"I cannot understand why anyone would vote for a man so overtly evil. This is a man credibly accused of rape, including child rape, a man who openly supported Vladimir Putin in defiance of the warnings of seventeen different American intelligence...
...agencies, a man who cages children and separates them permanently from their parents just because they lawfully came to America seeking sanctuary, a man who steals from children’s cancer charities, a “businessman” whose standing corporate policy is to destroy family...
...businesses through nonpayment of legitimate good faith contracts, a man who incessantly tweets insults about people who don’t adequately feed his ego, a man who mocked a disabled reporter and a Gold Star Family, a man who calls for the arrest of political opponents on...
...charges without evidence, a man who still neglects a pandemic that has claimed the lives (as I write this) of 227,409 Americans, a man who lets Russia put out contracts on American soldiers serving in Afghanistan without complaint or protest, a man who refuses to actively...
...discredit white supremacists, a “tough guy” with five deferments, including one that fraudulently alleged bone spurs, in order to get out of serving in Vietnam, a man who bankrupted six businesses, a money launderer, a man with a bank account in China worth millions, a tax...
...cheat, a “man’s man” who wears makeup and spends two hours a day on a triple combover to hide the fact that he’s bald, a thief, a conman, a pathological liar, a weak, whiny, stupid, deliberately ignorant, petty, arrogant, elitist, spoiled,... palmerreport.com/analysis/lets-…
...vindictive, hateful, thoroughly repulsive man of absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever."
This description is 💯% accurate, however (even though it is quite a long list) I dare say it is NOT 💯% inclusive of this evil monster's atrocities. Tя☭mp = EVIL
We are nearing the end of Tя☭mp's & the G☭P's reign of evil and the Bible verse I have been posting for 4 years still rings true, no more a warning, but a fact. #TrumpIsAThief
John 10:10
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
Tя☭mp has stolen/grifted millions off the backs of taxpayers, he has caused the preventable deaths of over 224,000 Americans, not counting refugees, & he has destroyed untold previously protected national monuments/land as well as relationships with our allies.