So, I just hit one of those #PostcardsToVoters milestones. And I'm not sure I can put into words what this organization has meant to me. /1
The election in 2016 absolutely crushed me - mentally, physically, emotionally. I've never felt anything like it. /2
Once people started fighting back - calling their senators and reps - I felt completely left, living in DC. Thankfully, I saw someone here on twitter mention writing postcards to voters. /3
As someone in a creative field AND a pretty big introvert, this was the antidote I needed. I dove in head-first and never looked back. /4
After creating my own postcards for awhile, and trying to get friends and family involved, I decided to start @CreativeDem and offer my postcard designs to everyone. /5
And it was the best decision I've ever made. @CreativeDem has given me the purpose and direction in life that I needed. I've connected with so many wonderful people across the country in the name of saving our democracy - it makes me hopeful for our future and my heart full. /6
THANK YOU @DemocratWit for starting this whole thing, and THANK YOU to all of you writing #PostcardsToVoters every day, all year round. I'm grateful. 💙💙💙 /fin