Alex Dalassio Profile picture
Oct 22, 2020 36 tweets 10 min read Read on X
What do the goddesses, heraldry, the foundlings trains, hermaphroditic birth and bees have in common? According to the official narrative nothing much, but I do not believe in it and neither should you.
Look at the children in this photo and tell me what you see. Who are they? Image
This is the coat of arms of the Foundlings Hospital in London.
There they are, the goddesses. Again, look at those children, notice anything peculiar about them?

Just look at them and then consider the sheer number of orphans on those foundlings trains appearing for all intents and purposes, out of nowhere. Empty cities repopulated, a clean slate, no memories or knowledge of what happened before the event. For the few who did remember Image
Desolate lives and deaths were often the fate of people with mental illnesses — real or supposed — in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. An easy way to dispose of the ones who would resist, rebel, remember. Image
The system at work to get rid of the ones who could not be indoctrined, the ones who refused to take the pledge or receive the mark?

Good night.
Foundlings and Mud Flood in one photo, it is almost like someone or something wants me to continue this thread 🤔 Image
Back to the bees and Napoléon.
The choice of the new symbols so as to make a clean break with the monarchy of the Ancien Régime proved difficult. Crétet proposed an eagle, a lion and an elephant. Cambacérès preferred bees since France was a republic with a head, like a hive;
The Bee
Symbol of immortality and resurrection, the bee was chosen so as to link the new dynasty to the very origins of France. Golden bees were discovered in 1653 in Tournai in the tomb of Childeric I, founder in 457 of the Merovingian dynasty and father of Clovis. Image
They were considered as the oldest emblem of the sovereigns of France.During the early afternoon hours of May 27, 1653, a blind and mute mason named Adrien Quinquin was toiling away on a church reconstruction project for the city of Tournai, when his shovel struck gold.
Just meters below the earth were leather bags full of gold coins. Then came a gold torc bracelet, jewel-encrusted weapons, a crystal ball, a gold bull’s head, harness fittings decorated in cloisonné enamel, a heavy signet ring, and over 300 stylized gold bees with garnet wings. Image
Adrien Quinquin, humble mason, had accidentally unearthed the tomb of Childeric I, the founder-king of the Merovingian dynasty, and a key figure in the founding myths of France.The Childeric treasures were stored in a cabinet at the Louvre and forgotten. Image
That is, until they came to the attention of Napoleon Bonaparte. He declared : "To be a king is to inherit old ideas and genealogy. I don’t want to descend from anyone.” For these reasons and more, Napoleonic era propaganda consistently burrowed material from ancient Rome, Image
On June 12th, the state council (Conseil d’État) convened to draw up the symbols of empire. The new regime required a heraldic animal and an emblem to adorn the new coat of arms. Various proposals emerged.After a month of wavering, Napoleon imposed the Eagle for his coat of arms
The first matter settled, the committee then puzzled over the emblem, which heretofore had been the ever ubiquitous fleur-de-lis. The council rejected the idea, believing the fleur-de-lis too intimately associated with the previous Bourbon monarchy. A clean break was needed.
It was then that Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès, another consul who had once shared power with Napoleon, brought up Childeric’s bees. The notion was brought up that the fleur-de-lis may have originally been Childeric’s bees, upside-down and stylized overtime to resemble lilies
The bee was proposed as an all-around winsome choice: it preserves the spirit of the fleur-de-lis, but overrides the Bourbon monarchy to connect with the Merovingian past, that period of junction when the Roman world bridged with that of the Franks. Image
Cambacérès remarked that bees suited the new regime just fine, for France will be a giant hive with Napoleon at the head. The bee became a symbol infused with power, its use reserved expressly for the Emperor and his inner circle. Anyone below the rank of High Officer were
forbidden to take up the bee; dukes had to be content with stars, and those below dukes content with neither bees nor stars.
It cannot be disputed that the Ancient Egyptians attached great religious and spiritual significance to the honey bee. Bees were associated with royalty in Egypt; indeed, as early as 3500 BC, the bee was the symbol of the King of Lower Egypt. Image
Bee and rush hieroglyph at Abydos. In royal nomenclature this hieroglyph generally precede the name of the Pharaoh, meaning " He who belongs to the rush and the bee". The rush being the emblem of Upper Egypt and the bee of Lower Egypt. Image
Certain lines in ancient rituals indicate that the Egyptians may have even believed that the soul of a man (his "ka", the part which continues after death) took the form of a bee. Another ritual from the Book of "Am-Tuat", compares the voices of souls to the hum of bees. Image
This god crieth out to their souls after he hath entered the city of the gods who are on their sand, and there are heard the voices of those who are shut in this circle which are like [the hum] of many bees of honey when their souls cry out to Ra.
In another ritual, contained in the "Salt Magical Papyrus", that bees were created from the tears of the sun-god Ra whom the Egyptians believed to be the creator of the earth and the sea. Ra's right eye was the sun, his left eye was the moon, and he caused the Nile to flood.
"When Ra weeps again the water which flows from his eyes upon the ground turns into working bees. They work in flowers and trees of every kind and wax and honey come into being." Image
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A community of honey bees has often been employed by political theorists as a model of human society. This metaphor occurs in Aristotele and Plato; in Virgil and Seneca; in Erasmus and Shakespeare and in Bernard Mandeville's Fable of the Bees or Private Vices made public benefits
which influenced the economists Friedrich Hayek and John Maynard Keynes among others. Tolstoy similarly compares human society to a community of bees in War and Peace. Let’s conclude the Napoleonic role in this ramblings of mine.
Bees were used in Napoleonic heraldry. They were a reserved charge: no one could use a bee without a specific Imperial grant. Princes Grands Dignitaires received on a chief azure a semy of bees or as augmentation(Berthier de Wagram, Talleyrand, Bernadotte, Lebrun de Plaisance).
The most important cities of the Empire received a chief gules charged with three bees or: Paris, Aachen, Amsterdam, Bremen, Brussels, Cologne, Dijon, Florence, Genoa, Ghent, Hamburg, Lyon, Parma.
I'd like to thank you for bearing with me so far.
I could have just told you what my conclusion is about Resets, Mud flood, Foundlings trains and bees, but I believe that the journey is as important as the destination. Image
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May 17, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 16🧵

Judas said, "Behold, The authorities (Archons) dwell above us, so it is they who will rule over us."
The Savior said, "It is you who will rule over them, but only when you rid yourselves of jealousy, and take on the protection of the Light⤵️ Image
In Gnostic traditions, Sophia the Aeon, The Cup overflowing with the Purest Organic Light, the Divine Feminine from whom the Anthropos were birthed into Existence in the Orion Nebula prophetises the end of the Archontic reign:
⤵️ Image
"For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect that will have become visible in the Light of Truth will be abolished, and will be as if it never had been."
In this scenario, Sophia, before she morphs into the Earth, foresees a moment when the Demiurge will be defeated⤵️ Image
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May 15, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 14🧵

The Simulacrum operates a multifaceted deception sustained by the Anthropos' Sublime Energy.
The very concept of the Matrix or Prison Planet is nothing more than a self-imposed illusion.
The entropic entities whisper and cajole deep within⤵️ Image
The Anthropos' Mind.
Singing the cacophonous hymn of the Flesh and its Pleasures.
It is their corrupting Lithany that lies behind the religious dogma of Temptation by the Devil
Many succumb to their vicious Song and blindly step on the Road to Perdition. ⤵️ Image
What of those who resist and defiantly refuse to heed the mellifluous lure of the Artifact?
Theirs is an arduous path on which they must thread lightly, because the Machine has many ears and countless eyes; those who see through the veil of deceptions ⤵️ Image
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May 14, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 13🧵

To affirm the existence of the Edenic Realm, the individual will have to deny the dominance of the Inverted one. In the past, this has caused the denier much harassment, persecution, and even death. The Machine doesn't tolerate dissenters ⤵️ Image
Many amongst the Anthropos feel a sense of wrongness, an unexplainable spiritual malaise, an alienation towards what the official narrative presents as normality: strangers in a strange land.
Unless one can find the stillness inside oneSelf via a form of personal revelation and⤵️ Image
Initiation, mysteric, occult or spiritual; in other words "to die before you die", one will remain entrapped within the Simulacrum for the duration of the turn of the Wheel.
Recognition thus requires giving up one's persona ( mask ) and the dominance of the Egoic self. ⤵️ Image
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May 10, 2024
The Holographic reality
Chapter 9 🧵

Our reality is a simulation of the Edenic Realm, a cosmic counter-mimicry reflected by the inorganic energy projected by the one referred to in gnostic traditions as Yaldabaoth: the impotent, entropic entity master of lies and deception. ⤵️ Image
Yaldabaoth and its insectoid minions can be considered both a deviation from the path of Creation and part of It, a conscious error: the birthing act of Polarity.
For the Unknowable to be able to know Itself, it was necessary to manifest two opposite Aspects of Itself, thus ⤵️ Image
Duality was born.
‘False gold exists because there is real gold’, as Rumi said. The fake also serves to verify that the original exists.
The forces of mimicry and delusion are imposters. The Gnostics refer to these forces as cosmic parasites in that they leech off the energies⤵️ Image
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May 9, 2024
The Holographic reality
Chapter 8🧵

The emotional and physical states of discordance and discomfort described in the previous thread are symptoms of the somewhat traumatic awakening of the Spiritual Awareness within our dreaming Self.
What some of us are sensing is that the ⤵️ Image
current reality construct is reaching a stretching point, or moment of profound transition. We have always been travelling within the inverted zone; now, we are being forced to merge and fuse within it. The dreamer is entering into the dream of the mirror world: Image
The corrupting wedding between carbon and silicon is about to be celebrated: the AI era is fast approaching.
Our Holographic reality is splintering, since a purely material realm cannot maintain its existence indefinitely without connection and communion with the Spirit Source ⤵️ Image
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May 8, 2024
The Holographic reality
Part Seven 🧵

Are you ready to leave this Illusory dimension and reclaim your sovereignty within the Edenic Realm?
There are certain signs to look for in order to real-eyes your state of preparedness:
Body aches and pains Feelings of deep inner sadness⤵️ Image
Unmotivated, powerful emotional reactions.
Sudden change of career.
Withdrawal from family.
Unusual sleep patterns.
Intense, vivid dreams, dreaming within the dream.
Physical disorientation.
Increased self-talk.
Feelings of loneliness.
Loss of passion.
A deep longing to go home⤵️ Image
If you are experiencing any of all of these discordances with your reality then you might be ready to take your first step on the Path that could lead you to your supremely sanctioned place within Existence.
At the moment, you are living in two, separate planes of perception ⤵️ Image
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