1/7 @dbongino mentioned today the "New Rules" show that 'did bonkers numbers" It wasn't just ONE show. Details in thread below, links to a BUNCH of great shows.
You ARE the leaders you have been looking for. bongino.com/ep-1391-the-le…
Obama shielded emails from HRC's server under "executive privelege."
"...privilege that may be overcome by a showing that the information sought “likely contains important evidence” and is unavailable elsewhere to an appropriate investigatory authority." pogo.org/report/2019/05…
@dbongono has highlighted this
State Won’t Release 18 Emails Between Clinton and Obama That Were on Her Private Server CNSNews.com January 30, 2016
Watch the first 4:23 and pick back up at 9:36
Obama’s Growing Conflict of Interest in the Clinton E-Mail Scandal
Andrew C. McCarthy February 3, 2016 nationalreview.com/article/430706…
Eighteen e-mails between Mrs. Clinton and President Obama have been identified, and the government is refusing to disclose them.
3/3 This is the original article, cited by both John Hinderaker and Elizabeth Vaughn:
EXCLUSIVE: The Treasury Department Spied on Flynn, Manafort, and the Trump Family, Says Whistleblower
May 18, 2020 Neil W. McCabe theohiostar.com/2020/05/18/exc…
@GenFlynn@tintimmymustach 1/6 Note: Pay special attention to the FBI Agents who spoke in 2011 at Cambridge Intel Seminar
Alan E. Kohler, Jr., Stephen M. Somma.
New York Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016 bit.ly/2Ib4AIt
2/6 Somma was the agent just "outed" by the NYT's as "Case Agent 1," but Agent Kohler is also VERY interesting,
Why is The New York Times Outing Lower Level FBI Spygate Operatives? Case Agent 1: Stephen M. Somma…
Posted on February 24, 2020 by sundance theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/02/24/why…
3/6 Hemingway:
...2014 conference led by Halper shows that Kohler also spoke to the same group about the same Russian case on May 9, 2014.
“Alan Kohler the FBI representative.. United States Embassy in London will talk about ...case of Anna Chapman and other Russian illegals,”