“What Atlas wrote was unequivocally wrong, and yet Stanford's official statement was insipid and spineless. Gmail's AI auto-responder could have done better job.” /2
“So many of us love Stanford--truly love this place--and what we're yearning for is leadership. True, heartfelt, blood-temperature leadership.” /3
“I cannot imagine the stress that our leaders are facing right now. Their lives must be endless stress. But what we are waiting for is leadership we can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with...” /4.
“...to confront the forces of bigotry, anti-democracy, anti-science, inequality, environmental degradation, and hypocrisy. If the Stanford administration doesn't stand up and condemn this--this absolute, obvious, clear-cut wrong--when will they stand up for us?” /5
Go to Google
Enter this in your search bar, exactly: “XYZ” AND “Finding Aid”
Replace XYZ with your phrase, name, term
90% of results will be from Archives, Special Collections, etc.
Pro Tip: run multiple searches, using different spellings/variations of your term
Pro Pro Trip: you can also use multiple terms. Just run the search as “XYZ” AND “ABC” AND “Finding Aid”
And don’t be a greedy researcher: RT this tip RIGHT NOW :)
6 years ago, Congressional Republicans & @GOP tried to drag my research, and my name, through the mud. I've never told this story, but now it's time. I also made a video about it, which you can check out here: THREAD /1
A bit of background: I wrote a book called the Chinese Typewriter, which came out @mitpress a few years back. A history of Chinese information technology from the 1930s to the 1950s. A sequel to the book, all about Chinese computing, is coming @mitpress as well. /2
When I was still an untenured Assistant Professor @Stanford I was feverishly applying for sabbatical grants (I'm sure many readers know the feeling). One of the grants I applied for was the @NSF grant for humanists and social scientists /3
.@Stanford Provost Persis Drell has just released the report re: @stanfordpress by her hand-picked comm. The other committee reviewing SUP, appointed by Stanford Faculty Senate, is still conducting its investigation. Read Provost report here: provost.stanford.edu/wp-content/upl…@aupresses
At the 6/13 @Stanford senate mtg, the debate re: the @stanfordpress motion took (at least) 60 minutes out of the 120-minute session, or 50%. In the @Stanford Report article, it was given 203 words out of an 1881-word article, or 11%.
.@Stanford Provost @PersisDrell spoke for perhaps 5 minutes, followed by 0 questions, for about 4% of the overall session (same amt of time as the Grad Statement above) - and yet the @Stanford Report allotted 390 words, or 20% of the entire article.