@60Minutes Obama left a pandemic response team in place that Trump dismantled. I watched in real time as he make every wrong decision every day about every action or inaction. He finally let the doctors give a plan to reopen & the next day demanded everybody open immediately in defiance.
@60Minutes He never instituted a travel ban. He instituted restrictions. By the time he restricted Europe, the virus was all over New York for weeks. So the much ballyhooed bans are bullshit. He failed to use the defense production act to make masks & PPE. Flouted science defiantly daily.
@60Minutes A communicable disease has the same root word as community. the community in this case is the country of the United States. Failing to address a national problem on a national level is a colossal failure. He feared taking responsibility so he shunted the risk off onto the states
@60Minutes That is a wholly ineffective way to handle a national emergency. He has never had a national plan. He overtly focuses on the stock market. Not on people living or dying. Journalists need to ask him constantly how many people he is willing to sacrifice to make the market rise.
@60Minutes Probably the biggest single factor why the response in the US is a colossal failure compared to the rest of the world is no other country refused to apply a national response. And he has ginned up his cult to reject science, just as with his response to wildfires & Climate change
@60Minutes He was one and done, Claiming he saved millions with his travel ban. No. That’s not what happened. And then he stopped, he did nothing else after that but promote the acceleration of the spread of the virus. Specifically because he thought it would hurt the market.
@60Minutes Every day he clearly talks about the market & the economy. Not people. He brings his only skills as a fraudster & con man to the task. The way he bullshits about the virus is the exact same way he bullshits about every other fraud he’s done from trump university to charity scams.
@60Minutes He honestly has nothing else to bring to the table. End of story. His focus on the market over people is because he thinks we are all like him; That if we make more money, who cares how many more people die? Please feel free to tell me, have I gotten anything wrong here?
@60Minutes It has been excruciatingly painful to watch step-by-step, watching him bungle this response, knowing at the time that he was doing exactly the opposite of what needed to be done. And exactly what would happen because of it. And here we are. Who knew? Everybody but him.
@60Minutes Another possibility is he actually knew what he was doing. And he simply does not give a fuck. Which I find equally plausible. I don’t think it’s benign ignorance. I think it’s malignant self interest. He will kill us all for money.
This is bigger than just political paradigmatic shift - think of the ramifications.
In the same way that it was more than the regular old politics of ancient when the church publicize that Galileo was being taken care of. For all that science.
It’s causing the pandemic to become cataclysmic.
This active anti-science army is against fighting scientists — the people who are best able to help us all mitigate the risks of increasing the human losses, needlessly, exponentially.
@benshapiro What did they smell like? Is she a skank or do you guys have different fathers? Have you tried selling them? Are they still available? What were you doing while you were sniffing them? When’s the last time you sniffed your sisters panties?
Which are better? Your sisters or your wife’s? Do they smell the same or different? Which one had a wetter ass pussy? Can you get off without sniffing? Do you like getting caught or just publicly confessing? If you sell them how much? Get back to me & we’ll do the homosexual part
Can you smell when they have that bacterial vaginitis? Does your wife really have a dry ass pussy?