Lepa Dinis(彫 霊 波) Article 61 Of Magna Carta 1215 Profile picture
Under oath of Article 61 Of Magna Carta 1215,🧵in pin, historical evidential facts of Constitutional Common Law. FB:Lepadinis/Lepadinis2 Insta/Gab/GETTR.🚫DM’s
Aug 4, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
David went to see the actual original MC1215 and got it translated, that’s how he found out that the treacherous subverters changed/added to the official online version to suit their agenda,
Such as in article 24 as just 1 example: There is a treasonous fabrication in the official booklet and online British Library ‘translation’ of Magna Carta 1215. It invents this following phrase and adds it on to clause 24: “...that should be held by the royal justices.” This perjury gives the opposite impression that
Jul 30, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This is an unlawful kidnapping
there is LAWS under our constitution to protect freedom of expression,
These ‘Bill’s or whims of illegitimate tyrants are null &void under the invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215,
These police are acting like stasi thugs for a lawless state The longer we are wilfully ignorant of our actual perpetual Legem Terræ Constitution- MC1215 the more of the progression of the annihilation of our sovereignty, make no mistake, THEY are the lawless rebels rebelling against our Constitution under the guise of legitimacy.
Jul 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Exact same scenario with our Constitution. & I mean our TRUE perpetual Legem Terræ - Magna Carta 1215,
You go back to the root & start to recognise & realise how illegitimate & lawless they ALL are, under the guise of legitimacy due to our collective ignorance of the facts. When we restore back to our unalienable perpetual Legem Terræ Constitution, that these high treasonous aid &abetters have hijacked-which includes all our courts-we will put an end to all this treachery, extortion & criminality in every single infrastructure & hold them to account
Feb 12, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Let common sense prevail.
The constitution IS the people.
These wannabe tyrants swear oaths of office "To defend/uphold the Laws & customs of the PEOPLE"
They have broken their oath of office,they disregard for the rule of law as they're ALL SACKED under Article 61 of Magna Carta THEY are OUTLAWRY, & entirely depend on our collective ignorance of the evidential facts of our perpetual Constitution - Magna Carta 1215,

Rise above their low expectations of majority's wilful ignorance, they rely on it to continue on their lawlessness.
Jan 31, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
As always,

It is my Constitutional duty officially under oath to our perpetual constitution, to ONLY champion the evidential facts.

I have zero interest or patience left now in entertaining ppl who insist on their ignorant assumptions & fiction.

Truth is Sovereign in Law.💜 I’ve had people dragging me into mega 🧵’s with lots of ppl tagged in & then pushing deception, 🙄
one of the last ones, they were talking about “laws” etc I talked about article 61 etc few of the accounts went away for few seconds came back, & lo & behold were pushing the
Jan 30, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Classic example of Cognitive dissonance to our true Legem Terrae
I have zero time or patience now for the wilful ignorants aid and abetting this treasonous regime, who cant comprehend our TRUE laws of the land, due to generational living under a treasonous regime. "..Until redress has been obtained as THEY deem fit."
Have all the accused,& perverters of justice been tried for their aid & abetting? NO.
Has Annulment by Jury been reinstated? NO.
Have all unlawful statutes been struck off by our TRUE Annulment by Jury? NO.
& restitution etc
Jan 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
They’ve all been sacked after the Invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 following constitutional protocols from 23rd March 2001 Ppl security clause 4 treason
hence Y their outlawry&entirely dependent on our ignorance of the fact under the guise of legitimacy 2 usher in NWO Govt’s are mere admins to the people CHOSEN head of state, now ppl think these admins are their “leaders” this is all subversion of the historical evidential facts - the CONSTITUTION IS THE PEOPLE, it has ALWAYS been the people - ourselves to stop this tyranny.
Jan 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Majority of Surgeons don't even wear Surgery masks anymore, as it inhibits respiration creating a hypoxic state, they start getting migraines due to lack of oxygen to the brain, & they need full concentration on the surgery. “Complying with these ridiculous guidances that you wear a face mask,
Tell me what the difference is between wearing a face mask & assault is? because when you understand the science behind wearing a face mask, what it does to your body, then you realise they are assaulting you
Dec 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
We was never meant to have “judges” we are suppose to have a ‘convener’ and Court De Jure our courts are for the people by the people set up u get common law jurisdiction by King Alfred the great from 871.
If a convener threw their weight about, king Alfred had them hung, he didn’t mess about with the peoples sovereignty & courts.
The De Jure system is suppose to judge the law as well as the crime & throw it out of statute books if even 1 person doesn’t think it’s fair, thus our sovereignty, governed by consent is established.
Dec 14, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Just a reminder,

An agent to the “principle” cannot “mandate” ANYTHING to the PRINCIPLE - quite the reverse,


& especially not agents that were sacked under the invocation of article 61 of Magna Carta 1215

The “Kings parliament” began in 1236, it was the beginning of parliament, but not the courts of Justice created by Alfred the Great in the 9th Century). All the while, the King was still the agent of the people, thereby parliament was no more than the assistants to the agent of the people.

The superior power in
Dec 13, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Many prisoners are political prisoners these days but not all obviously. Many are only there because they unwittingly consented to be oppressed by the unlawful corporate courts and their criminal policies completely unaware of the truth in law, and/or victims of false evidence provided by corrupt police, whilst they've been very active in taking away people's major assets like houses, children etc, by producing false evidence and using the Proceeds Of Crime Act to steal everything, whilst also aiding and abetting the SS stealing babies and children.
Nov 5, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read

Grooming children to take experimental drugs to a whole other level.

Historical Criminal drug pushers doing what they do. @pfizer This you?
Oct 21, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The Quote:
"He who represents himself has a fool for a client."

Is for a good reason. Claiming title to the legal fiction as your own is to aid & abet the fraud & treason committed by Charles II in 1666
when he granted Royal Assent to the "Cestui Que Vie Act" which was treason against the sovereign people & ALL null & Void since the invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta.
They use legalese, which sounds the same but actually relates to the commercial sector when you
Oct 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The only way to stop this tyranny is and has always been Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215

as it has stopped them in their tracks the last 4x in history it was invoked, if we don’t even recognise the significance of what it means when it was invoked, this tyranny will continue on. Magna Carta is 800+ years the champion of our sovereignty,
It’s has never let the people down, we will only let ourselves down due to our ignorance of the facts.
Oct 19, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
The legal system is totally unlawful because anything that is classed as legal can only be so if it complies with the constitution. Acts/Statutes etc Must Fall within the Confines of our Constitution. Then it must be presented to a Constitutional Monarch for Royal Assent, Court De Jure- for a Jury to vote into statute books - Thus the sovereignty of the people established over parliament. “No parliament can bind its successors.”

This principle is itself a maxim of common law, and has been often restated:
Oct 13, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
TRUTH. The Coronation Oath can only be sworn to be upheld by a King or Queen of the Christian Anglican or protestant faith.
King Alfred the Great back in 871 until his death in 899, became the King of Wessex following the death of his brother Aethelred. Alfred also sent Pope John VIII
Oct 11, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Every single aid & abetter of high treason would be hanged today if only ppl knew our perpetual constitutional laws, it’s no wonder Harold Wilson took out the teachings of our constitutional laws/treason from the British curriculum since the 60’s & 70’s
The same Harold Wilson who ‘repealed’ Richard II-Statute of Praemunire (1392)
(This prevented foreign laws being imported & the drawing out of English ppl to face foreign courts)
this statute in the ‘Criminal Law Act 1967’ allowing the Heath Gov’t to place our courts under the dominion of the EEC..
Sep 21, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Under article 24 of Magna Carta-that the crown, it’s bailiffs, judges, sheriffs etc cannot hold court, courts are by the ppl for the ppl via Court De jure,
Central London is occupied by Rome. It is also home to the BAR association that has Usurped our Courts. All the Treason stems from Central London. Central London also committed high treason by also violating Article 13 of the Magna Carta.
Jul 21, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Exactly THIS.
& I am sick to death of people pushing the official treasonous deception with zero research but with such ignorant confidence, I do not have anymore time to waste on pointless back & forth, I’ve made endless threads which you can read, go away & research yourselves. Just because you were deceived & with blind faith, bought those lies doesn’t make lies the truth & especially not the criminals that are keeping the evidential facts from you, doesn’t make them any less treasonous
Stop aid & abetting high treason by pushing their bare faced lies.
Jul 11, 2021 216 tweets >60 min read
The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 was given royal assent by Charles II which was a breech of his coronation oath his coronation oath was defend the laws and customs of the people he also committed treason against the sovereignty of the people by doing that however it already was usurped by the ‘Juries Act’ and previous govt intervention with the juries 1285

Admiral law is fraudulently applied to us via our birth certificate/surname (strawman/legal fiction). It is essentially contract law (uniform commercial code) which should only apply financially
May 28, 2021 67 tweets 17 min read
Magna Carta 1215 & the invocation of Article 61 on 23rd March 2001 following correct protocols:
