Imagine Ghana reuniting with Côte d’Ivoire, or Benin reuniting with Nigeria. If that reunification isn’t handled well, you can end up with the war we have now in Cameroon.
From 1884 to 1916 we were a group of kingdoms under German Kamerun. We then split into Northern Cameroons, Southern Cameroons, French Cameroun with some of the Kamerun territory going to neighboring countries. #EndAnglophoneCrisis
At no point in history before 1961, did Cameroon, with its current borders, exist as a country. There was never any ‘Cameroon government’ before 1961. The ‘reunification’ created a brand new country, not reestablished a pre-existing one.
We like to forget that Northern Cameroons voted to join Nigeria and have been within their borders since 1961. If we were as one and indivisible as some claim, why isn’t anyone trying to reunite with those from former Northern Cameroons?
Northern Cameroons and Southern Cameroons had same status. Yet we are sending back refugees to Nigeria even though they are former Northern Cameroonians. Boko Haram’s base is in former Northern Cameroons. There is no clamoring to insist that we are one and indivisible with them.
If you don’t consider that Northern Cameroonians are Cameroonians then understand why some Southern Cameroonians also don’t feel Cameroonian.
Southern Cameroons had its government, its National Assembly, House of Chiefs and a number of institutions that supported its democracy and rule of law. There were multiple parties and differing visions, but they respectful and peaceful.
This very staunch difference in governance is very well laid out in Chief Endeley’s 1961 manifesto to convince Southern Cameroonians to vote to join Nigeria and not Cameroon:
1/ L’une des sources du conflit #EndAnglophoneCrisis est que deux territoires distincts, la République du Cameroun, "indépendant," et Southern Cameroons, encore sous tutelle mais avec institutions démocratiques, décident de s’unir pour créer la République Fédérale du Cameroun.
2/ C’est ce clash de vision de ce qu’est un état, une nation, et quel est le rôle de ces citoyens qui revient à la charge aujourd’hui.
3/ Southern Cameroons, qui pensait qu’elle maintiendrait une autonomie et son statut égal d’état dans une fédération, a vu toutes ses institutions démocratiques, sa manière de vivre, ses libertés, ses structures économiques éliminées.
"The root cause is the failure to fully decolonise a people."
"The union was based on lies, ruse."
"Very different perspective on what State is. One side thinks State is common resources good of all. The other believes State is created through fear and violence."
now Amazonian Governing Council President Cho Ayaba is on.
"It was a difficult invitation to ignore. It was also a difficult invitation to accept." ... "with genocide deniers,.."
He is accusing John Fru Ndi and others of being "blacklegs and traitors."
Ça concerne tous les téléphones. Ils n'ont aucun moyen de savoir où le téléphone a été acheté. Ils se basent sur l'IMEI et demandent aux importateurs d'enregistrer l'IMEI de CHAQUE téléphone importé! 9r, les tels chinois ont tous le même IMEI. 1/..
2/ Les opérateurs telcos vont envoyer un fichier avec des dizaines de millions de données à une société inconnue avec un mode de sécurité inconnu. Cette société va traiter les données et voir si ce téléphone a déjà été déclaré comme étant dédouané. Pour les téléphones sans...
3/ Sans IMEI, la société parle de faire une 'triangulation' utilisant d'autres éléments pour lui donner un compte. Cette méthode n'est pas techniquement fiable. Cela voudra dire que nombreux téléphones dédouanés normalement se verront absents de cette liste et seront facturés...
@AppsTech During this pandemic, I have been confined for a month. Our offices are closed and we're all working from home. #CorolearnerEntrepreneur
My greatest challenges during this period have been the drop in revenue. One of my businesses has seen a 91% revenue drop Our expenses have only gone done about 15%. #CorolearnerEntrepreneur