Alex Dalassio Profile picture
Oct 18, 2020 36 tweets 11 min read Read on X
This new thread is going to be quite controversial and before I start, I'd like to state that it is just an hypothesis based on several different avenues of research.
I asked myself what happens after a reset? Where do all those foundlings come from?
Who was responsible for them? Image
I believe most of us are familiar with the Foundlings trains and their connection with the Mud flood theory.
What is yet to be uncovered is their points of origin. We have all those empty cities all over the world ( around 1860 FT) and then a flux of new, fresh people arrives. ImageImage
Now, let us discuss the goddess most revered in Ephesus, Artemis.
In case you were wondering, those are not breasts, sorry to disappoint some of you... Ancients knew well enough how to sculpt the female torso. No sculptor chiseled two dozen egg-shaped objects on the chest of a Image
statue and expected to be taken for female breasts. What do they represent, I hear you ask? Ova, eggs.
Here we have an illustration of the Magna Mater, sporting the same ovoid objects. Image
I will now introduce another piece of this hypothetical puzzle: the Barberini family. Carlo Barberini (1488–1566) and his brother Antonio Barberini (1494–1559) were the founders of the family, and this places us within the time frame of the very important 15th/16th centuries.
Another piece...
Good night. Image
It is important to keep in mind that for every theory or discovery that contradicts the official narrative there is a cover story. Introducing Julie Miller and her book. The author's article in New York Archives
A letter regarding foundlings in The Riverdale Press
In the xix cntr Image
Here is another propaganda piece. Image
It's not going to be easy to organise this thread in a logical structure but I'll do my best.
The info on these subjects is quite scarce and mostly found between the lines. Bear with me and be patient.
I'm not writing a book for you to buy neither am I on patreon or PayPal for💵
Back to Artemis then.
The Temple of Artemis, also known as the Temple of Diana, was a Greek temple dedicated to an ancient, local form of the goddess Artemis (associated with Diana, a Roman goddess). It was located in Ephesus (near the modern town of Selçuk in present-day Turkey)
It was completely rebuilt twice, once after a devastating flood and three hundred years later after an act of arson, and in its final form was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. By 401 AD it had been ruined or destroyed. Image
The Ephesian Artemis, the "great mother goddess" also mentioned in the New Testament (Acts 19), was extremely popular in the ancient world, as we might deduce from the fact that copies of her cult statue have been excavated in many parts of the Roman Empire. Image
The goddess was originally, before her cult was taken over by the Greeks, called Artimus. She is related to other Anatolian mother goddesses like Cybele. The Ephesians believed that Artemis was born in Ephesus and not on Delos, as was assumed and accepted the shrine as an asylum.
A brief etymological note: asylum ➡️ inviolable place, safe from violence.
Later, the Persians patronized the cult; the high priest was called the "Megabyxus" (Megabysos) a Persian name that means "the one set free by God." Another incarnation of the goddess is Kibele.
She was the ancient Phrygian Mother of the Gods, a primal nature goddess worshipped with orgiastic rites in the mountains of central and western Anatolia. The Greeks identified her with their own mother of the gods--the Titaness Rhea. Image
the myths of Kybele set in her homeland of Phrygia include the distinctly non-Greek myth of her hermaphroditic birth and her love for the youth Attis.The Thracians conceived the chief divinity of the Samothracian and Lemnian mysteries as Rhea-Hecate.
Let us pause so that I can thread some context. The ova previously mentioned are bees eggs, I'll come back to this later and explain the connection.
We have an inviolable place and various goddesses with an emphasis on fertility, birth, magic, spells and
hermaphroditic reference
Hecate was the chief goddess presiding over magic and spells. She witnessed the abduction of Demeter’s daughter Persephone to the underworld and, torch in hand, assisted in the search for her. In Hesiod she is the daughter of the Titan Perses and the nymph Asteria Image
and has power over heaven, earth, and sea; hence, she bestows wealth and all the blessings of daily life.
Holding a torch and bestowing life. Remind you of anyone? ImageImage…
Here we can relate to one of my previous threads.
Good night.
Once one has studied Cayce material, the literature of Rudolph Steiner, the Rosicrucian’s, the Freemasons, the Theosophists, Plato, as well as worldwide indigenous oral traditions, myths and legends, one realises that virtually all the sources claim that Homo sapiens were created Image
one could say, by the power of 6 on the lost continent of Atlantis. A continent that had as part of its population giants and little people. Long-lived androgynous creator gods sometimes described as possessing six fingers or toes, are claimed to have birthed humanity. Image
Atlantean survivors were said to have brought the arts of civilization to Egypt, the Americas and several other locations. These took on many sizes as to the stature, from that as may be called the midget to the GIANTS – for there were GIANTS IN THE EARTH IN THOSE DAYS. Image
Rudolph Steiner also had the following to say regarding these inhabitants of Atlantis, “Everything that refers to ‘giants’ in legends is absolutely based on knowledge of the truth.
Secret society literature, oral traditions and religious documents like the Bible all proclaim the
existence of ancient giants as well ( see also the Book of Enoch).
So we have mysterious androgynous beings, creator gods. Church a student of Cayce wrote the following.
In what we may term it's primitive or pre-Atlantean phase, before the emergence of its first mighty rulers
in the days of Poseidon and Atlas, or the enlightened reign of Amilius, at what was to become the all-time zenith of Atlantean civilization, the new continent was being busily colonized. Already it promised to become what Cayce would call the "Eden of the world", and home to a
amost unusual race of androgynous soul beings...In Hindu mythology, the seed of our present human race were sons of God, who, during the root race associated with the Atlantean epoch, had devolved into semi-divine, androgynous beings, self-imprisoned in bodies, that had devolved
into semi-divine, androgynous beings, self-imprisoned in bodies, that had physiologically changed, becoming human in appearance. In this form, they began taking unto themselves wives who were indeed fully human in appearance and fair to gaze upon."This description is very
reminiscent of the Biblical story of the Nephilim who took on human wives. Indeed, the Bible clearly speaks of Giants, six fingers and toes, androgynous creator gods and a great flood.In the early days of Amilius rule, the separation
of the sexes had not yet begun
to take place. Though male in their outward aspect, the androgynous sons of God embodied within themselves the nature of both male and female in one person.By turning to the creative forces they could become channels to bring into being androgynous progeny after the
their own kind imbued with a double soul and a double sexed body. In this way, sexual intercourse was unnecessary as a means of propagation."
This points to a supernatural origin for humanity, an idea shared by many ancient culturesworldwide. The "miraculous birth". Image
Back to the goddesses and the ova and bees.
The bees of Artemis. ImageImage
Remember the Barberini family that I previously mentioned?
Here we have the Barberini fountain in Rome and their coat of arms. Bees are basically the reason why I started along this arduous path that, in my intention, should lead to a quite different point of origin for humanity Image
Good night and thanks for the interest. ImageImage
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May 17, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 16🧵

Judas said, "Behold, The authorities (Archons) dwell above us, so it is they who will rule over us."
The Savior said, "It is you who will rule over them, but only when you rid yourselves of jealousy, and take on the protection of the Light⤵️ Image
In Gnostic traditions, Sophia the Aeon, The Cup overflowing with the Purest Organic Light, the Divine Feminine from whom the Anthropos were birthed into Existence in the Orion Nebula prophetises the end of the Archontic reign:
⤵️ Image
"For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect that will have become visible in the Light of Truth will be abolished, and will be as if it never had been."
In this scenario, Sophia, before she morphs into the Earth, foresees a moment when the Demiurge will be defeated⤵️ Image
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May 15, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 14🧵

The Simulacrum operates a multifaceted deception sustained by the Anthropos' Sublime Energy.
The very concept of the Matrix or Prison Planet is nothing more than a self-imposed illusion.
The entropic entities whisper and cajole deep within⤵️ Image
The Anthropos' Mind.
Singing the cacophonous hymn of the Flesh and its Pleasures.
It is their corrupting Lithany that lies behind the religious dogma of Temptation by the Devil
Many succumb to their vicious Song and blindly step on the Road to Perdition. ⤵️ Image
What of those who resist and defiantly refuse to heed the mellifluous lure of the Artifact?
Theirs is an arduous path on which they must thread lightly, because the Machine has many ears and countless eyes; those who see through the veil of deceptions ⤵️ Image
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May 14, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 13🧵

To affirm the existence of the Edenic Realm, the individual will have to deny the dominance of the Inverted one. In the past, this has caused the denier much harassment, persecution, and even death. The Machine doesn't tolerate dissenters ⤵️ Image
Many amongst the Anthropos feel a sense of wrongness, an unexplainable spiritual malaise, an alienation towards what the official narrative presents as normality: strangers in a strange land.
Unless one can find the stillness inside oneSelf via a form of personal revelation and⤵️ Image
Initiation, mysteric, occult or spiritual; in other words "to die before you die", one will remain entrapped within the Simulacrum for the duration of the turn of the Wheel.
Recognition thus requires giving up one's persona ( mask ) and the dominance of the Egoic self. ⤵️ Image
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May 10, 2024
The Holographic reality
Chapter 9 🧵

Our reality is a simulation of the Edenic Realm, a cosmic counter-mimicry reflected by the inorganic energy projected by the one referred to in gnostic traditions as Yaldabaoth: the impotent, entropic entity master of lies and deception. ⤵️ Image
Yaldabaoth and its insectoid minions can be considered both a deviation from the path of Creation and part of It, a conscious error: the birthing act of Polarity.
For the Unknowable to be able to know Itself, it was necessary to manifest two opposite Aspects of Itself, thus ⤵️ Image
Duality was born.
‘False gold exists because there is real gold’, as Rumi said. The fake also serves to verify that the original exists.
The forces of mimicry and delusion are imposters. The Gnostics refer to these forces as cosmic parasites in that they leech off the energies⤵️ Image
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May 9, 2024
The Holographic reality
Chapter 8🧵

The emotional and physical states of discordance and discomfort described in the previous thread are symptoms of the somewhat traumatic awakening of the Spiritual Awareness within our dreaming Self.
What some of us are sensing is that the ⤵️ Image
current reality construct is reaching a stretching point, or moment of profound transition. We have always been travelling within the inverted zone; now, we are being forced to merge and fuse within it. The dreamer is entering into the dream of the mirror world: Image
The corrupting wedding between carbon and silicon is about to be celebrated: the AI era is fast approaching.
Our Holographic reality is splintering, since a purely material realm cannot maintain its existence indefinitely without connection and communion with the Spirit Source ⤵️ Image
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May 8, 2024
The Holographic reality
Part Seven 🧵

Are you ready to leave this Illusory dimension and reclaim your sovereignty within the Edenic Realm?
There are certain signs to look for in order to real-eyes your state of preparedness:
Body aches and pains Feelings of deep inner sadness⤵️ Image
Unmotivated, powerful emotional reactions.
Sudden change of career.
Withdrawal from family.
Unusual sleep patterns.
Intense, vivid dreams, dreaming within the dream.
Physical disorientation.
Increased self-talk.
Feelings of loneliness.
Loss of passion.
A deep longing to go home⤵️ Image
If you are experiencing any of all of these discordances with your reality then you might be ready to take your first step on the Path that could lead you to your supremely sanctioned place within Existence.
At the moment, you are living in two, separate planes of perception ⤵️ Image
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