In panic, Western political staff rushed to the advice of an international health authority. The WHO rightly considered that this epidemic was not its priority in comparison to other much more deadly diseases, so they turned to CEPI,
whose director, Dr. Richard Hatchett, they all know. They met him at the Davos Economic Forum or at the Munich Security Conference. They have all been approached by him at one time or another to fund the vaccine industry.
It so happens that this gentleman, when he worked at the White House, was one of the two authors of the health component of Donald Rumsfeld’s political project for the world [3] In 2001, Rumsfeld was planning a geographic division of the world economy.
Raw materials would be exploited in unstable areas, processed products in stable states (including Russia and China), and weapons only in the USA. It was therefore necessary to militarise US society and to transfer the majority of workers to arms companies.
In 2005, Rumsfeld commissioned Dr. Hatchett to design a plan for the compulsory home confinement of the entire US population.
It would have been activated during a bioterrorist attack comparable to the one perpetrated in Congress and against major media outlets with anthrax in 2001.…
In the US Dr. Fauci intentionally leaks Emails inj an effort to discredit Donald Trumps handling of the Coronavirus. Under the Military Prepardness this would be considered "unfriendly" cooperation to not work with the team of Military and Civilian advisors.
In my opinion upon review of CONPLAN 3560 pertaining to Pandemic Prerpardness..
The Red Dawn Emails were geared to discredit President Trumps handling of the Coronavirus prepardness. Joe Biden sanfg this tune in his Campaign...Fauci lended his support.
The Emails criticize PPE preparedness while Dr. Fauci publicly admits from a Study in 2009 that Bacterial Pneumonia contributed it to Masks being a major Aid in spreading the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu...…
There was a Video of an Italian Doctor who described COVIDand called it "Covid 19 Control"
I say it has to do with a "Control Operation of the Verfied ID 2020 System" but it started in 2019 January is when the Cares Act was drafted,way before announcement.
Indiana Governor continues Globalist Coronavirus Mandates beyond the Rule of Law. PCR are not an Indicator of COVID spread but an Antibody Test. The National Guard appears at Indiana Nursing Homes due to virus fear mandated by the Governor of the
State of Indiana and the inability to employ Nursing Home personnel due to such fears and care concerns.
Masks deemed to cause Bacterial Pneumonias per report from 2008 and signed by Dr. Fauci.… | Guardsmen to be deployed to Hoosier nursing homes
Such Horseshit...What have I learned the most this last 4 yrs...the MSM as well as their online News droppings are the biggest POS I never want to know..Ethics and integrity of supposed Journalism is all but non existent and frankly to
me...they have committed #TREASON with all of their "Fake News" that has caused much misery and death with their constant Globalist/Military CIA Mockingbird trash and rhetoric that has created and fomented Crimes against Humanity and manipulation of innocent minds.
Today they are fomenting and aiding in Election meddling of the United States of America and its people...they as well as Social Media are instituting a Communist Color Revolution,,,,
Fauci &Co leaked Emails to get the ball rolling...If Fauci could prove the President incompetent it would open the door for a Military Coup BY COG
In order to prove the president’s incompetence, Dr. Fauci’s friends leaked some of their correspondence [4].
It appears that they formed a discussion and action group, the Red Dawn
By choosing to be called "Red Dawn", the 37 personalities involved clearly display their visceral anti-communism.
There is no longer a USSR, but the Communist Party still rules China, from where the epidemic originated. They
claim that it is up to them to regain power and wage war.
I do not have any credentials behind my name but if I remember correctly during the Spanish Flu they took infected peoples mucus and used it with non infected individuals to test the spread or communicability of the disease.
None tested were infected. Individual Health, environment and possible genetic disposition were factors.
Statement on Herd Immunity from Medical Express Article:
LeVasseur:The fewer people you come into contact with, the less likely it is that you will be infected.And if there's a fewer number of people who are susceptible to the disease, the less likely it is that you'll run into someone who can infect you, even if you are not vaccinated
"China Joe"👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
The Carter Center’s 2019 annual report has a listing for “Donors With Cumulative Lifetime Giving of $1 Million or More.” Among the names to be found are infamous elitist philanthropies the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the
Ford Foundation and, yes, George Soros’s Open Society Foundations.
If that’s not bad enough, consider that communist China is also bankrolling the Center, in the form of an organization called The China-United States Exchange Foundation. “The
foundation is registered as a foreign principal representing China under the terms of the U.S. Federal Agents Registration Act,” the website Inside Higher Ed reports.