I'm starting to feel that the anti-meritocracy bent among elites has far more to do with white resentment of asians than with any compassion towards underrepresented minorities.
It is not yet cool to be too open about this. I give it <2 years for explicitly anti-asian sentiment to become vogue.
I did not make this connection before I looked into the knee-capping of gifted high schools across the nation.
Almost every time the meritocratic system leads to high levels of asians, sometimes majority asians. The new anti- meritocratic replacement systems *purport* to ...1/2
...increase proportions of underrepresented minorities, but all estimates (and logic) make clear that they will only marginally affect their acceptance, but massively increase white acceptance. 2/2
Also, check out this thread re: resemblance to mid-century anti-Semitism among elites.
The story is complex and unique (although the resolution a bit inexplicable). I wish more movies covered the perspective shown in Cuties. The initial marketing definitely did not represent the movie accurately. 1
However, multiple dance scenes throughout the movie really were gratuitous. I was deeply uncomfortable watching them (and indeed looked away).
I understand the disgust around these scenes, and think the many justifications of them are weak. 2