President Trump says if you count the legal votes he Easly wins. If you count the illegal votes they can steal the election.
President Trump says we grew our party by 4 million voters. The Democrats seem to be the party of big donors, big tech, and big media.
There’s only a few states left for the presidential race and it’s all democrat ran states.
President Trump says they don’t want us to have any observers but we won a court case. The judge says there has to be observers and now they’re appealing it.
There is no legitimate reason why they should be appealing the courts decision for people to watch. If they’re actually winning they should be proud and show the American people.
Democrat officials never believe they could win this election honestly. That’s why they did all of the mail in voting.
Detroit is another place and I wouldn’t say they have the best reputation for election integrity.
.@SenRonJohnson says we have one system of justice for the Well-connected Democrats and another for Trump and his associates.
.@peterschweizer The question that hasn’t been answered is what are the Biden selling? The only legitimate answer is influence.
.@SenRonJohnson tells @MariaBartiromo there has been a resistance inside of the conference but there’s so much information coming out it’s hard to ignore. If someone tried to get a job in side of the White House with these ties they would never get a security clearance.
.@SenRonJohnson tells @MariaBartiromo The former Vice President is lying again. The Chinese firm sent Hunter Biden $5 million.
.@SenRonJohnson tells @MariaBartiromo Hunter Biden really cracked the code somewhere around 2014/2015 on how to vacuum up money using his father‘s office.