Peaceful protests are happening all over the country against the usurper of Merino, who by a parliamentary coup (disguised as an impeachment) made the truthful president resign. All happened just 5 months before election day and in the midst of a pandemic
Not everyone is able to go to a protest, so many of us are protesting from our houses. You can help us by using the #CoupInPeru to let international media know that it wasn’t an impeachment because of an illegitimate interpretation of the constitution
There’s some confusion about why it was a coup and not an impeachment even though it was done ‘constitutionally’ and without the use of force. I will try to explain what’s happening down in Peru 🇵🇪 a thread 🧵
Congress used an article of the Peruvian constitution that allows congress to ‘impeach’ a president because of ‘moral incapacity.’ This article is from 1839 when we had less than 20 years as a republic and when the word ‘moral’ was used as a synonym for ‘mental’
The constitution doesn’t explain what ‘moral incapacity’ is and is open to interpretation. It’s fairly easy to use; congress just needs any reason for presenting a motion for the president’s moral incapacity and 87 votes to support it (Peruvian congress has 130 congresspersons)