@Laurie_Garrett Living in Vancouver, Canada, I enjoy the dual benefits of being Canadian and removed from the more virulent provinces of Ontario and Quebec. The map shows a dot for each political area of both countries where the size of the dot is the relative number of cases. /1
@Laurie_Garrett The dots in the states are so close together representing I assume the State counties - distinctly political divisions- that most of the dots simply melt together. The Canadian dots are for each province. /2
@Laurie_Garrett .The differing politics and even philosophies of the two countries have indeed produced different results in their struggle of the “spikes beast”. I have often admired the values of liberty held by our southern neighbour - the nation of my Fox forebears.... /3
@Laurie_Garrett ...but I would never hesitate to laud the praises of pseudo-universal health care and a form of government that can go through a change of Federal Government within a time span of less than a month. /4
@Laurie_Garrett But I think we Canadians also benefit from our proximity to the most prosperous, “free”, and powerful nation on earth. It’s just a tragedy that you Americans enjoy those traits at such a huge cost.
@Laurie_Garrett I was just rereading what I wrote and find it remarkable how a simple thing like Twitter can lead one to be so careless on grammar. 😄