Last week I decided to dig into the life-threatening Precondition & Excuses from Alberta Health to resist enabling the National COVID-19 Exposure Notification App.
Frustrated with the lack of answers, or evasive answers from provincial elected officials, municipal officials and provincial media have been asking @CMOH_Alberta.
One problem is that the information AB Health has collected with the AB-only App is restricted to specific, limited use only within AB Health & AHS. It cannot be pushed to the federal government without informed user consent.
AB Health does not even use its own App if you test Positive.
• 5% use (at best) by Albertans ≠ enough useful info
• AB Health starts conventional contact tracing (with the phone number you provided when tested) before you can upload. @AntibioticDoc@RajBhardwajMD@DFisman
Contact tracers can be overwhelmed when # of daily new cases grows exponentially, many times faster than staff can be added.
This is why Govs worldwide use technology to provide exposure notification *before* conventional contact tracing.
The technical issues caused by AB Gov's unnecessary, and life-threatening Precondition, first cause problems for AB Gov.
The Precondition from AB Health also places impossible demands on the federal government, Apple & Google.
The federal (or any) government cannot force an app into your phone, with your private data, and pretend you opted in, just because AB Gov says so.
"Notification" Excuse is misinformed.
If Minister @shandro means he wants the App to push Exposure Notification from someone who tested positive to exposed contacts, the AB-Only App cannot do that. Not from User, nor from AB Health.
Premier Kenney claimed his rejection of the National App was based on "public health efficacy" advice that any app must feed into AB Health's contact tracing.
But AB Health's own contract tracing instructions STILL make no mention of the AB-Only App.
Premier Kenney quotes BC's Dr Henry verbatim that the National App "very non-specific" reporting is a reason that Alberta does not enable it.
But BC Health apparently wants an App to report your GPS location to them.
#COVIDAlert is not enough surveillance for Premier Kenney?
Apparently, BC's CMOH is Premier @jkenney's Boss now.
Premier Kenney is standing firmly with BC's NDP, against the rest of Canada, even Doug Ford's Conservatives in Ontario, Brian Pallister in Manitoba, and Scott Moe in Saskatchewan.
Premier Kenney claims the "Suboptimal User Experience" of the AB-Only App was fixed in September.
(It wouldn't even work in the foreground on iPhones if the Screen Lock kicked in.)
Obviously, Albertans disagree. Alberta's downloads dwindle into insignificance anyway.
The AB-Only App seems to allow a False Positive Report, by design. This would waste the time of Alberta's busy Contact Tracers.
I didn't go to the next step. Don't do this maliciously, or by accident.
This needs verification. If true, the AB-Only App needs to be withdrawn.
Here's the link to @cspotweet thread with video of Premier @jkenney 's outright, life-threatening rejection yesterday to enabling the National #CovidAlert App in Alberta.
What Dr Hinshaw described instead is how National #CovidAlertApp would respond *if* provided the Code from AHS Contact Tracer, as occurs in 8 other provinces.
Chief of Emergency Management Agency @iceTyyc + my family = why I started this thread 2 Sundays ago.
I've debunked every bogus precondition, excuse & mistruth from AB Gov, often with their own words. Premier @jkenney just made new ones at your expense.
Health Min @shandro - on 5 July, Singapore Devs behind the code Deloitte put into LATEST ABTraceTogether admitted it STILL does not track iPhone-iPhone contacts. 25% in Singapore.
After careful consideration, for safety reasons, I have deleted ABTraceTogether from my phone, and asked AB Health to delete my mobile number from that database, per…
I will continue to support AHS Contact Tracing and use #COVIDAlert with other Canadians.
The HIA Helpdesk needs to speak with you by phone to confirm, before removing your mobile number and ID from the ABTraceTogether database.
Just a reminder to be nice. If you have an issue with a politician, don't take it out on regular working people in the dept.
Developer @mfenniak has carefully documented how ABTraceTogether fails btwn iPhones.
He wasn't paid $950K in June, and isn't getting $100K/month on sole-source contract from Min @shandro.
@DeloitteCanada needs to disclose its tests just as openly. Now.
"The App Store should always be a safe and trusted place for users to download apps. Now more than ever that commitment takes on special significance as the world fights the COVID-19 pandemic."
Another Developer, @ekryski, started a thread criticizing ABTraceTogether and recommending #COVIDAlert. He examines the source code and how it is maintained.
@mfenniak gets deep into the communications between phones.
In Oct & Nov, you repeatedly rejected it, and told us to use ABTraceTogether - while you knew it had worked just 19 times in 6+ mos.
As @CMOH_Alberta, you reasonably ought to have known ABTraceTogether - which you were claiming ~ daily in Oct/Nov was feeding @AHS_media Contact Tracing - has only worked 19 times in 6 mos.
You have no leverage w cabinet after covering up for @jkenney.
"First Ministers reiterated their support for the Team Canada approach to fighting COVID-19, in order to minimize the impacts of an increase in cases and support economic recovery."
$1.03m to implement open-source Singapore App - proven fails to log contacts - so poorly it only uploaded @AHS_media 19 times since 1 May @AuditorGenAB
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@AdrianaLaGrange @ABDanielleSmith @JMeddings @alanna_smithh @TheBreakdownAB @JenLeeCBC @PfParks @LukaszukAB @reportrix @CheSkulskiCTV @ByMatthewBlack @DuaneBratt We know 120 mg/5 mL is European concentration, and 160 mg/5 mL is N American.
Yet you paid MHCare Medical $70m for 5m bottles (10-14x Canada's annual demand) of European concentration, when Atabay would have happily mixed the Canadian concentration in this custom order for us.
@AdrianaLaGrange @ABDanielleSmith @JMeddings @alanna_smithh @TheBreakdownAB @JenLeeCBC @PfParks @LukaszukAB @reportrix @CheSkulskiCTV @ByMatthewBlack @DuaneBratt This "risk was identified" AFTER this thick suspension clogged the tiny diameter gastric feeding tubes of infants in Neonatal ICU, not "children under two years of age".
Evasive minimizers!
And you still defended this off-label use afterwards.
I have friends in Ukraine, including one in the Armed Forces. I did not speak with him this morning (would never reveal when I did) but I spoke to other friends about this proposed unsellable, expiring inventory dump disguised as an "aid shipment."
SNEAKY, Premier Smith. You restricted mandate of Judge Wyant's "third-party investigation" to eliminate over $500m of AHS purchases alone from MHCare Medical.
No rapid tests
No PPE (Vanch masks, BYD KN95, fast food masks).
@alanna_smithh @DuaneBratt @JenLeeCBC @kim_siever @ByMatthewBlack @TimmCTV @Lorian_H @BarryHunt008 @JMeddings @PfParks Premier, I know the "Proposed Audit Scope" I hastily drew up isn't very neat, yet, but I was planning to put it into nice PDF for Auditor General (with footnotes to my source material) very soon.
Why don't you work from that?
@CarrieTait @markusoff
Premier @ABDanielleSmith maybe Health Min @AdrianaLaGrange hasn't told you yet, but former AHS CEO alleges:
"AHS bought ~$614m supplies + services from MHCare and other companies affiliated with Sam Mraiche, incl 2022/2023 contract for children’s ibuprofen/ acetaminophen."
Starting on 🦋 this time, with Charles Rusnell's excellent work on MHCare Medical & Sam Mraiche v @NatePike and @TheBreakdownAB, I did some analysis on several kinds of journalism in this story:
• 2 mainstream
• 1 independent
• 1 new media
• 1 blogger
I wondered why Charles had been quiet on this story all day.
• he takes THOROUGH hand notes
• doesn't try to simultaneously live-tweet
• not even 3 tweet summary afterwards.
Now I see why. Answering questions on that would have distracted him from this🎁.
🧵Earlier this morning, I received attached chat messages from @KatyET #ABResistance, on BlueSky where I had not thought to block her, claiming they are acting "with the absolute knowledge and complete support of Nate".
I don't believe this is true - not to the extent stated.
@Katyet @alanna_smithh @ByMatthewBlack @DuaneBratt @reportrix @gthomsonink @TimmCTV As someone unaware of the chat replied to my thread yesterday, in Nate's goodbye video on Sun 16 Feb, he said he would follow the rules of society, and not be like the people he criticizes (eg. TBA)
He would not circumvent the court order to criticize Mraiche through others.
@Katyet @alanna_smithh @ByMatthewBlack @DuaneBratt @reportrix @gthomsonink @TimmCTV Maybe Nate had emotional response to video made with audio clip from his show, and maybe the best rock song warmup ever.
That is NOT an endorsement of #MraicheMob, "ratfucker", tagging police, "Corruption Partnered with Mraiche", and the "rally" now in revisionism.
Very ugly things happening around MHCare Medical v Nate Pike lawsuit, especially approaching hearing Friday afternoon.
Many in #abpoli know ⤵️
I feel terrible for my friend Nate:
• Big "allies" like DKGray/ABResistance treating Mraiche like KJJ treated Mohamad Fakih, IMO
Like Mr Mraiche and Mr Fakih, I am Canadian and Muslim and born overseas. (Kenya, not Lebanon).
I can be those immutable things + CFL fanatic + engineer + father + advocate for ethical government and safe PPE/meds + free press + many other things simultaneously without conflict.
I don't know much about Mr Fakih or Paramount Fine Foods. Unfortunately, mainly through the terrible defamation and harassment he _truly_ suffered.
From KJJ and the mob he incited. Unlike Nate, and the self-appointed mob getting him in serious trouble.