Online MAGA and QAnon spaces aren't sad right now. They aren't angry. They're jubilant. They think they won the election.
Hang out in Trumpist forums and they're excited. Any day now, Trump will be announced as the winner, all the Libs will cry, riot and whine, and MAGA will rule.
The lightest version of this is the Trumpers who are convinced that SCOTUS is about to order "illegal votes" thrown out and toss the race to Trump in swing states.
Then there are those who claim that Democrats and the Deep State hacked the election using backdoored software, but that Trump has the proof.
Both red-hat MAGA and more Q-ish types are buying into the idea that all the ballots were secretly watermarked, or that they were put on a "QFS Blockchain"
The claim here is that the whole election was a feint by Trump to expose massive fraud, and that he will soon announce the truth, reveal the blockchain or watermark, and be acclaimed winner by all.
QAnon was always an apocalyptic movement, waiting for the day Trump and the military would expose the Deep State, arrest thousands of baddies and heal the world.
So naturally, the 'fake election' is their Judgement Day. They are sure Trump's final masterplan is being executed right now. Soon we'll all know.
Just a couple of examples of this stuff floating around, but there are literally thousands of them.
What happens to these people when there's no SCOTUS hearing, let alone a victory? What happens to them in January when President Biden is inaugurated?
I think a lot of them will refuse to accept Biden is President. Literally. They'll say Trump is secretly still President. He's allowing Biden to pretend but Trump is the one with the nuclear codes who's really in charge.
Some of them will say he allowed himself to lose on purpose to trap them, whether "them" is the Soros-backed Libs or the adrenochrome-harvesting Black Hats. But he will return in power at the next election.
And some of them, especially the red-hat MAGA types, will be angry, disbelieving, convinced that Trump won Pennsylvania and Georgia and Wisconsin, but that Democrats faked ballots and stole the election.
Bottom line: it's going to be messy and scary. The FBI will have its work cut out.
Another point: on this election stuff, the always-vague boundaries between MAGA-world and QAnon seem to be extra porous. The wackiest stuff is bleeding into the MAGA mainstream.
Here's an example from a televangelist (warning: includes creepy laughter)
This is fair. There *are* also people freaking out in these spaces, but they are both chastised for faithlessness and reassured by others when they do. The darkness is scary, but it leads to the light when Trump triumphs.
The US Supreme Court is not going to overturn the election result.
Biden'ss ahead in states worth 306 electoral votes. In all likelihood, Trump would have to win multiple different cases about different states.
Winning isn't enough for Trump, though. Many of the claims the Trump Campaign is making are fairly minimal, eg claiming observers at the count in Pennsylvania should have been allowed to stand closer.
I just discovered the Electoral College doesn't even meet in person! This is clearly a bullshit system.
If you're going to have an Electoral College, have a damned Electoral College! Fly in the Electors. Let it meet in style in, like, the House Chamber.
Let that dude who announces the President at the State of the Union also announce the Electoral College is in session. Or the Oyez dude from the Supreme Court
Let's talk about this screenshot which Trump claims shows fraud, and explain why it's nonsense. 1/
So, Trump and the Trumpist media points to these screenshots. On the first one, Trump has 2,200,902 votes and Biden has 1,992,356. In the second shot, Biden has shot up to 2,130,695 but Trump and all the other candidates stay the same. Suspicious, no? 2/
Well, no. It's not. First, this is NOT an official map from the State of Michigan's electoral board. It's made by a media outlet, @DecisionDeskHQ. You can see it here:
The Russia Report is out. On Brexit: MI5 provided just six lines of text about Russia's role in the Brexit referendum, mostly about open source reports. MPs thought it represented deliberate "caution" (evasiveness?)
The Intelligence Community only really 'got' what Russia was doing after the DNC leak. That leak happened on July 22, after the Brexit referendum.
Quietly damning line in the ISC Russia Report: The Government has not "seen or *sought* evidence" of successful Russian interference in UK democracy.
Black Lives Matter is a principle, not an organisation. Lots of groups have tried to adopt the name to claim they're the 'real' BLM and speak for the campaign as a whole. Who is behind this *verified* twitter account with no named leaders and a million pounds in their GoFundMe?
BLM UK is not a registered charity. There are a few registered companies using the words "Black Lives Matter", several of which were registered in the last couple of weeks, but I don't know if any of them are the same "BLM UK".
BLM UK has a Twitter account, an Instagram and a GoFundMe. No Website of its own, no email address. But their social media accounts are 'verified' by Twitter and IG/Facebook.
The Tory party is trying to subsume the black British experience into a broader, safer anti-racism that focuses a lot on British Asians. It's the Tory version of Corbynite "oppose antisemitism and all forms of racism".
The horrendous racism Priti Patel has experienced, for example, is not the same as a black Briton, just as she hasn't experienced antisemitism.
In the last few decades, anti-racism work on the UK Left has focused on Asians, especially Muslims, sometimes deliberately collapsing distinctions between black Britons and British Muslims.