.