@NVandhiyadhevan பிரதர் வரி என்பது என்ன என்ற புரிதல் வேண்டும்.நிறைய பேருக்கு அது இருப்பதில்லை.நீங்கள் வருமானம் ஈட்டினால் அதற்கு கட்டும் வரிக்கு பெயர் வருமான வரி.நீங்கள் ஏதேனும் சேவை உபயோகித்தால் அதற்கு தாங்கள் செலுத்துவது சேவைவரி.சொத்துக்கள்இரண்டு வகை அசையும் மற்றும் அசையா. 1/n
@NVandhiyadhevan அசையா சொத்து இருவகை residential & commercial.இரண்டுக்கும் செலுத்தவேண்டிய வரியின் பெயர் சொத்துவரி.residential property either owned by himself/herself/rented out so legal obligation of paying tax arises which is nominal based on d property.With respect to commercial property 2/n
@NVandhiyadhevan Tax warranted to be paid for any commercial activities happening over the property.this covid 19 situation is world unheard of but law presumed about these unprecedented situation hence they HV enabled provisions in the respective acts. In thalaivar case S.105 of Chennai city act
@NVandhiyadhevan Is applicable. As per d provisions 9f d act,legal notice shall be sent as a compliance u/s.105 (3)(a) which thalaivar duly complied on 23.9.2020.If ur working in any orgn ur attention is drawn to a particular work ur expected to complete within 10 days time max but here d commnr
@NVandhiyadhevan Has failed to respond & d last date was 15.10.20,so thalaivar legally enforced his constitutional right by approaching d high court which is d warranted move. It's thalaivar's magnanimity to come up with that tweet but he has well acted within d sphere of law. It's a brilliant
@NVandhiyadhevan Move from thalaivar as he don't want to give leeway to Dravidian parties to snatch d momentum in their favour despite he has acted legally.our ppl won't question d corrupt DMK party who has failed to pay 2.7crores for arivalayam & most of d admkians who yet to pay their taxes
@NVandhiyadhevan Did anyone question those corrupt parties?never as presstitute ensures it whereas they make big fuss for trivial 6.5 lakh rs. so thalaivar is a law abiding citizen & with these points try to make ur parents understand & this thread is meant for sir fans too who can appreciate