Obama/Biden Admin spent six months chasing the Russia Collusion hoax.
Brennon/Clapper both admitted that they had nothing by 1/20/17. Yet @Comey went ahead for 5 more months.
Then Mueller looked at it for 22 months.
We can’t spend a few weeks to look at ballot integrity? Pls!
Electors vote mid-December. The rush to claim Biden a winner now (when it can be done in a month or more from now) is a tactic to weaken any calls to review ballots in WI, GA, AZ and PA. It is designed to increase GOP calls that Trump should join the call for a “graceful exit.”
The @TeamTrump PR claim (not sure if it will work out this way):
“We will win AZ and GA outright or after a (hand) recount of all mail in ballots or at a minimum mail ins in counties that used the same software that caused an (alleged) anti-Trump glitch in MI. With AZ/GA aside,
“Biden has 279 thanks to PA and WI. We want a (hand) recount of mail ins in those two states too in addition to other challenges in PA. Electors vote only mid-December. There is enough time over the next 4-5 weeks to assure ballot integrity in key states.”
Simple messaging.
“If @JoeBiden is confidant in the ballots he should welcome a hand recount of mail ins in AZ, GA, WI & PA. Electors don’t vote until mid-December. Latest a week into the hand count a pattern of integrity or fraud will emerge. Rejecting a count leaves a cloud over the results.”
Alleged experts at Reuters and AP confirm that “voter fraud of any kind is exceedingly rare in the US.”
Not sure if it’s rare or just not investigated enough. Look at the pushback Trump is facing for asking for a review.
In Paterson NJ, a new election was called due to fraud.
🚨 🚨 🚨
A local GOPer in MI first “lost” his seat by 104 votes but he then won it by 1,127 votes after a glitch was found.
From 104 to 1,127.
In just one small race this cycle.
Narrow swing states need recounts/audits to certify that they are legit.
Yes there is massive media bias and they will spin whatever @TeamTrump says. But two things undercut Trump on the recount:
A. Bad PR where the public can’t read in 2-3 paragraphs his claims/plan.
B. Too many people around him are not Trumpsters and they (will) push for a fold.
“Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises.” - NYT Oct 6, 2012.
I take issue with those who take issue that Trump claims there may be voting fraud.
It was a standard claim by Gore 2000; Kerry 2004 (OH) and more recently by the NYT especially on mail ins.
It’s easier for Trump Fans fo whine media media media (which is a true claim) than to accept that King Trump and Golden Jared never had a good rapid PR machine. Where are the short videos; tweets; 3-paragraphed statements and pressers giving the math, path and claims in short?
All we have is Trump whining on Twitter generalized buzzwords. If the top hands @TeamTrump plan to fold, fine but until the (pending) fold they need to get their message going. Why isn’t the above MI change all over as a major example why Trump needs to be recounts? Whatever.
The Trump Fold will happen quicker than it takes for a plastic folding chair to melt after it is thrown into an inferno. Not sure when it will be. My point is that Trump’s move from fight fight fight to a concede will be a sudden collapse. 100 to 0 quicker than you can imagine.
CNN has sources that Jared and FLOTUS told Trump to fold. FLOTUS tweeted otherwise; Axios says Jared is in for a fight. Then, @maggieNYT has Trump allies who tell her Trump needs to fold.
Those reports are designed to demoralize and to cause the outcome; like the flawed polls.
Politico reports “pressure mounts” on the GSA to affirm the Biden win so the transition can start.
The only pressure is reporters writing that pressure mounts...
Goal? The help assert a Biden win and to undercut recount moves.
Imagine states flipping weeks into transition.
In 2004, there were hearings in the @JudiciaryGOP (requested by @JudiciaryDems) regarding the integrity of the OH results which gave Bush the WH.
In 2018, 1.8% mail in ballots were rejected because they were bad. In 97 counties, 10% or mroe were rejected. In some NY races it was above 20% (this year too).
What’s the rejection rate this year in MI, PA, AZ, GA and WI? If it’s very low, they probably counted bad ones.
“Mr. Barr’s directive ignored the Justice Department’s longstanding policies intended to keep law enforcement from affecting the outcome of an election.” - NYT @ktbenner@nytmike
Fraud investigations can be affecting the election outcome only... if there is fraud.
If a hand recount won’t change the outcome, why do Dems fear it? Oh need to move to transition? We had 5 #GoreWeeks in 2000. Relax
Also, possible fraud is low rejection rates of mail ins. Nationwide it was 1.4% in 2018; some places were 10%
What is it now in PA, AZ, WI and GA?
2.4% mail in ballots in NYC will be rejected even after curing. That’s a range of 17,124 ballots.
What percent of ballots were rejected in PA/AZ/WI/GA this cycle? If it’s under 1% then perhaps flawed ballots were counted as the rejection rate is generally higher than 1%.
A comprehensive challenge to mail in ballots (such as signature, dates and double voting) can be done only before the votes are counted. Once the envelopes are opened, the ballots go into machines for the count and then into batches. If you find issues only now with the mail ins,
the ballot is batches and you can’t ID the ballot of the fraud voter. What you CAN find is the batch of - say - 500 or 1,000 votes which includes the fraud/flawed vote. So what’s the fix if 5% mail ins have issues? Dump the whole batch of 1,000 votes? Total mess!
In Florida, a key focus was the ballot itself. You had the ballots and were able to review for issues. Here however the major would-be issue is that a few percent of mail ins should not have been counted but they were counted. The ballots itself are not THE issue.
So how do you retrace the envelope to the specific ballot? Here in NY you can’t do that once it was counted. You can only ID envelopes which match a bath of counted ballots, according to a few election people I spoke to. A high fraud rate of envelopes in one batch may taint
the ballots in the corresponding batch, but if the fraud rate is not 100% you would be nullifying legit votes too. But counting this batch means you would be counting fraud votes as well. Fix? Maybe a judge can order a new vote date in specific Election Districts. Dunno.
In addition to Gore dragging the process out for 37 days, the 4 Dem appointees on the SCOTUS were willing for it to go longer!
GOP @SenatorLankford is in a rush to treat Biden as POTUS-elect 10 days post election. Relax. If he is the winner he will be certified as such soon.
🚨 GOP State Assemblyman “lost” his seat last week by 80+ votes only to be now ahead by 21 votes after it was noticed that state-level votes at a local election precinct was not counted. ctmirror.org/2020/11/10/mis…
A County Legislature seat in MI flipped last week from a 104 vote loss for the GOP to an 1,127 win.
An Assembly seat in CT went from a GOP loss by 80+ to a gain of 21 votes.
Why is @SenToomey rushing this? Gore dragged 37 days, and FOUR justices were willing to extend it.
- The constitution has a remedy if no POTUS candidate wins a majority of electors. Meaning, a stalemate is possible.
- An honest vote is an institution. Respect it.
- Justice Ginsburg an institution within an institution, favored recounts beyond the 37 days that Gore got.
Flashnack to Nov 28, 2016: Clinton to join recount.
- Biden’s COS @RonaldKlain tweeted in 2014 that elections are rigged.
- Clinton joined recount efforts 3 weeks after the 2016 election.
Stop with the hysterics about Trump not yet folding.
FLASHBACK to 12/10/19: “Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden Investigate Vulnerabilities and Shortcomings of Election Technology Industry with Ties to Private Equity... The three vendors... Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCivic.” warren.senate.gov/oversight/lett…
Less than a year ago it was ok for multiple @SenateDems to investigate potential election issues including with Dominiom. If you raise issues now you are a conspiracy theorist like Air America callers of 2005 whining about Diebold. cc @chrislhayes@ProducerMcD@LPDonovan
Quite funny for @LPDonovan and @chrislhayes to relegate the Diebold machines in OH as an issue raised only by conspiracy callers into Air America. But they were fed by major media.
In 2003, a CBS item did say that claims about Diebold are driven by Howard Dean conspiracy fans but added that “time will tell if the conspiracy theorists are right.” cbsnews.com/news/can-votin…
By trailing in GA/AZ, and being 50K down in PA, Trump’s chances are practically gone,
but the point is not about Trump’s chances. It’s about how the rules changes: It was ok for Gore to get 37 days in 2000; for Justice RBG to give him more time (blocked 5-4); for major media to raise issues about Diebold in 2003; for NYT to warn about mail in fraud in 2012;
for @RonaldKlain to tweet in 2014 that elections are rigged; for Clinton to join recounts 3 weeks after the election of 2016; for major media and Dems undermining the legitimacy of the 2016 election by yelling RUSSIA; for Senate Dems to investigate Dominion less than a year ago
and for Democrats - including Hillary - accusing Trump a month ago to wanting to steal the election and telling Biden not to concede. But... now all this is gone. Trump needed to fold on Day 1 or else he undermines America and any complaints about fraud is just LOL stupid.
I don’t get @KarlRove’s opposition to election integrity: If audits and then recounts can change the outcome, we sure need those.
If it won’t change the outcome, welcome a process that confirms that the system worked well despite a massive, mail-in based vote.
It’s only day 9.
🚨 🚨 🚨 If the mail-in ballot rejection rate in GA were the same as 2018, then 42,000 ballots would have been rejected.
Those rejections would have erased Biden’s current GA lead (if the rejected ballots were proportionate to the share of mail-ins that Biden got.)
As @realDonaldTrump noted today (as I did yesterday): If GA recounts ballots without looking at the envelopes, then the main would-be flaw in the vote total is not looked at. Potential mass issue is not on the ballots. It’s on the envelopes in which the ballots were sent.
Having a trusted election system is the bedrock of a democracy and if it can׳t withstand a few weeks of court challenges, audits and recounts then it confirms the process is rotten. Opposing these steps puts democracy on trial and is a had verdict too.
.@LelandVittert: If issues with mail in envelopes are larger than the margin between two candidates in a state, the state’s results should be invalidated/new elections held precisely because the potentially illegal ballots are with the good ones; can׳t be pulled. cc @ErinMPerrine
In a conversation today, @ErinMPerrine mentioned potenal issues with votes to which @LelandVittert said that those ballots are already mixed in with the good ones; as if this means there is no course correction. There is as my above tweet explains. cc @BretBaier@brithume
The voting thread continues here. Please follow along and share the items. Thank you!
1/5 Biden deputized the National Archivist to revoke Trump's executive privilege on already-held docs.
This made holding these docs (even non-classified ones) "illegal" and the Biden DOJ then used this "violation" of NARA (National Archive & Records Asmin) as key reason to raid.
2/5 Biden deputizing the National Archivist was reveled in a Spring 2022 letter to Team Trump notifying them that she revoked his privileges.
READ the application to raid and see that it speaks extensively about NARA; which is independent of any claims about classified docs!
3/5 It get's worse, of the 30+ documents that Trump was charged with (from among 11K taken), the Feds never argued that those are classified since the Feds knew that Trump may have declassified them, which is why the Feds kept using the term "documents marked classified."
People have often rejected the claim that election fraud ("mistakes & errors") occurred in 2020 in the 100s or in the 1000s; which is a huge sum considering that states are often very narrowly decided.
Let's look at GA.
2/ Do date, Biden officially won GA by 11,709 votes which is a 0.23% margin among the 4.93 million votes.
How narrow is a 0.23% margin?
Well, let's read what the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) wrote on Nov 19, 2020 following a statewide manual recount:
3/ "No county had an error rate higher than 0.73% compared to their original results" in a state decided by 0.23%
If a manual, rushed recount uncovered in one place an error rate larger than the state's margin of victory, what would a thorough investigation statewide find?
I told you
I told you
I told you
I told you
I told you
PANTS PISSING Cons ran for the hills about the debate due to some fake mediaaa expectations and because, well, they are pants pissers.
The main attack by Harris was that Trump is a danger, unprepared and a joke to lead the country, yet 54% in the instant CNN poll have confidence in both candidates' ability to run the US, and Trump LEADS by 4 among those who have "a lot of confidence."
Her main attack FAILED!
While the main Harris attack (Orange Man Bad) failed miserably as seen in the poll results above, Trump connected Harris to the Biden Mess so effectively that Harris begged him to stop ("you are not running against Biden") and Trump indeed GAINED a net 4 on the economy:
1/ Biden-Harris admitted into the US 5.6 mill undocumented immigrants and millions more are not in the count, yet the @HouseGOP is too scared to dare Dems to shut the government to keep this mess going.
Instead, Republicans blame themselves by saying "we are not shutting down."
2/ If Republicans can't hold the line against something to the Radical Left of Dems from a mere 10 years ago, why run/win?
Where are the supposed principles?
Even IF holding the line here (and on impeachment) "costs" Republicans, well, gotta put Country Over Party. No?
3/ Republicans made immigration a big issue in #NY03 yet lost big time in the Special in part because voters don't see @HouseGOP as the fix to this problem.
Generic Ballot sucks for the GOP now too. Is it because the GOP is too harsh on this crisis? No. It's the opposite!
Below is the first Tweet-share by @RashidaTlaib since the news that Hamas, a government whose lies she spreads on speed dial, executed an American. No other tweet or tweet share as of now; 36 hours after the news broke.
Obviously, it is the opinion of @RashidaTlaib (and/or the opinion of many of her voters) that Hamas had a 'legitimate context' to execute an American last week or else she would easily tweet against it as she does to echo lies by Hamas.
@RepRashida @RashidaTlaib I am not outraged by Tlaib's lack of outrage on the execution of an American.
I am pointing it out so that people understand the poisonously-depraved world view of her "cause."
If she, a US-born & Elected Official is this depraved, imagine the views by those on the lower rungs.
Blame Corporate/Regime Media for propping up a dead economy; for hyping bad reports as good which impacted the thinking of Fed officials that with inflation not yet settled, the economy can absorb continued high rates.
When the economy was in recession in 2022 (two net negative quarters of GDP; meaning by the end of the second quarter the economy was smaller than before the first), we were gaslit that this isn't a recession. The term was changed in real time like in 1984 propaganda fashion.
As a result of the propaganda, consumers kept spending and the economy recovered; underpinned by federal spending, not by a "real" economy. Then, part time jobs gains at the place of full time ones were sold as all in the same; feeding the hype of a "good" economy.