From: Official Trump Polling
Subject: What do you think?
Preheader: President Trump wants to know.
This is the 8️⃣th email I've received today.
Note: I'm posting it in its entirety, since it doesn't include disinfo re: the election results.
President Trump is asking about you.
We recently told him that you haven’t signed up to be an Official Trump Text Member.”
“As a Trump Text Member, in addition to being one of the President’s most trusted advisors, you’ll receive updates from the Campaign before anyone else about rallies, contests, giveaways, and so much more.”
“We wanted to reach out because we just got off a call with President Trump to review the list of Patriots who contributed to our FINAL End-of-Month Goal before Election Day, and he noticed your name was MISSING.”
From: Mike Pence
Subject: Can we count on you?
Preheader: To help CRUSH our deadline?
Thanks to President Trump, we are Draining the Swamp and putting power back into the hands of the American People.
But, that doesn’t mean the Radical Left has given up. Make NO MISTAKE, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to take that power away from you.”
“That’s why I’m coming to you now. Our final End-of-Month Deadline is TONIGHT, and this is your LAST CHANCE to make sure President Trump and I have the resources we need to win big on Election Day.
UNTIL MIDNIGHT TONIGHT: ALL GIFTS can increase their impact by 1000%.”