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Business Consultant || Author of 4 books in Intelligence and Espionage || exposed Eric Ciaramella and Fauci: "The Fauci Files" at:
Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz Profile picture BEGRUNT Profile picture G.R.I.T.S.-n-Guns Profile picture Jake Gordils Profile picture 33 subscribed
Jul 15 28 tweets 12 min read
1) The FBI said: "The FBI will investigate the Assassination attempt on Donald Trump" @FBI

The FBI are the "COVER-UP Squad".
They are the clean-up janitors.
FBI = Domestic GESTAPO of the CIA.Image 2) This cartoon sums it up what will happen now,
and what the FBI will do regarding its
"Investigation on the Assassination attempt on Donald Trump":

(add the Secret Service to the vignette)
Jul 14 30 tweets 11 min read
1) Secret Service = TRAITORS.
The Secret Service let the SHOOTER stay on that roof with the rifle aimed at TRUMP for 4 minutes.

They waited until the shooter shot the bullets, before killing him.

Secret Service = Complicit of the CIA.

Trump Assassination = CIA+FBI+Secret Service hit job
.Image 2) The same happened in 1963, with the Assassination of President Kennedy:
CIA = Masterminds (Allen Dulles, J. Jesus Angleton)
Secret Service = Facilitators & Complicit
FBI = Cover-Up work.
Jul 13 10 tweets 3 min read
1) The next 3 days will be BRUTAL for Joe Biden.
and he will be forced to drop out.
.Image 2) Obama has thrown Joe Biden under the bus.
Jul 10 15 tweets 4 min read
1) I'm working on the article
"Joe Biden is Blackmailing Obama, threatening to reveal his sexual perversions"

It's coming out great!
I hope I will be able to publish it later today 2) The article begins like this:

“The shit is going to hit the fan on Monday, when Congress returns” a House Democrat said.
Source: Axios, date: July 4, 2024.

Publicly, all Democrat Congressmen say they are behind Joe Biden.
However, privately, 90% of Democrat Congressmen wnat Joe Biden to step aside.

Let’s cite again an Axios article:
“For every 10 Democrat Congressmen who think Joe Biden should quit the race, one thinks he should stay. They publicly vouch for Joe Biden, at the behest of the White House and campaign, but privately say there is no path.”
Jul 9 12 tweets 5 min read
1) isn't it interesting?
I think it's quite plausible...
. Image 2) This would explain the delay...

"The sh*t is going to hit the fan on Monday" a House Democrat said.

seems that Joe Biden is blackmailing Obama and the Democrats quite hard...

what say you?
Jul 8 15 tweets 5 min read
1) Will Joe Biden RESIGN today?Image 2) Full article at this link:

according to well informed sources in Wash DC,
Joe Biden will withdraw from the race TODAY - July 8
- and at the same time he will RESIGN from "President".…Image
Jul 3 18 tweets 4 min read
1) I'm hearing rumors that Joe Biden will STEP DOWN from the Presidential race within 3 DAYS.

Have you heard anything about that? 2) of course Joe doesn't know...
But the (Dem) Party leaders will force him to step aside within 3 days.

Joe will be forced to make a public announcement, and withdraw.
Jun 18 27 tweets 10 min read
1) UKRAINE never existed as a Nation
before 1991.

Fact-check = TRUE. 2) The Eastern and South-Easy part of today's "Ukraine" is historically RUSSIAN - including Crimea, Kharkov, Sumy, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozie (sp), Kherson
- for the last 300 years, since the 1700's

including Odessa and Nikolaev.

All these regions were part of the Russian Empire.
"Ukraine" did not exist, as a Nation.

Which means that about Half of today's so-called "Ukraine" was part of Russia.

Fact-check = TRUE.
May 8 32 tweets 12 min read
CIA - Gina Haspel
re: James O'Keefe expose'

"Gina Haspel and the CIA withheld information from President Trump"

more here: Course in Intelligence… 2) Let's listen to what the ambushed CIA officer said:

Amjad Fseisi:
"We (the CIA) kept information from Trump"
"Gina Haspel did."

Gina Haspel was the CIA Director from May 2018 to Jan. 2021
Dec 21, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
1) "In the end, President Trump will be on the ballot in Colorado, and in all the other 49 States"

"And he is going to win the Elections"

Keep calm, Listen and Retweet!
2) The Trump legal team will file a petition to the Supreme Court, very soon. In a matter of days.

The Supreme Court will rule very quickly that President Trump must be on the ballot in ALL the 50 States,

and all these frivolous lawsuits will be over and done.
Dec 19, 2023 31 tweets 8 min read
1) There are still the RIGGED Dominion Voting Machines in Maricopa County, AZ.
And NOTHING has been done about it.

In Georgia = same.
In California = same.
In MI, WI, IL, CO, WA, NY, NJ = same.

Until that issue is not solved, Elections will continue to be STOLEN.
Also in 2024. Image 2) The Dominion Voting Machines are used in 28 States.
They control 40% of ALL the votes in the country.

Dec 16, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
1) Let's talk about Chris Christie [THREAD]
Do you know that the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, was the personal lawyer of Chris Christie?

Yes, he was.
. Image 2) Does it mean that Chris Christie was a co-conspirator of Christopher Wray and the FBI, in plotting the "January 6" Trap, with the goal of kicking Trump out of the White House?
Dec 15, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
1) isn't it interesting that when Obama was born,
Kenya was a Colony of the British Empire?

Independence Day, huh? 2) Isn't it interesting that The British Empire was calling its Colonies "Dominion(s)"?

what is Dominion?
Dec 14, 2023 32 tweets 5 min read
ALL the 4 Trump Indictments will be DISMISSED - soon.

Jan. 6 will be dismissed soon,
The Georgia case too.

Same for the FL and NY cases. 2) The Trump lawyers - Todd Blanche, Lauro and Singer - have done a great legal job in their 4 Motions to Dismiss.
I've read them all - back in October.

Those Motions to Dismiss were prepared very carefully.
Genius legal work by Trump attorneys Todd Blanche & Co.
Nov 16, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
1) POLL on the Dominion Voting Machines
plus THREAD with plenty of info on Dominion
1 hour left to vote!

You find the link PINNED on my Twitter page

current results: Image 2) Direct Link to the POLL on the Dominion Voting Machines:

Nov 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1) I bet not a penny was actually paid by Fox to Dominion.
It was all a ruse.

In a REAL "out of Court settlement" you never reveal the amount being paid to settle the case. Image 2) Besides, Dominion is worth just $50 Million.

$787 Million in damages makes no sense.
even if you include punitive damages.

The maximum compensation Dominion could have gotten in a trial was $2 million.
Maybe $5 million, top.

$787 Million makes no sense.
Nov 14, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
1) Dominion Voting Machines are used in ALL the 159 Counties of Georgia:

Do you believe the Dominion Voting Machines are on the up and up, or RIGGED?

Vote, Like and Retweet!

cc: obese and deranged Fani Willis @FultonCountyDA ,
President @realDonaldTrump @FultonCountyDA @realDonaldTrump 2) by the way:
The Dominion Voting Machines are used also in San Diego County (California)

and in San Francisco.
Also in Berkeley and in Oakland.

The Dominion Voting Machines are used also in Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley)
Sep 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1) How come Lin Wood has not been charged?
- in the Georgia Indictment hoax?

Lin Wood and Sidney Powell @SidneyPowell1 were working very closely together on the Georgia Rip-off, in Nov-Dec. 2020

cc: @idontexistTore Image @SidneyPowell1 @idontexistTore 2) Sidney Powell has been indicted,
but Lin Wood has not.

How come?

Sep 25, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
1) Joe Biden got $50 Million in bribes from Ukraine.

But how many $$Millions John Kerry got?
and how many $$Millions BJ Obama got?

Why NOBODY asks that question???

As John Kerry says: "They were ALL in it Together"
Joe Biden, Kerry and Obama himself. 2) In this photo:
Nuland (State Dept.) with Eric CIARAM3LLA
and the Ambassador in Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt

Location: US Embassy in Ukraine.
Date: sometime in 2014,
after the CIA Coup in Ukraine Image
Sep 22, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Yes: Twitter is spying on your phone, and getting the numbers of all your contacts.

Then, Twitter provides all the data to the NSA.
CIA and FBI have 24/7 access to all NSA data.

Great Find, WestWaters! @Mr_WestCoast @Mr_WestCoast 2) The code above shows that West had 201 contacts in his phone - and Twitter collected the data and all the phone numbers.

- Twitter couples each of those phone numbers with the Twitter handles, and then conveys the info to the NSA.
Sep 21, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
Rupert Murdoch resigns from Chairman of Fox Corporation.

Exactly the day after I exposed Rupert Murdoch as a CIA/MI6/Mossad asset.


cc: @GuntherEagleman , @KariLake , @SarahPalinUSA

pls Retweet!… @GuntherEagleman @KariLake @SarahPalinUSA 2) Does it mean that Rupert Murdoch reads my tweets and Threads?

But the CIA does.
and FBI, DHS, MI6 and GCHQ do, too.
since Sept 9, 2018.

How do I know?
Because I have the tools to know. Image