The “system change” the company announced last week will begin October 20. Users will be discouraged from straight-up retweeting posts. Twitter wants proof you’ve read a post/article/interview and prompt you to RT with a quote. If Twitter disapproves of the content...
it will flag the post with “this is disputed” and redirect you to more “reliable information.” Further, Twitter is removing “liked by” recommendations from people you don’t follow. “We don’t believe the ‘Like’ button provides sufficient, thoughtful consideration.” This is part...
of Twitter’s so-called Civic Integrity policy designed to manage communications about the election. I wrote about it here, links included:
The president needs to address the nation from Oval Office on the realities of coronavirus and prolonged lockdowns. He continues to outpoll Biden on the economy—and it’s time for America to hear the truth. The White House acted early with best info available at the time. But...
7 months later we have more reliable data and see the devastating outcomes of global lockdowns. He can point to Sweden and now to Florida, which is basically opened up. He should explain the “Focused Protection” approach in the Great Barrington Declaration. He should...
without bravado, cite recent WH outbreak as an example of how the virus impacts people differently—most not at all—and how at-risk ppl like him and Christie recover rather quickly. The president needs to give a passionate defense of our children, who are suffering tremendously.