Our Expert Witness does interviews. He has a lot to say so I sped up the video to compress four minutes into two minutes. I also added pictures of what he is talking about.
Eye Witness...
In this THREAD, our Expert Witness documents another occasion when drugs (particulates), fall out of Trump's nose - SEPTEMBER 7, 2020 -
SNL accused Trump of doing drugs on the job.
1⃣ Adderall
2⃣ Rails
3⃣ Cracked-out
4⃣ Lucid
5⃣ RNC Guilfoyle
6⃣ Sniff Sniff
7⃣ Sharded
8⃣ Mamala randomly checks for Drug Drip
9⃣ Look into my eyeballs - you can trust me
That's my lead-in for the next few videos, where the topic is...DRUM-ROLL...dilated pupils...
A side-by-side comparison between a normal person and a drugged-up clown...
This Mash-Up presents multiple intrusions by Sniffy McAdderall...
Our Expert Witness is telling us that everyone in the White House knows Trump is an amphetamine drug addict and they are trying to claim "lack of sleep" as a trump-super-strength, as opposed to artificially induced stimulation.
I also addressed the issue of Trump demanding a drug test...
Why did Doctors @ Walter Reed allow Donald to do his drugs?
If we take away Trump's drugs he will experience severe withdrawal pain, puking, near death experience. Dr's couldn't take away his drugs & treat him for Covid w/o killing him. Amphetamines Rule!
This is another example of strung-out trump, lack of sleep, but still energized from his most recent hit of amphetamine drugs...babbling about using disinfectant and ultra-violet light up the ass. Who thinks he is sober when he says this?
Why do I say taking away Trump's drugs is more important (to him), than taking away his freedom?
• drug becomes more important than food
• but not more important than oxygen
• drug inserts itself into #2 position in brain's default value system (oxygen, food, sex)
You must write a concession speech for Mr. Trump.
— nobody on his team will dare
While you're twisting his arm to agree to concede, force him to resign as well, because if you don't force Trump to resign, your public humiliations will continue.