New: Alabama's most populous county is now doing a public outreach campaign and trying to contact absentee voters who received a witness signature waiver with their ballots that a court later invalidated…
We reported this weekend about concerns voting rights groups raised re: waivers sent to absentee voters in Jefferson Co:…
On Monday, the county put out a press release telling voters to call if they sent the waiver on/after Oct. 14:…
The official managing absentee voting in Jefferson Co. said they had a plan to help voters who mailed the witness waiver after a court invalidated it. Ala. SoS John Merrill warned ballots postmarked 10/14 or later w/out witnesses will not be counted…
The situation in Jefferson Co. underscored the uncertainty local election officials have faced as courts continued to rule on election practices after voting began — a voting rights lawyer prev. said Jefferson Co. had been trying to do the right thing…
Here's the announcement from Jefferson Co., which has the phone number voters can call if they're worried they missed the Oct. 13 cutoff to use a witness signature waiver for their ballot:…
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NEW: In a 2-1 decision, the 8th Circuit ordered Minnesota to set aside and not count absentee ballots received after Election Day until legal challenges to a later deadline the state agreed to is all over — meaning those ballots could be invalidated…
The 8th Circuit ordered MN to segregate absentee ballots that arrive after Nov. 3 in a way that would allow them "to be removed from vote totals in the event a final order is entered by a court of competent jurisdiction determining such votes to be invalid or unlawfully counted"
Judge Jane Kelly dissents, noting MN has sent 1.7M+ ballots saying it's okay if absentee ballots postmarked by Election Day arrived up to a week later: "The court’s injunctive relief will cause voter confusion and undermine Minnesotans’ confidence in the election process"
Deep dive: On signature matching, and how absentee ballots rejected for signature mismatches could become the hanging chads of the 2020 election…
Since 2018, when there were signature match issues in Florida, there's been a surge of litigation that's forced more states to adopt rules giving voters ways to save their ballots, or to abandon signature mismatch as grounds for rejecting ballots this fall…
There are only a handful of states now that don't give voters a way to "cure" ballots flagged with a signature mismatch. In states with cure processes, they vary in terms of how voters are notified there's a problem with their ballot and how to fix it…
New: SCOTUS won't disturb Pennsylvania's 11/6 deadline for absentee ballots. But three of the conservatives made clear the legal fight isn't over, raising the specter that ballots arriving after 11/3 — which PA will set aside — could be invalidated later…
Alito took a decidedly ominous tone tonight, joined by Thomas and Gorsuch, warning that SCOTUS' handling of the fight over absentee voting in Pennsylvania "needlessly created conditions that could lead to serious post-election problems"…
The PA AG's office said they've "taken careful steps to ensure all eligible Pennsylvania votes will be counted and to stave off further anticipated legal challenges,” but also urged voters to return absentee ballots to a drop box asap…
Some new twists in the fight over how far past Election Day absentee ballots can be counted in Pennsylvania:
- Recall SCOTUS voted 4-4 not to disturb a PA Supreme Court decision that extended the deadline to Nov. 6:…
- The PA Republican Party has now asked the PA Supreme Court to stay its decision re: the Nov. 6 deadline while it pursues a cert petition at SCOTUS (recall the last round was about an emergency stay application):…
@SCOTUSblog - So now a cert petition has been filed with SCOTUS, and the PA GOP is asking the justices for "expedited consideration" — "to decide the case on the merits before Election Day or, in the alternative, on an otherwise expedited schedule"
Voters In Alabama’s Largest County Could Have Their Ballots Thrown Out After A Court Ruled Instructions They Were Sent Are No Longer Valid…
A judge ruled that Alabama couldn't enforce a witness req. for absentee voters with medical conditions that put them at risk of COVID. In Jefferson County, officials sent voters a waiver form. Then an appeals court stepped in and reversed.…
Voting rights groups have urged the county to notify voters who may have gotten the waiver that they do, in fact, need witnesses — and to figure out how to give voters who used the waiver a chance to make sure their ballots don't get tossed out…
SCOTUS voted 5-3 to allow Alabama to ban curbside voting for people with disabilities that put them at higher risk from COVID…
Justice Sotomayor, dissenting, said the court was standing in the way of counties "ready and willing to help vulnerable voters."
An Alabama district judge had blocked Alabama from enforcing the curbside voting ban during the pandemic after a lengthy trial, and the 11th Circuit rejected Alabama's request to pause that order. The state AG's office petitioned SCOTUS to step in…
According to an amicus brief that advocates for disabled persons and the elderly filed with SCOTUS, there are at least 29 states that allow for some form of curbside voting, usually to accomodate people with disabilities…