Its good & think he is right about the broader drivers. But I don't think he has unpacked the inherent censorious of the "trans rights" agenda. Giving ppl the right to force others to pretend they are the opposite sex is incompatible w free speech. Dissent must be punished
He is also missing the ACLU's turn to irrationality, and betrayal of female athletes on women's sports....
The idea that the modern "trans rights" agenda is compatible w civil liberties is only one that can be held by someone who hasn't looked closely & has fallen for the messaging that dissent from sex denial = fanaticism
The important thing is the legal arguments are getting aired - in particular the basis for the 'trans inclusion' argument that males who identify as women have the right to use opposite sex services with women.
Congratulations @David_Goodhart@jessbutcher@sumeithompson1 Lord Ribero - I hope they return EHRC to its mandate of upholding the Equality Act and protecting everyone's rights without hierarchy.
In particular: I hope they sort out the mess of guidance on single sex services
JC: You see human rights and equality as intertwined. Do you agree that it is important that we look at each of the PCs as equal and deserving of enforcement?
KF: There has never been a hierarchy of rights - the reason they have not been given hierarchy is because they are equal
JC: There is a heated debate in the public sphere between those w the PC of gender reassignment and those w the PC of sex in relation to single sex spaces. Is it the duty of @ehrc to approach all cases with a fair balance of interests rather than framing one over the other?