Next session: the incredibly relevant Open Science vs research security😬
First up, Tricia Geddes from @csiscanada speaks of the evidence of 🇨🇦 quantum tech being highly sought after by foreign actors.
"Spies are now more likely to wear lab coats than trench coats" #CSPC2020
Ex) In March, Canada launched $$$ COVID research efforts. ⚠️CSIS intelligence reported inc. coordinated activity for tracking PPE and R&D equipment.
➡️CSIS began strategic comms campaigns to reach out to academics/industry before it was too late #CSPC2020
Eric Bisaillon (@cybercentre_ca) now discusses nefarious acquisitions of IP. Now seeing COVID-19 flavour to cyber phishing, randsomware, and influence campaigns.
In general, Canada is one of the top countries affected by randomware #CSPC2020
For foreign intelligence, Canada's 👌 R&D reputation is a motivation for the increased cyber targeting, as observed in recent activities.
But blanket statements of "no students from X, or don't work with Y company" don't help (despite being easy options).
Motivations for interference: countries with big amounts of data, big $$$, or protecting their own IP #CSPC2020
Life next to the 🇺🇸: US funding agencies require research equipment not be from one of four companies.
➡️Now Canadian universities with such equipment not able to access some American R&D funding
It's a new, nuanced world out there. No black and white. #CSPC2020
Many panelists speak of varied responses when speaking on these types of threats. Some folk: 🤨skeptical, others: "please help/inform!"
▪️New eras: "before COVID" vs "after COVID" for response/tools
▪️Senior university leaders doubting reports of activity #CSPC2020
Tricia (@csiscanada) also mentions troubles with government to publicly communicate some of these risks. Nuanced conversations needed. #CSPC2020
Intentional, unwitting, coercive spying.
One definition:
▪️those 👩🔬who were forced into becoming a spy, vs
▪️those 🕵️♀️who put on a lab coat.
And the unknowing folk in the middle! #CSPC2020
International collaborations? Time to be careful. Good question: what is worth it?
Dual-use research, higher risk. Are you ok holding some data set/IP out in the open?
What about physical/digital spaces for collaborations? Solutions/controls are out there #CSPC2020
Trusted collaboration, theFive Eyes (FVEY):={🇨🇦,🇺🇸,🇳🇿,🇬🇧,🇦🇺}, a robust, trusted relationship.
Important last words: we do have to be careful to not scapegoat individual folks on our campuses.
This is a complex problem. Let's be nuanced and careful. #CSPC2020
Mona Nemer🇨🇦:
Trilateral exercise with UK, US a few years earlier helped as Chief Science Adviser a new role in Canada: "It may start as a health emergency, but it may not stay that way"👀 #CSPC2020
Rémi Quirion🇨🇦⚜️: Especially in Canada, with healthcare being a provincial responsibility, close communication between national and provincial science ministers are important.
Also the increasing science advice to municipalities are a positive development during this pandemic 👍
Quick summary 🧵 on the #quantum sensing, quantum computing, and quantum communications projects by UK and Canada academics and industry! Announced today at #QuantumShowcase2020. @NSERC_CRSNG@UKRI_News
After three months of go!go!go!, I finally had time to catch up on the @arxivblog preprints from my work VPN-free self-isolation. Neat #quantum follows: 🧵⬇️
🟣Starting in the broad field of quantum sensing, in force and acceleration sensing land: atom interferometry in cold atoms!
On my reading list, lecture notes, "Atom interferometry and its applications":
Next, a theoretical atom interferometry paper, with a new geometry:
"An atom interferometer testing the universality of free fall and gravitational redshift"
"Is your project interdisciplinary? Is your team include #EDI? Fair Indigenous interactions?" One of the 1st Canadian research funding programs to integrally bake this in @TammyJClifford: what more can be done to evaluate? ⬇️ Interesting concept #CSPC2019
Next panel: "Evidence in practice: how decision-markets obtain and use information?" Organized by @kimberlygirling from @E4Dca #CSPC2019
Tonnes of different sources which MPs get information. They described challenges in using science and evidence, such as time, resources, bias and expertise #CSPC2019
Karen Akerlof from George Mason University discusses her research on use of science in US Congress.
Time, bias, and scientific complexity most often cited as a challenge. #CSPC2019