Ziad 😷 Fazel 🇨🇦🇺🇦 Profile picture
Nov 2, 2020 77 tweets 104 min read Read on X

Last week I decided to dig into the life-threatening Precondition & Excuses from Alberta Health to resist enabling the National COVID-19 Exposure Notification App.

@Dave_Khan @DShepYEG @shandro @jkenney @RachelNotley ImageImage
The Precondition and Excuses became clear enough last week to analyze and examine critically against the facts.

@Jantafrench @jasonfherring @ctvedmonton @PattyHajdu @JustinTrudeau ImageImage
Frustrated with the lack of answers, or evasive answers from provincial elected officials, municipal officials and provincial media have been asking @CMOH_Alberta.

@iceTyyc @nenshi @CBCFletch @Adam_Toy ImageImage
One problem is that the information AB Health has collected with the AB-only App is restricted to specific, limited use only within AB Health & AHS. It cannot be pushed to the federal government without informed user consent.

@mgeist Image
AB Health does not even use its own App if you test Positive.
• 5% use (at best) by Albertans ≠ enough useful info
• AB Health starts conventional contact tracing (with the phone number you provided when tested) before you can upload.
@AntibioticDoc @RajBhardwajMD @DFisman Image
Contact tracers can be overwhelmed when # of daily new cases grows exponentially, many times faster than staff can be added.

This is why Govs worldwide use technology to provide exposure notification *before* conventional contact tracing.

@GosiaGasperoPhD @CTVMFranklin Image
The technical issues caused by AB Gov's unnecessary, and life-threatening Precondition, first cause problems for AB Gov. ImageImage
The Precondition from AB Health also places impossible demands on the federal government, Apple & Google.

The federal (or any) government cannot force an app into your phone, with your private data, and pretend you opted in, just because AB Gov says so. Image
"Notification" Excuse is misinformed.

If Minister @shandro means he wants the App to push Exposure Notification from someone who tested positive to exposed contacts, the AB-Only App cannot do that. Not from User, nor from AB Health.

The National App does, by design. @cbcrob Image
BOTH the AB-Only App, and the National App, can be run simultaneously.

AB Health only has to provide a National code for positive tests, as promised in August.

8 other provinces have passed Alberta.

@picardonhealth @paulisci @ctvedmonton @jasonfherring @mikesbloggity ImageImage
Albertans have not adopted the AB-only App. Minister @shandro claims 247,000 Downloads.

How many of those actually input their phone number, got the PIN back by SMS, then entered the PIN to activate the AB-Only App?

@Jantafrench @jasonfherring @CBCFletch @paulisci @CarrieTait
You ask: What should I do?

What should I push Alberta & Fed govs to do?

Last thing anyone should do is spend more public money on AB-Only App, which has clearly failed.

@charlesrusnell @jennierussell_ @jasonfherring @MichelletypoQ ImageImageImage
Oops. Forgot the slide. Image
After my thread Sunday on AB Gov's Excuses for #COVIDAlert, Premier @jkenney came out firing on Monday... at @EmmaLGraney.

This briefly distracted from his Rejection #COVIDAlert, contradicting his own Health Minister @shandro & @CMOH_Alberta.

@cspotweet @Dave_Khan @DShepYEG Image
Premier Kenney claimed his rejection of the National App was based on "public health efficacy" advice that any app must feed into AB Health's contact tracing.

But AB Health's own contract tracing instructions STILL make no mention of the AB-Only App.

albertahealthservices.ca/topics/Page170… Image
Premier Kenney quoted BC’s Dr Henry verbatim that the National App was “very non-specific” and 14 days are not enough.

But AB Health’s own “Contact Investigation Conversation Guidance” manually collects the last 48 hours. No upload from AB-Only App.

albertahealthservices.ca/assets/info/pp… Image
Premier Kenney quotes BC's Dr Henry verbatim that the National App "very non-specific" reporting is a reason that Alberta does not enable it.

But BC Health apparently wants an App to report your GPS location to them.

#COVIDAlert is not enough surveillance for Premier Kenney? Image
Apparently, BC's CMOH is Premier @jkenney's Boss now.

Premier Kenney is standing firmly with BC's NDP, against the rest of Canada, even Doug Ford's Conservatives in Ontario, Brian Pallister in Manitoba, and Scott Moe in Saskatchewan.

@RachelNotley @picardonhealth @Dave_Khan Image
Premier Kenney claims the "Suboptimal User Experience" of the AB-Only App was fixed in September.

(It wouldn't even work in the foreground on iPhones if the Screen Lock kicked in.)

Obviously, Albertans disagree. Alberta's downloads dwindle into insignificance anyway. Image
The AB-Only App seems to allow a False Positive Report, by design. This would waste the time of Alberta's busy Contact Tracers.

I didn't go to the next step. Don't do this maliciously, or by accident.

This needs verification. If true, the AB-Only App needs to be withdrawn. Image
Here's the link to @cspotweet thread with video of Premier @jkenney 's outright, life-threatening rejection yesterday to enabling the National #CovidAlert App in Alberta.

@DShepYEG @Dave_Khan @RachelNotley @JustinTrudeau @nenshi
Dear Fed Health Min @PattyHajdu, PM @JustinTrudeau & Intergov Min @DLeBlancNB

AB Health just asked Albertans to do most contact tracing ourselves.

Please provide a way for us to report positive #COVID19 test to you, and get a code for #COVIDAlert

It appears our Premier @jkenney & Health Min @shandro are #COVID19 overwhelmed and/or unable to put aside partisan nonsense.

(Albertan) Canadians are getting sick and dying, and we're on the brink of a shutdown. Pls Help.

@RachelNotley @Dave_Khan @nenshi @iceTyyc @doniveson
It would be in all Canadians' interest for Alberta (and BC) to be able to use Canada's #COVIDAlert.

Alberta has the Highest Rate of Active Cases in any Province or Territory not using #COVIDAlert, is open for business, and Christmas is coming.

And an irresponsible government. Image
For comparison of Conventional Contact Tracing to smartphone-based Exposure Notification, see July 2020 @TheLancet

Authors modelled Contact Tracing *or* Exposure Notification. I hoped Alberta could have both, but...

@RajBhardwajMD @GosiaGasperoPhD

We've dispensed with @shandro Precondition & @jkenney Illusions.

What Technical Development is needed to enable #COVIDAlert National App in Alberta?

None. Existing Web Portal used by 8 other Provinces.

@iceTyyc @nenshi @Dave_Khan @RachelNotley

github.com/CovidShield/ra… Image
AHS already calls if you test Positive for #COVID19.

You may already have their Text Message, or have MyHealth Records.

Getting your One-time key for #COVIDAlert is like getting a temporary password from IT.


@EmmaLGraney @joeldryden @RobBreakenridge ImageImage
@EmmaLGraney @joeldryden @RobBreakenridge Before I forget, thank you @RobBreakenridge & @770CHQR, @MKingGlobal & @GlobalCalgary for sparing precious airtime Tuesday for me to speak about the AB-Only contact tracing app, and National #COVIDAlert App.

No reason we can't use both.

Radio interview:

Today, Premier @jkenney claimed AB could not enable #COVIDAlert because "a condition of using the Federal App is turning off the Alberta App."

Who imposed this life-threatening condition @JustinTrudeau @PattyHajdu
/ @Dave_Khan @RachelNotley @CTVJKanygin
Just Mon 2 Nov, Premier @jkenney advised: "certainly when Albertans travel outside the province, they can use the federal app"

OMG - Will RCMP force me to swap Apps at Alberta border? 😱

@JustinTrudeau @PattyHajdu @DLeBlancNB
@Dave_Khan @RachelNotley

919 New Cases in Alberta today.

#COVIDAlert 5.1m downloads = 18% of 28.3m Canadians in 8 provinces that enable it.

18% of 919 = 165 Albertans PER DAY who could be using #COVIDAlert to notify their exposed contacts.

Premier @jkenney won't let them.

@Dave_Khan @CMOH_Alberta
@picardonhealth @RachelNotley @nenshi @CarrieTait @CTVJKanygin @RajBhardwajMD @doniveson @AB_MD_WarRoom @JustinTrudeau @PattyHajdu @RobBreakenridge @MKingGlobal @mgeist People with way more technical skill than me (as there should be) looking at this.

Eg. Thread by @mfenniak who explains why ABTraceTogether STILL doesn't work between iPhones.

No fix in Singapore's open-source code that Deloitte works from, either.

Only Albertans who Registered ABTraceTogether are logging #COVID19 contacts.

AB Gov won't disclose this anonymous total. Likely embarrassing. They brag Downloads.

If you didn't Register, it is logging as many contacts as Calculator or Fruit Ninja.

@Dave_Khan @RajBhardwajMD Image
Happy to be proven wrong, but IMHO, there's a process design flaw in ABTraceTogether workflow with our excellent AHS Contact Tracers.

IMHO, this flaw gets *Worse* if more Albertans register the AB-Only App.

Please review carefully.

@CMOH_Alberta @AntibioticDoc @RajBhardwajMD Image
Mini-thread of 3 within larger yarn.

@CMOH_Alberta Dr Hinshaw gave odd response to
@ByJamesKeller Q about effectiveness of ABTraceTogether now.

She instead described how the *Federal* #CovidAlertApp would respond to a Code from AHS Contact Tracer.

ABTraceTogether remains a centralized contact tracing App, sending your contact trace log from App ONLY thru AB Health to AHS Contact Tracers

No functionality allowing AHS, the User, or anyone to automatically notify contacts from within the App.


What Dr Hinshaw described instead is how National #CovidAlertApp would respond *if* provided the Code from AHS Contact Tracer, as occurs in 8 other provinces.

I wonder..


@Dave_Khan @RachelNotley @UbakaOgbogu @Lorian_H

Thank you @CTVAlesia and @CTVCalgary for the opportunity to contribute to your excellent story on this issue.

Given Dr Hinshaw's Update today, there is even more reason for @jkenney @shandro to let Albertans use #COVIDAlert.

They committed in August.

In response to my 8 Nov tweet (and MANY Reporters' Questions), AB Health simply relabelled Downloads as "Registered Users."


That's like saying all 183K Alberta women 18-24 are pregnant.

Don't use COVID-19 Updates to Lie to Albertans, Minister @shandro. ImageImageImageImage
#CovidAlert downloaded by 18.1% of 28.3m Canadians - whose Prov Gov allows it.

37 downloads/hr + 261K downloads so far = 610 more days for #ABTraceTogether to reach 18.1% Albertans.

13 July 2022 to get where #CovidAlert is today.

@Dave_Khan @RachelNotley @JustinTrudeau Image
AB Health also told us yesterday 66% of downloads are iPhone.

#ABTraceTogether does not work iPhone-iPhone.


Singapore: 25%.

WORST kind of defect: dirty state secret, invisible to both User & AHS Contract Tracer.

Tx @mfenniak
@Dave_Khan @JustinTrudeau ImageImage
AB Gov insists Fed Gov making it kill #ABTraceTogether to use #COVIDAlert.

Here's Premier @jkenney 2 Nov. Which is it?

@JustinTrudeau letting Albertans use #COVIDAlert anywhere in Canada but AB 🐴💩

@jkenney not letting Albertans use #COVIDAlert 🛎️✅

Premier @jkenney contradicts himself +:

✅PM @JustinTrudeau to @630CHED
✅Health Min @shandro who said #COVIDAlert was so crucial he wanted every Albertan using #ABTraceTogether on it
✅AHS Manager in Contact Tracing on how much #COVIDAlert would help

Chief of Emergency Management Agency @iceTyyc + my family = why I started this thread 2 Sundays ago.

I've debunked every bogus precondition, excuse & mistruth from AB Gov, often with their own words. Premier @jkenney just made new ones at your expense.

I'm going to smooth the edge from my tweets. I'm trying to help my fellow Albertans be informed.

Google's video explains Exposure Notification, which kicks in when you test positive, days ahead of Contact Tracing.


@iceTyyc @RajBhardwajMD @AntibioticDoc
#ABTraceTogether helps AHS Contact Tracers after they contact you, a few days after you test positive.

When you register the App with your phone number, AB Health uses Twilio to send you a text with a PIN, and then stores your verified phone number.

oipc.ab.ca/media/1089098/… ImageImageImageImage
Health Min @shandro - on 5 July, Singapore Devs behind the code Deloitte put into LATEST ABTraceTogether admitted it STILL does not track iPhone-iPhone contacts. 25% in Singapore.

66% of ABTraceTogether = iPhone.

Do @CMOH_Alberta & @AHS_media know this?

support.tracetogether.gov.sg/hc/en-sg/artic… ImageImageImage
AB Gov reneged on 9 Aug promise to enable #COVIDAlert, still block it in Alberta, and falsely made it an either/or fight w ABTraceTogether.

Aren't @jkenney @shandro @CMOH_Alberta legally bound to make decisions transparently w evidence in good faith?

qp.alberta.ca/documents/acts… ImageImage
ABTraceTogether purportedly works so well for AHS that @CMOH_Alberta can still recommend it exclusively & block #COVIDAlert.

Where are acceptance test results of App before paying Deloitte?

Where's EVIDENCE of ABTraceTogether used by contact tracers?

@AntibioticDoc @DFisman ImageImageImage
When AB Gov publicly committed 9 Aug to #COVIDAlert, it did so unconditionally. NO requirement to feed National App into AHS Contact Tracers.

Not being limited to feeding ONLY into AHS Contact Tracers is a Lifesaving Advantage, not a Fatal Flaw.

@CMOH_Alberta @AntibioticDoc Image
Like most Albertans, I don't want another Shutdown.

I'll leave that Public Health Professionals. (I can no longer trust @CMOH_Alberta because of who she reports to.)

Premier @jkenney personal vendetta against PM @JustinTrudeau, with @shandro complicit, has helped cause this.👇 Image
We go live now to @CMOH_Alberta blocking #COVIDAlert which 8 other provinces use (more on BC later, promise)...


...to instead ask Albertans (eg. seniors) who just tested positive to enter data for AHS overloaded contact tracers

Why is @jkenney isolating only 14 days?

ABTraceTogether logs 21 days.

You're blocking #COVIDAlert for 4.5m Albertans because AB "public health efficacy advice" agrees w BC that only 14 days "doesn't make a lot of sense".

Rx: Isolate until 30 Nov.

After careful consideration, for safety reasons, I have deleted ABTraceTogether from my phone, and asked AB Health to delete my mobile number from that database, per alberta.ca/ab-trace-toget…

I will continue to support AHS Contact Tracing and use #COVIDAlert with other Canadians. ImageImage
The HIA Helpdesk needs to speak with you by phone to confirm, before removing your mobile number and ID from the ABTraceTogether database.

Just a reminder to be nice. If you have an issue with a politician, don't take it out on regular working people in the dept. ImageImage
Developer @mfenniak has carefully documented how ABTraceTogether fails btwn iPhones.

He wasn't paid $950K in June, and isn't getting $100K/month on sole-source contract from Min @shandro.

@DeloitteCanada needs to disclose its tests just as openly. Now.

Alberta's Auditor General just blasted AB Gov for $1.5b of errors, including many problems with sole-source contracts.


Maybe @DeloitteCanada & @shandro & ABTraceTogether have now earned focussed scrutiny.

@alanna_smithh @CTVAlesia @RobBreakenridge
@DeloitteCanada @shandro @alanna_smithh @CTVAlesia @RobBreakenridge I have questions @DeloitteCanada sole-source work on ABTraceTogether for AB Health @shandro.

Pls review per your own Code of Conduct, Canada's Competition Act, and @AppleSupport @GooglePlayDev Store Policies.

Pls Advise.

@Dave_Khan @RachelNotley @JustinTrudeau ImageImageImageImage
FYI @DeloitteCanada @shandro

"The App Store should always be a safe and trusted place for users to download apps. Now more than ever that commitment takes on special significance as the world fights the COVID-19 pandemic."


Calgary-based, nationally-respected media continue to expose this story with exemplary investigative journalism.

@CarrieTait at @globeandmail


@CBCFletch at @CBCCalgary


@Dave_Khan @RachelNotley @JustinTrudeau @Lorian_H
There's only so much @mfenniak or I can do, as technical people, on our own time.

The above 2 articles demonstrate why & how professional journalists communicate with mass audiences.

P.S. Mathieu shares NZ analysis from May which noted Singapore issues.

dta.mil.nz/assets/Publica… ImageImageImage
Another Developer, @ekryski, started a thread criticizing ABTraceTogether and recommending #COVIDAlert. He examines the source code and how it is maintained.

@mfenniak gets deep into the communications between phones.

Different approaches; same answer.
Health Min @shandro's spinners try to "new math" @CarrieTait Scoop:

@AHS_media has only used ABTT 19 times in 6 months.

Monday New Cases: 860.

ABTT downloads ~ 6% of AB population.

860 x 6% = 51.6

51 Cases who should have used ABTT on Monday alone.

That would be 51 Contact Logs uploaded to @AHS_media.

#COVIDAlert Downloads ~18.3% of Canada's 8 provinces that don't block it.

If enabled here: 860 x 18.3% = 157

157 Cases instantly doing Exposure Notification, well before Contact Tracing.

@iceTyyc @Dave_Khan @RajBhardwajMD ImageImageImage
If Alberta's Active Cases were at a "Battle of Alberta" Hockey Game...

(We're filling the Arena fast: 12,195 as of Saturday)

@jvipondmd @iceTyyc @RajBhardwajMD @shazmamithani @CTVAlesia @CBCFletch

@shoffmanAB @RachelNotley @JustinTrudeau
@shandro @jkenney @CMOH_Alberta Image
Albertans need #COVIDAlert to save our lives. "Trudeau App" most-downloaded free app in🇨🇦🍎 Store, rated 2-3x better than "Kenney App".

Premier @jkenney blocks it, insisting WE use 💩@AHS_media has used 19 times in 6+ months.

@shoffmanAB @RachelNotley @JustinTrudeau @jvipondmd Image
ABTraceTogether going nowhere. @jkenney App has been downloaded 361 times/day since #COVIDAlert released.

At this rate, it will take 1,695 days for ABTT to reach the 20% min set by AB Health.

@shoffmanAB @iceTyyc @nenshi @RachelNotley @JustinTrudeau @RobBreakenridge @CTVAlesia Image
Dr Hinshaw, how can @CMOH_Alberta spend 4 min on how overwhelmed @AHS_media Contact Tracing, but not enable #COVIDAlert?

In Oct & Nov, you repeatedly rejected it, and told us to use ABTraceTogether - while you knew it had worked just 19 times in 6+ mos.

As @CMOH_Alberta, you reasonably ought to have known ABTraceTogether - which you were claiming ~ daily in Oct/Nov was feeding @AHS_media Contact Tracing - has only worked 19 times in 6 mos.

You have no leverage w cabinet after covering up for @jkenney.

@Lorian_H @UbakaOgbogu
Northwest Territories just enabled Canada's #COVIDAlert App for instant, anonymous #COVID19 Exposure Notification from positive test.

Would be nice for Alberta to join Team Canada in saving lives too.


@iceTyyc @jvipondmd @RajBhardwajMD @RobBreakenridge ImageImageImage
Premier @jkenney reiterated his support for Team Canada's #COVIDAlert.

"First Ministers reiterated their support for the Team Canada approach to fighting COVID-19, in order to minimize the impacts of an increase in cases and support economic recovery."

I trust the cities & opposition will confirm an implementation date of Monday 30 Nov with the Premier.

AHS just has to use a portal to get the keys, and direct two buttons in #COVIDAlert to AHS web pages, as 8 other provinces + NWT do now.

@nenshi @doniveson @RachelNotley
GoA Sole-Source Contract $$ (Tx @pressprogress) shows @shandro paid @Deloitte @DeloitteCanada even more for ABTraceTogether.

$1.03m to implement open-source Singapore App - proven fails to log contacts - so poorly it only uploaded @AHS_media 19 times since 1 May @AuditorGenAB ImageImageImageImage

• • •

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More from @ZiadFazel

Mar 9
🧵I remember when AHS was an arms-length agency that delivered health care, and left the politicking to Health Minister, currently @AdrianaLaGrange.

Now, "refocused" AHS is schlepping Premier @ABDanielleSmith self-serving idea to dump $80m MHCare/Atabay boondoggle on Ukraine. Screenshot of tweet 1/7 below.
@AdrianaLaGrange @ABDanielleSmith @JMeddings @alanna_smithh @TheBreakdownAB @JenLeeCBC @PfParks @LukaszukAB @reportrix @CheSkulskiCTV @ByMatthewBlack @DuaneBratt We know 120 mg/5 mL is European concentration, and 160 mg/5 mL is N American.

Yet you paid MHCare Medical $70m for 5m bottles (10-14x Canada's annual demand) of European concentration, when Atabay would have happily mixed the Canadian concentration in this custom order for us. Image
@AdrianaLaGrange @ABDanielleSmith @JMeddings @alanna_smithh @TheBreakdownAB @JenLeeCBC @PfParks @LukaszukAB @reportrix @CheSkulskiCTV @ByMatthewBlack @DuaneBratt This "risk was identified" AFTER this thick suspension clogged the tiny diameter gastric feeding tubes of infants in Neonatal ICU, not "children under two years of age".

Evasive minimizers!

And you still defended this off-label use afterwards.

albertahealthservices.ca/news/Page17971… Tweet 3 of 7
Read 9 tweets
Mar 7
I have friends in Ukraine, including one in the Armed Forces. I did not speak with him this morning (would never reveal when I did) but I spoke to other friends about this proposed unsellable, expiring inventory dump disguised as an "aid shipment."

Like me, they were disgusted.
🧵 to come later, after my Ukrainian friends and I have done some more research. Likely on the weekend.

#MHCareMedical #Atabay #ChildrensAcetaminophen #Boondoggle

threadreaderapp.com/thread/1851465…Photo of glass bottle of children's acetaminophen, manufactured by Atabay of Turkey, but customized for Canada and imported by MHCare Medical, as part of an $80m boondoggle.
I dream of the day I can join my friends for Shashlik in Kyiv in a free and peaceful Ukraine.

If I forgot to restrict replies to people I follow only, I guess I will got trolled for that.

Hide Reply + Block will be my 🇨🇦 weapons instead of a 🇺🇦 rifle.

@threadreaderapp unroll
Read 4 tweets
Mar 4
SNEAKY, Premier Smith. You restricted mandate of Judge Wyant's "third-party investigation" to eliminate over $500m of AHS purchases alone from MHCare Medical.

No rapid tests
No PPE (Vanch masks, BYD KN95, fast food masks).

No Education (BYD Kids masks)

alberta.ca/release.cfm?xI…Paragraph in press release limiting scope to just AHS, and just pharmaceuticals and chartered surgical facilities (CSFs).
Top of Ministerial Order saying mandate in Appendix A
Terms of Reference in Appendix 'A'
@alanna_smithh @DuaneBratt @JenLeeCBC @kim_siever @ByMatthewBlack @TimmCTV @Lorian_H @BarryHunt008 @JMeddings @PfParks Premier, I know the "Proposed Audit Scope" I hastily drew up isn't very neat, yet, but I was planning to put it into nice PDF for Auditor General (with footnotes to my source material) very soon.

Why don't you work from that?
@CarrieTait @markusoff

Premier @ABDanielleSmith maybe Health Min @AdrianaLaGrange hasn't told you yet, but former AHS CEO alleges:

"AHS bought ~$614m supplies + services from MHCare and other companies affiliated with Sam Mraiche, incl 2022/2023 contract for children’s ibuprofen/ acetaminophen." Image
Read 8 tweets
Mar 4
Starting on 🦋 this time, with Charles Rusnell's excellent work on MHCare Medical & Sam Mraiche v @NatePike and @TheBreakdownAB, I did some analysis on several kinds of journalism in this story:
• 2 mainstream
• 1 independent
• 1 new media
• 1 blogger

@NatePike @TheBreakdownAB Here's my analysis ~ 1.30am,

on a story Charles posted at 11.30pm,

which included same-day analysis, by same veteran defamation lawyer as before.

If this is a micro-blogging platform, then I guess I"m the sleepy blogger.

P.S. Thanks @Lorian_H too.

I wondered why Charles had been quiet on this story all day.
• he takes THOROUGH hand notes
• doesn't try to simultaneously live-tweet
• not even 3 tweet summary afterwards.

Now I see why. Answering questions on that would have distracted him from this🎁.

@threaderapp unroll
Read 4 tweets
Feb 28
🧵Earlier this morning, I received attached chat messages from @KatyET #ABResistance, on BlueSky where I had not thought to block her, claiming they are acting "with the absolute knowledge and complete support of Nate".

I don't believe this is true - not to the extent stated. Start of chat at 5.43 am
first two messages received by 5.49am
@Katyet @alanna_smithh @ByMatthewBlack @DuaneBratt @reportrix @gthomsonink @TimmCTV As someone unaware of the chat replied to my thread yesterday, in Nate's goodbye video on Sun 16 Feb, he said he would follow the rules of society, and not be like the people he criticizes (eg. TBA)

He would not circumvent the court order to criticize Mraiche through others. Unrelated reply to me this morning.
@Katyet @alanna_smithh @ByMatthewBlack @DuaneBratt @reportrix @gthomsonink @TimmCTV Maybe Nate had emotional response to video made with audio clip from his show, and maybe the best rock song warmup ever.

That is NOT an endorsement of #MraicheMob, "ratfucker", tagging police, "Corruption Partnered with Mraiche", and the "rally" now in revisionism.

@markusoff Screen shot of iMessage chat between Katy and purportedly Nate
My chat with Katy
Katy's BlueSky post 2 days ago "UCP Corruption Partnered with Mraiche to Silence Nate"
Katy BlueSky message 1 day ago.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 28
Very ugly things happening around MHCare Medical v Nate Pike lawsuit, especially approaching hearing Friday afternoon.

Many in #abpoli know ⤵️

I feel terrible for my friend Nate:
• Big "allies" like DKGray/ABResistance treating Mraiche like KJJ treated Mohamad Fakih, IMO 4 screenshots of twitter thread better left undescribed
4 screenshots of twitter thread better left undescribed
4 screenshots of twitter thread better left undescribed
4 screenshots of twitter thread better left undescribed
Like Mr Mraiche and Mr Fakih, I am Canadian and Muslim and born overseas. (Kenya, not Lebanon).

I can be those immutable things + CFL fanatic + engineer + father + advocate for ethical government and safe PPE/meds + free press + many other things simultaneously without conflict.
I don't know much about Mr Fakih or Paramount Fine Foods. Unfortunately, mainly through the terrible defamation and harassment he _truly_ suffered.

From KJJ and the mob he incited. Unlike Nate, and the self-appointed mob getting him in serious trouble.

Read 14 tweets

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