Committing High Treason at Common Law, is the most serious crime that can be committed in society.
The death penalty still exists in Britain for High Treason.
@AerialBolero I have no idea who this “lawful rebellion” group is BTW.
@AerialBolero We (not whomever that group is) are not “rebels” we are standing under the highest law of the land - the security clause for treason.
@AerialBolero I have made many posts in the past stating I’m not wasting anymore of my time on ppl who insist on keep tagging me with the official deception, I’ve reached my limit. I’m solely here for the people who want the historical evidential facts of our Legem Terrae- not bathe in myths.
@AerialBolero Read the **Beware part, if they can change the official online booklet to fit their outlawry, getting their aid & abetters to put disinformation out there via MSM, internet, for ppl to regurgitate, its no hold barred to completely overthrow our Legem Terrae treasonously.

Kenn D’oudney’s essay on Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 (the restoration amendment) from his research he has come to exact same conclusions as our mentor David Robinson
Such a great book highly recommended(& a great person)
Democracy Defined: The Manifesto…



“Article 61 installs THE PEOPLE as the legal force to police, arrest, indict, try, punish & otherwise obtain redress over wrongdoers acting as, or in the name of govt…
A.61 recognises & establishes that ‘NO ONE is above the law of the land”.
(Legem Terræ)

* Sedition - To publicly subvert/deny the Constitutions existence, to
write or speak with the intention of inciting the destruction/against the constitution is Sedition,

It is punishable by total asset stripping and life imprisonment.
“They wish to obliterate our Constitution PRECISELY because Article 24, 36, 39, 40 & 61 oblige citizens to uphold the rule of law & PROSECUTE THEM.”
“Article 61 of the Constitution, requires such actions to be taken
if necessary in arresting & holding the head of state & his/her administrators or anyone else to the Articles of Magna Carta-even
waging war, if necessary to uphold the terms of the Great Charter.”

The misconception of words (such as “Baron”) they use to gaslight us.

More examples by D’Oudney (coming to same conclusions) of treacherous subversion by aid & abetters from our rule of law as laid out in Magna Carta, demonstrating their ‘Google skills’ to regurgitate the official deception of our perpetual Constitutional laws & customs.

“They scoff at and ridicule simple, traditional proven values for which generations of our finest forebears fought and died and won and preserved for us. These despicable contemporaries of ours presume to sow the wind—may they reap the whirlwind.” Image
Under Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 ALL national debts are null & void at a stroke of a pen due to the crime of usury which is strictly forbidden under article 10, 11 of Magna Carta 1215.

All OUR courts are unlawfully hijacked by absolute high treasonous criminals - withholding justice from we the people, whilst protecting themselves,
Until we the people don’t come to terms of what A.61 ACTUALLY means, our ACTUAL Legem Terrae, criminals will do what criminals do.

“If a juror feels that the STATUTE involved in any ‘criminal offence’ is unfair, or that it infringes upon the defendants natural God-given unalienable or constitutional rights, that it is his DUTY to affirm that the offending statute is really no law at all & that the..
.. ‘violation’ of it is no crime at all, for no one is bound to obey an unjust law.
That juror must vote Not Guilty regardless of the pressures or abuses that may be heaped on him by any or al members of the jury with whom he may in good conscience disagree…
“…He is voting on the justice of the law according to his conscience & convictions & not someone else’s.
The law itself is on trial quite as much as the case which is to be decided.”

- U.S Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone
(Harvard Law Review)
judges appointed by the king are to hold trials,
whereas the following is the actual complete wording in Magna Carta seen on the original, sealed Latin document:

“ Nullus vice comes, constabularius, coronator, vel alii valivi nostri, teneant placita coronæ nostræ.”
= “No sheriff, constable, coroner, or other of our bailiffs, shall hold pleas of our crown.”
The emphasis is added to “our” because (as distinguished from any officials appointed to their positions by govt or monarch) at common law only locally-chosen, i.e.,
elected convenors (usually local bailiffs, stewards, earldormen, sheriffs or others), can convene Trial by Jury.
At common law the convenors (who are duplicitously referred to as ‘judges’) have NO judicial function whatsoever and are (or should be) regularly elected
locally by the people, not appointed by govt.
EVERYTHING you see online about MC1215 is the official deceptive subversion of the Constitution & media are the seditious aid & abetters especially
(SEDITION: To speak or write publicly against the constitution It is punishable by
total asset stripping and life imprisonment.)
Trial by jury:

The common law was created by the people for the people as a simple set of principles that even the simpletons would understand. Our ancestors were happy to be governed (not ruled) by those principles in law.
The principles of common law are aligned with natural
law since they are (or should be) within the hearts of all good men and women.

The constitution protects the people from injustices by way of the common law trial by jury nullification process, whereby jurors have the duty to
nullify any statute law that contravenes common law,
even though it will have been granted royal assent to become law. That is why we are told today that we are policed by consent, because if the common law hadn't been usurped all of the statutes on the books would have recieved
the consent of the people within proper court
hearings. Today we are policed by force & subjected to illegal “laws” (rules).

“The Jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy.” - U.S. Chief Justice John Jay; Supreme Court; Georgia v. Brailsford.
Until the Latin - derived word ‘juror’ was adopted, jurors were actually called the judges in recognition of their role. “...the judges, for so the jury were called...” - See p. 55 of Crabbe’s History of the English Law, etc.
Fundamental principles of common law:

01).The truth is sovereign in law;

02).All people are sovereign in society;

03). The right & duty of the common people to use jury nullification of government Statutes when required;

04).Oaths of public office are always observed in full;
05). All are equal under the law;

06). Freedom of speech;

07).The presumption of innocence before guilt;

08).The right to be heard within a trial by jury of our equals/peers;

09).A jury verdict of guilt (criminal intent) is always unanimously agreed upon by all of the jurors;
10). Justice must be done but it must also be seen to be done (in public forum);

11). Justice can never be delayed, denied or sold to anyone;

12). No detention without due process of law (habeas corpus);

13). No punishment/penalty before due process of law;
14). Freedom from unwilling association (except from the common law);

15). The right to freedom of association;

16). The right to bear arms or to assault in proportion to the

threat(s) in the defence of the self or others, and in defence of any trespass of property (inc; the

17). The right to free access to clean water, clean air, safe foods and medicine and to create/obtain lawful shelter; 18). The right to free unhindered travel;

19). All workers are worthy of their hire (no slavery);

20). All have a duty to keep the peace;
21). All are subject to and protected by the law equally;

22). No taxation without representation;

23). Agreements/contracts are honoured that have been willingly entered into in good faith and by due process (full disclosure, equal consideration, witnesses etc).
The above principles can all be placed within the main 4 principles of our common law:

Cause no harm; Cause no loss; be peaceful; be honest.

The above 4 above principles simply cover every eventuality in life.

Corpus Juris (EU Rules) under the EU constitution –
Lisbon Treaty are mainly opposite to the above principles we have.

Constitutional law:

Britain has a written & codified constitution (Oxford English Dictionary: - Codified - “to arrange laws or rules into a systematic code”). When the constitution's various parts are being
fully observed as a whole it works very efficiently in a systematic way, especially at local level for which it was designed.

The codes of practice within public services under a common law jurisdiction do have a definite structure to them as we may know, like within the police
service for example, but also within all public services because the principles of common law are always to be observed/obeyed. The same structure can be observed within the entire constitution. There is structure & codes of practice for parliament, councils, courts etc, and in
itself as a set of ancient thus customary documents provides a well organised structured application of itself.

The police today however, under treasonous EU legislation also have a system with codes of practice, but of course that doesn't mean it is lawful. Such codes of
practice and principles being used today are contrary to our own laws and codes of practice, things are done very differently under the common laws of our land. EU legislation and modern statutes are structured in direct contrast to our common law constitution by design.
Such is life within a long lived treasonous administration!
@thegriffter And it’s not “rebel” it’s dissent - upholding the law under the Legem Terræ.
The traitors are the outlaws - outlawry - outside of the law.
@TheGhostOfTim law within their practices. Today they are all run for profit Corporate businesses deceiving unaware people, and enforcing their rules on the aware who foolishly enter into their criminal domain.
We must by royal command take back our courts under A61 from these lawless traitors.
@diffyonhoto1 Article 1)
From 1208 and the intrusion of the general interdict on England and Wales, then later followed by the Treaty of Verona in 1213, whereby King John attempted (yet again) to bring England under Papist rule, although he was curtailed by the barons in 1215 whom by threat of
@diffyonhoto1 force, demanded that he seal the Great Charter of 1215 or lose the throne. He was a traitor and a tyrant, and of course under duress he sealed the Charter, his choice was to lose the crown or the 'divine right of kings' to terrorize the people without retribution.

King John
@diffyonhoto1 attempted unsuccessfully yet again, to allow Pope Innocent III to annul Magna Carta in 1216 (First time in history A61 was invoked) Whereas he was brought under the Rule of law of Magna Carta by the feudal barons (his peers), whom refused to allow such treachery and would not
@diffyonhoto1 allow payment of tributes to the Pope, nor did they allow the Popes choice of Archbishop of Canterbury to head the English Church.
@diffyonhoto1 The 1215 Magna Carta was sealed by King John under duress because he was a tyrant, and because he was in breach of his Coronation Oath to the people. He was subservient to Rome and a traitor to the country as can be seen within his unsuccessful attempt to have Pope Innocent III
@diffyonhoto1 annul Magna Carta in 1216. The first time in history Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 was invoked.
Magna Carta 1215 was neither surpassed by other attempts to update or change it in 1217, 1225 and in 1297 when parliament attempted (criminally) to enact Magna Carta into statute
@diffyonhoto1 & then repeal it;
Parliament was not even created until in its very basic form as the 'Kings Court' in 1236, therefore Magna Carta was/is not subject to parliament, it can only be updated and or bettered by the people themselves within a constitutional convention of the people.
If you read Magna Carta 1215 you will clearly see that it states within its text that it is “for ever” states it in Article 1; Article 61 and in Article 63. The 'Estates' (wealthy families holding positions of alleged authority and power) attempted to deceive the people
(many in the day were illiterate), by producing Magna Carta 1297 (which was in statute form – government created legislation which government could then repeal) into thinking that Magna Carta 1215 had been repealed. That lie is still the current government narrative. It was
actually criminal (political subversion) to attempt to bring an agreement made between the people (represented by the barons in those feudal times) and the monarch into statute form.

It is very important to distinctively discern that Magna Carta 1215 has NOT been repealed or
revoked as the evidence shows. The Royal Mint who has been minting for the Monarch for thousands of years, minted en masse, a 1215 coin (800th anniversary in 2015) and only a 1215 coin. Not 1216, 1225, 1297 or any other alleged versions.

This means all subsequent charters,
laws, acts, statutes, legislations and the like were made outside of the constraints of our highest constitutional law, under false pretenses. This therefore makes them all treasonous and as stated in the MC 1215, "null and void ". This inherently means that MC 1215 is the
highest and only valid law of the land across our realm in the Commonwealth.

Magna Carta is a treaty, not an Act of Parliament. As we understand it, Magna Carta, like all treaties, cannot be repealed. As a contract or covenant between sovereign and subjects, it can be
breached only by one party or the other, but even in the breach it still stands. It is a mutual, binding agreement of indefinite duration. Any breach merely has the effect of giving the offended party rights of redress.

The present Queen referred to Magna Carta as a peace
treaty in a speech in New Zealand in 1997.

So, Magna Carta is an affirmation of common law based on principles of natural justice. These principles - and the document itself - pre-date Parliament.

They have recently and mysteriously/suspiciously removed the Magna Carta 1215
coin and coin hunt from their Royal Mint website, this is a form of modern day book burning, as we are making strides. This is a treasonous act. However, we have the actual coins in circulation, materials and all the pertaining evidence. Furthermore, The Queen also replied to
the Barons petition on the *39th day of 40th, as required by the law (MC 1215). If it was repealed or revoked, then why would she bother replying at all!? (which she never stated it was null/void/repealed/revoked. Perhaps this whole anniversary and coin was a cry for help?)
This only further validates our claims.

(To deny the constitution or the common laws of England and our entire Commonwealth is sedition. Sedition remains in force under 1571 Treason Act and is a Capital offence as is Treason. It is the crime of misprision of treason to be
informed of treason, which is evidential, and not to report the crime or act upon the evidence immediately, especially as a police constable. The file FCO 30/1048 is thick but the first few pages prove that the documents are evidence of said crimes. The Evidence file (Foreign
and Commonwealth Office) file FCO 30/1048 still remains within the National Archives of the Public Records office right now, and is easily available online.

They will try to destroy this also, which we have backups of…
@ChristianPilg14 Few of the most glaring ones was he speaks about the constitution then champions statutes & especially illegitimate ones which didn’t follow constitutional protocols, championing ‘bill of rights’ & also championing a document he wants to make up (no comment) & ignoring what the
@ChristianPilg14 Official Invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 means, when with what he wrote in book he damn well knows.
@ChristianPilg14 So I keep going. When majority of people are made aware of all this historical evidential facts- it’s undeniable, but there’s defo quite a few people suffering from perpetual Stockholm syndrome & cognitive dissonance, & unwittingly aid & abetting high treason.
@ChristianPilg14 …As instructed in A61 to we the people, we “must Compel” others of what the Invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 following constitutional protocols means.
@ChristianPilg14 David said once we reinstate the rule of law we would have to have reeducation (in all schools) as all they’ve been doing is teaching the official lies
Harold Wilson took out the teachings of the Constitution in late 60’s/70’s that’s why all they do is seditiously use maritime Ad

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Aug 4, 2022
David went to see the actual original MC1215 and got it translated, that’s how he found out that the treacherous subverters changed/added to the official online version to suit their agenda,
Such as in article 24 as just 1 example:
There is a treasonous fabrication in the official booklet and online British Library ‘translation’ of Magna Carta 1215. It invents this following phrase and adds it on to clause 24: “...that should be held by the royal justices.” This perjury gives the opposite impression that
judges appointed by the king are to hold trials,
whereas the following is the actual complete wording in Magna Carta seen on the original, sealed Latin document:

“ Nullus vice comes, constabularius, coronator, vel alii valivi nostri, teneant placita coronæ nostræ.”
Read 24 tweets
Jul 30, 2022
This is an unlawful kidnapping
there is LAWS under our constitution to protect freedom of expression,
These ‘Bill’s or whims of illegitimate tyrants are null &void under the invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215,
These police are acting like stasi thugs for a lawless state
The longer we are wilfully ignorant of our actual perpetual Legem Terræ Constitution- MC1215 the more of the progression of the annihilation of our sovereignty, make no mistake, THEY are the lawless rebels rebelling against our Constitution under the guise of legitimacy.
No one – neither sovereign, nor parliament, nor government, nor people– may tamper with, dismantle, destroy or surrender our constitution. We are all tenants of it, and trustees. We inherited these rights, and we have a supreme responsibility to pass them in good order to future
Read 7 tweets
Jul 29, 2022
Exact same scenario with our Constitution. & I mean our TRUE perpetual Legem Terræ - Magna Carta 1215,
You go back to the root & start to recognise & realise how illegitimate & lawless they ALL are, under the guise of legitimacy due to our collective ignorance of the facts.
When we restore back to our unalienable perpetual Legem Terræ Constitution, that these high treasonous aid &abetters have hijacked-which includes all our courts-we will put an end to all this treachery, extortion & criminality in every single infrastructure & hold them to account
Theres obvious reasons why Harold Wilson removed the common law constitution from the curriculum in universities in the 1960's/70's and replaced with unconstitutional statutes, which are designed to oppress the people and to deny them their natural human rights.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 12, 2022
Let common sense prevail.
The constitution IS the people.
These wannabe tyrants swear oaths of office "To defend/uphold the Laws & customs of the PEOPLE"
They have broken their oath of office,they disregard for the rule of law as they're ALL SACKED under Article 61 of Magna Carta
THEY are OUTLAWRY, & entirely depend on our collective ignorance of the evidential facts of our perpetual Constitution - Magna Carta 1215,

Rise above their low expectations of majority's wilful ignorance, they rely on it to continue on their lawlessness.

“Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion.”

- Karl Marx

Remember folks, THEY are the OUTLAWS.

Read 13 tweets
Jan 31, 2022
As always,

It is my Constitutional duty officially under oath to our perpetual constitution, to ONLY champion the evidential facts.

I have zero interest or patience left now in entertaining ppl who insist on their ignorant assumptions & fiction.

Truth is Sovereign in Law.💜
I’ve had people dragging me into mega 🧵’s with lots of ppl tagged in & then pushing deception, 🙄
one of the last ones, they were talking about “laws” etc I talked about article 61 etc few of the accounts went away for few seconds came back, & lo & behold were pushing the
official MSM deception with their ‘Google skills’ 🙄🙄😂
Their accounts were named as “Truth seeker” “matrix___” etc 😂 total CONTRADICTION when all they’re doing is aid & abetting the enemy of the human family & ALL LIFE.
Then they were talking about how they need to get my
Read 7 tweets
Jan 30, 2022
Classic example of Cognitive dissonance to our true Legem Terrae
I have zero time or patience now for the wilful ignorants aid and abetting this treasonous regime, who cant comprehend our TRUE laws of the land, due to generational living under a treasonous regime.
"..Until redress has been obtained as THEY deem fit."
Have all the accused,& perverters of justice been tried for their aid & abetting? NO.
Has Annulment by Jury been reinstated? NO.
Have all unlawful statutes been struck off by our TRUE Annulment by Jury? NO.
& restitution etc
Until ppl cant get past their generational indoctrination fed lies-which the treasonous traitors rely on that ignorance, they will continue on their nefarious lawless enslavement agenda, ppl must be prepared to re-learn the historical evidential facts
Read 5 tweets

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