you know what is waiting for you, Hayden, don't you?
"We Caught them ALL"
14) "I Caught them ALL"
15) for those you asked how I got those data:
I was "broadcasting live" on Twatter, that night on Nov 3rd,
and I was copying & posting the official data as they were coming in.
I was saving those data in a word document, as they were coming, before posting them.
16) if you check my tweets of Nov. 3rd,
you find all the Data.
They are still there.
17) the data reported above are from Nov 3rd.
Then, as we know, in most States they stopped the counting.
at 4:00 am of Nov 4th, Millions of fake ballots with the Biden name on them were shipped by trucks and cars to the polling stations, Nationwide.
18) and the MIRACLE happened:
those Millions of FAKE Biden votes were counted on Nov 4th,
and the 12% to 20% advantage that Trump had on the 3rd, magically disappeared.
in PA, GA, MI, WI, VA: everywhere!
19) sloppy job, Michael Hayden @GenMhayden :
you forgot the NRO and the Observers we had on location.
you're S C R * W E D.
20) as well as your con -stipated buddy John Brennan.
3-B) NziTWWTR has broken my [THREAD]
any surprise here?
re-posting below #4 to #20:
4) Wisconsin:
Real Data
before the FIX was in
5) Virginia:
Real Data
before the FIX was in
6) Rhode Island
Real Data
before the FIX was in
7) note: I took these data in REAL TIME,
on Nov 3rd
BEFORE the FIX was in
from Official sources
8) bottom line:
Trump won BIGLY in:
- Pennsylvania
- Michigan
- Georgia
- Wisconsin
- Virginia
- Rhode Island
and certainly MANY MORE!
This means that Trump is the WINNER of the 2020 Election
9) California:
I have Official data from Nov 5 - at 4:30 pm ET (1:30 pm PT)
Data show that 9.7 Million ballots are missing.
were they all Trump votes?
I think so.
10) in Los Angeles county alone: 2.5 Million were missing, as of Nov. 5
in dumps?
11) California:
if those 9.7 Million missing ballots are Trump votes,
in California the result is this:
Trump 13.7 Million votes
Biden 7.9 Million
12) in percentage:
Trump WON BIGLY also in California
55 Electoral Votes
Putin KNOWS that the 2020 Election was STOLEN from Trump!
Putin knew it all along!
since Nov. 2020!
When I watched the video posted by Juanita, I thought it was a Fake.
So, I went directly to the website of Russia Today, to verify...
And there it is!
I found the article.
The video is LEGIT.
Putin said: "The 2020 Election Victory was Stolen from Trump"
I couldn't believe it.
But he said it.
From the Russia Today article:
"I cannot disagree with him that if Trump had been President, if his victory hadn’t been stolen in 2020, perhaps the crisis in Ukraine that arose in 2022 wouldn’t have happened”
Everything "Mr." Joe Biden has done is NULL & VOID.
Like it NEVER happened.
2) Mr. Joe Biden has NEVER been "President of the United States of America".
just an Usurper and a Fraudster.
who got the seat through massive ELECTION FRAUD.
Besides, Nobody with any Legitimate Authority ever "Certified" Mr. Joe Biden.
70% of the DemocRat Congressmen got their seat through massive ELECTION FRAUD as well.
Supreme Court doctrine of "The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree"
and: "Fraud Vitiates Everything".
= Everything which derives from FRAUD is NULL and VOID.
I hope it's clear.
Legal experts can confirm: @PhilHollowayEsq , @megynkelly , @MegynKellyShow
3) >> @KariLake , @SarahPalinUSA : read this Thread.
70% of the Democrat Congressmen got their seat through ELECTION FRAUD.
They will be DISQUALIFIED and Forcibly REMOVED from office.
Arrested and INDICTED.
including (for the Senate):
Adam Schiff (D-CA),
Gallego (D-AZ)
Rosen (D-NV),
Baldwin (D-WI),
Slotkin (D-MI),
Heinrich (D-NM),
Kane (D-VA),
Kim (D-NJ),
Alsobrooks (D-MD),
and others.
And including many Governors who got their seat through ELECTION FRAUD:
Gavin Newsom in California
Hobbs in Arizona
Hochul in NY State
Whitmer in Michigan
- and others
Trump said this very clearly, in Sept. 2024:
"CEASE and DESIST: Do Not Cheat, or you will go to jail":
Russia today is the only TRULY Christian country in the world.
All the West is controlled by a satanic Cabal.
Including the US.
2) Russia ceased to be communist in 1991.
Yeltsin first, and then Putin, reopened all the Christian churches in Russia,
re-instated the Christian patriarchs in the entire Russia.
And since 1991 Russia became Christian again.
Putin is a Christian.
This is why they hate Putin and Russia so much in the West.
Because all the West is ruled by a gang of satanists.
Joe Biden is a satanist.
Obama is a satanist (and muslim and communist, too).
Nancy Pelosi is a satanist.
HRC is a satanist.
George Soros is a satanist (and a communist, too).
Macron (France) is a satanist.
Boris Johnson and the other crooks in the UK are all a satanists.
Germany is ruled by satanists (since Angela Merkel, who was also a communist from East Germany).
The current pope is a satanist, and an antichrist.
(ask Malachi Martin)
and so on.
The entire West is ruled by this gang of satanists.
They are all satanists.
They worship the devil.
This is why they hate so much Putin and Russia.
cc: @lopatonok , @ChanelRion
3) Russia is the richest country on Earth.
Russia natural resources are worth $670 TRILLION.
(3 times more than the US)
This is why the satanist Cabal of Joe Biden, Obama, Blinken, HRC (Jake Sullivan) George Soros and BlackRock wanted to LOOT Russia.