Does anyone notice how China Biden supporters all drive Jeeps? Now, I know Bathhouse Barry's code name was Renegade, but the amount of Biden supporters that all have jeeps just seems statistically impossible. Take a look at some of the pics. @realDonaldTrump
If GLOBAL GOVERNANCE is so good, why do they have to lie to us about it? I mean, if it is truly for the greater good of the planet, isn’t there a better way of doing this than causing death, pain, and destruction?…
Why is the one of the biggest Jewish Lobby ARM's "ADL" actively censoring and harassing Trump supporters?
Why are the ADL and FBI supporting Antifa and BLM?
What advantages come from always playing the part of the victim?
Does destroying history make it easier? @realDonaldTrump
This is why history is so important and must never be erased or changed. Read or watch the video included in this blog to learn who our real enemies are . . .…@realDonaldTrump
2) Sara Cunial urges the Italian President to hand over Bill Gates to the International Criminal Court for “Crimes Against Humanity” Transcript and Video…@realDonaldTrump
1) Did you know that all emergency powers that our corrupt governors and mayors have been utilizing to keep us illegally locked down are only official if there is no treatment? @realDonaldTrump@Drstellaimmanue
Let's take a look at some of the people in our government that got CoVid 19 and recovered by taking HydroxyChloroquine + Zinc + Z Pak…@realDonaldTrump
Rep. Karen Whitsett, D-Detroit, said she does not believe she would have been given the drug if President Trump had not touted it.…@realDonaldTrump