Alex Dalassio Profile picture
Nov 3, 2020 37 tweets 13 min read Read on X
Occult ritual thread. Part 3.
Social distancing.
A prelude.
Someone replying to one of my posts in the previous thread, said that I was just average, like everyone else. I responded by saying I wasn't and neither was he/she, no one is, I wrote, we are all much more than we were Image
led to believe. And here lies the problem. Most people truly perceive themselves as average, nothing special, grey and invisible to most.
The systematic indoctrination that haunt us from cradle to grave, is responsible for this, alas, widespread attitude. We are constantly told Image
we are dust, just a tiny, insignificant speck of flesh on a brief journey to nowhere. The universe, we are continuously reminded, is unimaginably vast, ever expanding and we cannot comprehend it.
We must live our short, unremarkable lives as those who know best tell us. Sleep, Image
work, eat, play with our scrying screen, pay taxes, don't question, repeat. And this is the reality in which most people find themselves.
One needs to earn a living, take care of the children, deal with all the shite that one finds daily on one's doorstep.
No time to think about Image
reality, the meaning of existence or to ask who we really are. You all know this is no coincidence, it is the basis of what I call the GloBaal plan. A scheme that is put in motion I believe after every reset. Every trace of previous knowledge erased or muddled, languages, history Image
technology, spiritual awareness, all is hidden and replaced with illusions and abstruse scientific theories. All is fabricated and scripted just like an Holly Wood production. Meanwhile our brightness, our vital energy is stolen from us. We are imprisoned within their matrix. Image
All of it, culture, music, literature, screened entertainment, sociology, psychology, medical science and pharmacology, philosophy and politics. All engineered to keep us docile in our pens awaiting the slaughter.
And now, now the EL ite has decided we are ready for their ritual Image
So if the masking ritual signal one’s consent to change, and symbolizes loss of one’s previous sovereign position as a faithful creation carrying forth the Creator’s Word, and the hand-washing ritual symbolizes the washing away of the old pre-reset era so the new order can be Image
ushered in, what does the “social distancing” ritual signify? As we have established, most of the population is sleepwalking through a worldwide ritual whose elements have been cleverly disguised. Remember, symbols rule the world. The measures and policies which governments have Image
rolled out worldwide ever since Operation Coronavirus began such as quarantine, lockdown, hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing and more are in fact aspects of occult initiation ritual. These aspects have been cleverly adapted to the current fake pandemic and disguised Image
as genuine public health strategies. This gigantic hoax, is a 9-11 type event which has been meticulously planned for decades. The EL ite leave very little to chance.They are black magicians and they are running this live exercise in a similar fashion to how they run their secret Image
luciferian rituals. In both cases, the goal is the same: to take initiates out of their normal mode of existence, break them down, engender submission, remold them in the likeness of their leaders, and then finally, return them to a new normal. Image
Good night. Image
To be continued.
As always, I am truly grateful for your interest and appreciation.
In order to give a sociological context to this thread, here is an interesting theory about Iraq and Afghanistan veterans suffering from PTSD.
What all these people seem to miss isn’t danger or loss, per se, but the closeness and cooperation that danger and loss often engender. Image
Humans evolved to survive in extremely harsh environments, and our capacity for cooperation and sharing clearly helped us do that. Structurally, a band of hunter-gatherers and a platoon in combat are almost exactly the same:in each case, the group numbers between 30 and 50 men Image
they sleep in a common area, they conduct patrols, they are completely reliant on one another for support, comfort and defense, and they share a group identity that most would risk their lives for. Personal interest is subsumed into group interest because personal survival is not Image
possible without group survival. From an evolutionary perspective, it’s not at all surprising that many soldiers respond to combat in positive ways and miss it when it’s gone.War then gives these soldiers an experience of human solidarity that they cannot easily achieve back home Image
There are obvious psychological stresses on a person in a group but there may be even greater stresses on a person in isolation. A modern soldier returning from combat goes from the kind of close-knit situation that humans evolved for into a society where most people work outside Image
children are educated by strangers, families are isolated from wider communities, personal gain almost completely eclipses collective good, and people sleep alone or with a partner. Even if he or she is in a family, that is not the same as belonging to a large, self-sufficient Image
group that shares and experiences almost everything collectively. Whatever the technological rediscoveries of our post reset society, the individual lifestyles that those ancient tech spawn may be deeply brutalising to the human spirit. Image
One has to conclude that we are not a good society, indeed one could say we are the antithesis of it. The sad reality is we are not moral to each other, unless within a tribe an extremely narrow group of people: our children our spouse maybe our parents.Our society is alienating Image
technical, cold, and mystifying. Our fundamental desire, as human beings, is to be close to others, to touch, to hug, to kiss Certainly, the society we have created is hard on us by virtually every metric that we use to measure human happiness. Image
All of us should have a long, hard look at what we have become, as individuals and as a society. Why has it been so easy for the EL ite to achieve such a dystopian level of dictatorial control over most of humanity?
My personal opinion is that we lost sight of our core values. Image
Once one has experienced the pleasures of individualism, and the luxuries of the modern economy made possible by practicing the liturgies of individualism, it is hard to want to relinquish any of it for the sake of greater communal solidarity. And here lies a psychological issue Image
For the Greater Good.
How many times have we heard this diabolic mantra recited by politicians and MSM?
(By the way, the etymological meaning of diabolic is "tearing apart".) They have been manipulating us for centuries and now they are using our weaknesses against us. So easy. Image
The ritual of social distancing requires an intrinsic egotistical attitude towards the outsiders, the ones who don't belong to our tribe. And the smaller the tribe, the better it is for the purposes of their perverted liturgy.
Think about it. When did it all start? Our decadence? Image
Was it Holly Wood, consumerism, porn, the slow erosion of the family unit or did it all start with the advent of the Industrial revolution? Let's talk sex. Sex is the life force within us, a gift from our Creator through which we can participate in the creative work of the divine Image
When released from the godliness of its original purpose by diabolic intervention it tears society apart. Doesn't matter what belief system you practice, it is all about the duality that is pre-eminent in this reality. When the harmony of balance is disrupted a shift occurs. Image
The nineteenth century was very proud of its law, its constitutions, the unity of its method and its scientism, but it did not realize that it was infected by individualism, by “atomism.” Throughout modern history society has been eaten away by a series of internal maladies, Image
To be continued.
Good night. Image
Throughout modern history society has been eaten away by a series of internal maladies, man turning against man and class against class: all societies have been characterized by the warfare of opposing interests, by competition, by the isolation and dereliction of each individual Image
Individualism. The sickness that has been afflicting humanity since the beginning of this modern age of ours. The perfect humus to grow the seeds of new order.
In these last times our society has moved away from the spiritual and has seeked refuge in virtual simulations. Non life Image
There are no answers to be found there though, unwillingly to receive the freedom of the Creator’s Word, man has fallen in the hands of unknown masters of a superhuman and inhuman force that grips the society that does not want to know Truth, the holy truth of the Creator. Image
Symbolus or diabolus. Gathering or scattering. Harmony or chaos. Construction or destruction. Life or death. You must choose, or the choice will be made for you, whether you want it to be or not. Every day brings evidence of the dramatic triumph of the diabolic and this is Image
something you can verify even if you do not believe in the Devil. Those who do not affirm the symbolic, and do so in community, will fall prey to the diabolic. We are not a good society, remember that. Image
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May 17, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 16🧵

Judas said, "Behold, The authorities (Archons) dwell above us, so it is they who will rule over us."
The Savior said, "It is you who will rule over them, but only when you rid yourselves of jealousy, and take on the protection of the Light⤵️ Image
In Gnostic traditions, Sophia the Aeon, The Cup overflowing with the Purest Organic Light, the Divine Feminine from whom the Anthropos were birthed into Existence in the Orion Nebula prophetises the end of the Archontic reign:
⤵️ Image
"For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect that will have become visible in the Light of Truth will be abolished, and will be as if it never had been."
In this scenario, Sophia, before she morphs into the Earth, foresees a moment when the Demiurge will be defeated⤵️ Image
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May 15, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 14🧵

The Simulacrum operates a multifaceted deception sustained by the Anthropos' Sublime Energy.
The very concept of the Matrix or Prison Planet is nothing more than a self-imposed illusion.
The entropic entities whisper and cajole deep within⤵️ Image
The Anthropos' Mind.
Singing the cacophonous hymn of the Flesh and its Pleasures.
It is their corrupting Lithany that lies behind the religious dogma of Temptation by the Devil
Many succumb to their vicious Song and blindly step on the Road to Perdition. ⤵️ Image
What of those who resist and defiantly refuse to heed the mellifluous lure of the Artifact?
Theirs is an arduous path on which they must thread lightly, because the Machine has many ears and countless eyes; those who see through the veil of deceptions ⤵️ Image
Read 10 tweets
May 14, 2024
The Holographic Reality
Chapter 13🧵

To affirm the existence of the Edenic Realm, the individual will have to deny the dominance of the Inverted one. In the past, this has caused the denier much harassment, persecution, and even death. The Machine doesn't tolerate dissenters ⤵️ Image
Many amongst the Anthropos feel a sense of wrongness, an unexplainable spiritual malaise, an alienation towards what the official narrative presents as normality: strangers in a strange land.
Unless one can find the stillness inside oneSelf via a form of personal revelation and⤵️ Image
Initiation, mysteric, occult or spiritual; in other words "to die before you die", one will remain entrapped within the Simulacrum for the duration of the turn of the Wheel.
Recognition thus requires giving up one's persona ( mask ) and the dominance of the Egoic self. ⤵️ Image
Read 7 tweets
May 10, 2024
The Holographic reality
Chapter 9 🧵

Our reality is a simulation of the Edenic Realm, a cosmic counter-mimicry reflected by the inorganic energy projected by the one referred to in gnostic traditions as Yaldabaoth: the impotent, entropic entity master of lies and deception. ⤵️ Image
Yaldabaoth and its insectoid minions can be considered both a deviation from the path of Creation and part of It, a conscious error: the birthing act of Polarity.
For the Unknowable to be able to know Itself, it was necessary to manifest two opposite Aspects of Itself, thus ⤵️ Image
Duality was born.
‘False gold exists because there is real gold’, as Rumi said. The fake also serves to verify that the original exists.
The forces of mimicry and delusion are imposters. The Gnostics refer to these forces as cosmic parasites in that they leech off the energies⤵️ Image
Read 8 tweets
May 9, 2024
The Holographic reality
Chapter 8🧵

The emotional and physical states of discordance and discomfort described in the previous thread are symptoms of the somewhat traumatic awakening of the Spiritual Awareness within our dreaming Self.
What some of us are sensing is that the ⤵️ Image
current reality construct is reaching a stretching point, or moment of profound transition. We have always been travelling within the inverted zone; now, we are being forced to merge and fuse within it. The dreamer is entering into the dream of the mirror world: Image
The corrupting wedding between carbon and silicon is about to be celebrated: the AI era is fast approaching.
Our Holographic reality is splintering, since a purely material realm cannot maintain its existence indefinitely without connection and communion with the Spirit Source ⤵️ Image
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May 8, 2024
The Holographic reality
Part Seven 🧵

Are you ready to leave this Illusory dimension and reclaim your sovereignty within the Edenic Realm?
There are certain signs to look for in order to real-eyes your state of preparedness:
Body aches and pains Feelings of deep inner sadness⤵️ Image
Unmotivated, powerful emotional reactions.
Sudden change of career.
Withdrawal from family.
Unusual sleep patterns.
Intense, vivid dreams, dreaming within the dream.
Physical disorientation.
Increased self-talk.
Feelings of loneliness.
Loss of passion.
A deep longing to go home⤵️ Image
If you are experiencing any of all of these discordances with your reality then you might be ready to take your first step on the Path that could lead you to your supremely sanctioned place within Existence.
At the moment, you are living in two, separate planes of perception ⤵️ Image
Read 7 tweets

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