We're going to need FFAST, Fast Frequent Asymptomatic Testing, through 2021. Particularly to safely reopen our public schools. medium.com/@GW_Partnershi… Why? 1/x
1. Pfizer has indicated it will allocated 25 mill of its 50 mill global vaccine production this year to U.S. That's 12.5 mill people, about 3% of U.S. population. 2/x
Head of Operation Warp Speed indicated yesterday that he hopes Pfizer will provide 20 - 25 mill per month in 2021. That would mean around 10% of U.s. population immunized by end Q1 2021 3/x
The National Academies Framework for Equitable Vaccine Distribution calls for four phases nationalacademies.org/our-work/a-fra…, with the first phase prioritized between 1a, front-line health care workers and first responders, and 1b, 4/x
people with significant co-morbidities (2 or more) and older adults in congregate or more crowded conditions. @theNASEM estimates that Phase 1a and 1b combined are about 15% of the U.S. population, or roughly 50 million folks. That would mean 100 million doses. So... 5/x
Best case w/ Pfizer vaccine we'll have about two-thirds of the first phase vaccinated by end-March. Who isn't vaccinated by then, then? Well, Phase II is another 30% to 35% of Americans, including 6/x
K-12 school teachers and school staff and child care works, and critical workers in high risk settings, and homeless and incarcerated folks, and all other older adults. By then we will have immunized half of America -- 165 mill people, 330 mill doses (2 per). Not incl... 7/x
The kids in those K-12 schools or at child care or their families unless otherwise on the above lists. So.... if public schools .. or businesses in general .. want to wait until their populations are vaccinated ... we're looking at ... 8/x
Fall 2021? January 2022? The right approach to a pandemic is to do too much too soon. So, for 2021, we need FFAST .. fast, frequent, asymptomatic testing -- or FFFASTA .. fast, frequent, asymptomatic testing for all. nap.edu/read/25984/cha… And, 9/x
We're encouraged to know that the next Administration will prioritize this. But in the interim, collaborations across public officials, schools, philanthropy, and business can accelerate plans to provide all the swiss cheese necessary... 10/x tomaspueyo.medium.com/coronavirus-th…
Unemployment is and will be through the roof across the nation. Everyone, but students in particular, want and need mission-driven employment opportunities immediately. Ponder this for my second home-state, Maine; pressherald.com/2020/04/26/mai… 2/n
Massachusetts and some other states (NY, w/ Bloomberg) are scaling contact tracing quickly -- 1,000 about to be trained in MA. Yea! But -- few states have expertise and $$ to do this. So a national program is vital. nytimes.com/2020/04/16/us/… 3/n