Today 18th Oct 3 months since July 18th letter of Lord Chilkur Balaji Deity to His Excellency @rashtrapatibhvn on importance of following Dharma. SC held Hindu Deities (Dharma) have no Constitutional rights => Constitution doesn't protect Dharma sacrificing protection of Dharma
Lord Hanuman who is worshipped as our Acharya has given us the path of securing protection of Dharma lost post adharmik Sabarimala judgement in the form of Chilkur Balaji Art 26 #DeityRightsMovement notification
His Excellency @rashtrapatibhvn who was approached by Hindu Deities through July 18th letter as a representative of Nation's Dharma has also referred the matter of Chilkur Balaji Art 26 #DeityRightsMovement notification to the Ministry of Home Affairs through his dharmik guidance
Dr MVS in his letter to Hon'ble PM @narendramodi ji explained the significance of Dr Shri Vaman Acharya ji's letter reminding about 18th April 2019 promise to Hindu Deities and fulfilling it through Chilkur Balaji Art 26 #DeityRightsMovement notification
We thank His Excellency @rashtrapatibhvn for recommending action on Chilkur Balaji Art 26 #DeityRightsMovement letter putting the Nation on path of Dharma which secures protection of Dharma. Onus on Govt lead by Hon'ble PM @narendramodi ji to follow advise
"Currently, the Deity does not have any rights over His temple. Article 26 Rights need to be conferred in the Deity so that His customs, traditions and practices (sampradaya) are protected and cherished,”
The Spiritual pious purpose of devotees life belonging to Hindu Temple Worship Sampradaya continues to live on even after the death of body and it is important to reclaim constitutional protection through Art 26 rights for legal personality of Hindu Deity
After seven decades of Independence one honest devout officer in 2015 had to give GO educating other Govt officers that temple lands are not Govt lands shows the lack of protection for pious purpose of ancient donors of temple lands situation is similar in many States not only AP
26th Jan 1950 when Constitution came into force all Hindu temples belonged to Religious denomination of Hindu public having belief in God and faith in temple worship w Art 26 protection. Today most temples are u Secular Govt control without Art 26 protection how did this happen ?
While the SC took great care to preserve its independence by interpreting Art 124 it did the opposite in case of interpretation of the term 'religious denomination' diluting Art 26 protection for Hindu Temple Worship Sampradayas as explained by @trramesh…
SC a creature of Constitution used its interpretation power to rewrite Art 26.
The cumulative effect of series of SC judgements is that Art 26 protection is unavailable for majority Hindu temples paving the way for their conversion to secular temples under Govt control.
Shri Vaman Acharya ji in his letter quoted Shri Parasaran, SC Ayodhya Judgement & Kerala HC full bench defn
“Hindu public having belief in God and faith in temple worship is a religious denomination”
to establish legality #DeityRightsMovement notification
Further Based on SC Ayodhya Judgement by virtue of interpretation of Places of Worship Act the unchallenged Kerala HC full bench defn “Hindu public having belief in God and faith in temple worship is a religious denomination” cannot be changed by the Judiciary due to bar in Act.
Further based on SC Ayodhya Judgement interpretation by virtue of Sec 7 of Places of Worship Act unchallenged defn of Kerala HC Full bench "Hindu public having belief in God and faith in temple worship is a religious denomination” bars conversion of Hindu temple to secular temple
2700 year message of Deity in Munivahana utsavam reenacted is that His devotees like Tirrupan Alwar have to be treated by the Archaka with respect. The Deity has also given a message to Society to treat the Archaka with dignity which sadly is not practiced
Selective targeting of Archaka community for political gains mindset originated frm Tamil Nadu and spread to other States which resulted in draconian legislations like 30/87 AP Act and spreading to other states has slowly but surely decimated the community
Due to continued onslaught on dignity by all four pillars (Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Media) of several decades has resulted in a situation where the society felt the pain of a chariot burning in Antarvedi with many voices speaking but very few for Archaka in Rajasthan
Losing Art 26 constitutional protection for pious purpose of Hindu Temple Worship Sampradaya inserted by Kanchi Paramacharya will allow the secular state working in tandem with PIL activists to reform the sampradaya out of existence. Sabarimala is a wakeup call to reclaim Art 26.
Lack of basic legal education among Hindus who believe in God & have faith in temple worship is root cause for lack of realization of enormity of loss of Art 26 constitutional protection for majority of temples the loss of pious purpose of ancestors in words of Swami Vivekananda
The modern battle ground of external threats to the Hindu Temple Worship Sampradaya has shifted to the Courts in the last seven decades and lack of basic legal knowledge is the biggest handicap to protect our Sampradaya. We need to give basic legal education to our devotees
Chilkur Balaji Art 26 #DeityRightsMovement message of how principle of Dharma was violated by SC in Sabarimala judgement and the way it can be corrected to secure protection of Dharma communicated in various forms of Dashaavatara starting from July 18th
The inner controller of all OM Vashat Karaya Namaha 🙏through several eminent devotees and organizations has also reinforced the above messages and the most powerful moving message of them has been delivered by Shri Aditya Parasari representing the devout Tiruppan Alwar community
Several devotees not only signed the petition started by a devotee of Chilkur Balaji but they have also continued to support Chilkur Balaji Art 26 #DeityRightsMovement in different ways 🙏