(1/4) If the world’s biggest challenges are to be solved, science will lead the way! 👩🔬 I'm proud to partner with 3M on their State of Science Index Survey, which shows that global appreciation for science and trust in scientists has increased significantly in 2020!
(2/4) Not only that, but due to the pandemic, about 1 in 2 people are now more likely to advocate for science! It doesn't sound that remarkable until you compare this to the pre-pandemic survey, when only 1 in 5 people said they would stand up for science when debating its merits
(3/4) with others. That's a huge upswing!
Science is having its moment right now, and the global pandemic has further emphasized the importance of a STEM education. This is the time to encourage the next generation of science leaders! 🤓 #StateofScience