Hello everyone!
To talk about my research, I decided to theme it by "studying the ionisation process itself" (today) and "possible things that can happen afterwards" (tomorrow).
I'm going to keep the explanations in the threads fairly colloquial. But I will link the corresponding publications (open access whenever possible) so you can dig into the details there if you wish. Or of course, just ask me any questions you might have and I'll expand on that 😉
Yesterday I have already introduced the idea that the strong electric field of the laser pulse modifies the Coulomb potential which keeps electrons in bound states. The video shows a classical picture of this:
However, we are actually dealing with a quantum system, and for typical strong-field parameters, most of the ionisation processes happen by quantum-tunnelling through the potential barrier
One of the key questions which is still being investigated in detail is then, what the electron wavefunction looks like at the end of this tunnelling process. Does it have some momentum? How wide is its spread?
These characteristics are important because they determine where the electron (probability distribution) will go subsequently, and this is precisely what is measured at the end on a detector. (video not mine)
By comparing simulations with different momentum distributions along the tunnel-ionisation direction against a set of experimental measurements, we found that the (previously common) assumption of (almost) 0 momentum along that direction is not a good approximation.
And this finding is independent of whether we are in an adiabatic regime (i.e. the wavefunction can always instantaneously adapt to any situation) or non-adiabatic (i.e. the temporal evolution matters) doi.org/10.1103/PhysRe…
OA: researchgate.net/publication/27…
Another key question is: "how long does this process take?" ⏲️. At first glance, this might sound like a straightforward question, but since the phenomenon of quantum tunnelling has been discovered almost 100 years ago, there has been a debate about this.
So, #attoscience tries to time-resolve electron dynamics, where one of the dominant processes is quantum tunnelling 😉
Of course, our field developed both additional theories and several experiments to try and measure the/a tunnelling time
Most commonly, the laser field is elliptically polarised, so that the electric field rotates around like a clock, but still has clearly defined moments of strongest field leading to highest probability of ionisation
The interaction with the laser field after ionisation imprints the moment when an electron exits from the potential barrier onto the final momentum direction. This moment appears to be later than the maximum ionisation probability moment. (first image: doi.org/10.1038/s41586…)
Unfortunately, this "exit time↔️final momentum" mapping is disturbed by many factors, such as the Coulomb attraction of the parent ion, momenta/energy at the tunnel exit, and more. This debate still continues... doi.org/10.1080/095003…
1. LASER = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (a) 2. Electron 3. Excited state atom 4. A Photon (I don't think there is a lasing material capable of producing gamma range photons) 5. Diffuse 6. Population Inversion
7. 3 Levels (with just 2 levels, as one approaches population equality, stimulated emission and absorption would start balancing each other out, preventing population inversion and thus there is no amplification of the light) 8. b) The energy gap between excited and ground state
Happy Sunday everyone!
It has been an adventurous week (in many ways 😁).
I recently came across this fun little #laser quiz and thought that would be a nice conclusion to my week here. So take a guess and play along 🤗
1. What does LASER stand for?
a) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
b) Light Absorption by Simulated Emission of Radiation
c) Latent Absorption of Specified Elliptical Radons
d) Latent Amplification of Stimulated and Elliptical Radons
2. What particle plays the major role in the process of lasing?
Hi everyone :-D
We have reached the weekend already. Over the last few days, I hope I managed to give you a small glimpse into my research field. But one promise I have not yet delivered on: Where will all of this lead? What's the point?
First of all, I don't think I have to convince you that the quantum tunnelling phenomenon is found in all kinds of fields. Recently I came across a paper discussing tunnelling times during a photosynthesis cycle in an organic molecule. doi.org/10.1007/s13538…
Many might be familiar with Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM) technique to investigate surface structures with (sub-)atomic spatial resolution (or make an atomic stop-motion movie 😄)
I have this itch to swing back to talking about physics after yesterdays more meta thread, much like a pendulum always striving towards the middle position, but constantly overshooting. BTW, pendulums are an excellent representation of how short laser pulses are created!
You have probably heard (or learned) that laser light has a very defined colour (one specific wavelength/frequency), and all photons are in phase with each other, all their waves are perfectly synchronised (coherent).
(Image source: miridiatech.com/news/2014/02/l…)
It is evening again, and I finally find a moment to check in here. How are you doing?
I feel like my apartment has turned into a bit of a "sauna for beginners": higher room temperature than I would usually keep in wintertime, and more humid than usual in general (despite having open windows)...
I'm going to switch my plan around a bit. The exciting opportunities for future scientific and technological developments derived from #attoscience (and if I find the time, a project using nano-objects to modify the spatial dependence of my laser fields) will come later.
Good evening! While my fan heater is doing its job, why don't we catch some electrons?
In yesterday's thread, the electrons which have been freed from their bound state by the laser mostly just oscillated around (steered by the electric field) and eventually flew off and away (until they hit a detector).
However, not all electrons are so lucky. For some of them, their trajectory ends up looking almost like that lasso up there. This is if their kinetic energy at the end of the laser pulse is not quite enough to escape from the Coulomb potential of the atom/ion.