Dear @BorisJohnson, if you want a facile #10pointplan to help get your leg over, try this: 1. Keep the elderly and vulnerable at home (a choice they have anyway), and get Britain back to work. No matter how bad the virus, bankrupting those who pay for the lockdown cannot work.
2. Rumour has it you are going soft on Brexit - there is more chance of a successful Labour antisemitism inquiry, than the survival of a Tory government that shirks on Brexit.
3. The police have become political, and are totally out of control. Get Khant in line, get them off their knees, and stop this two-tier nonsense.
4. Stop pissing public money away on woke bullshit: white privilege being taught in schools, and unconscious bias training for MPs. The only people who want this will not vote for you.
5. Reduce the Foreign Aid Budget to zero - we’re broke. Debt is >100% of GDP, this is the point where we stop paying for foreign space programs.
6. If the US election has taught us anything, it is that vote fraud (or suspicion of it) must be eradicated. Voter ID is non-negotiable.
7. The public demand the borders are closed. The boats must be sent back, no matter the short-term unpopularity. Your voters will thank you, which is what you care about.
8. Get BLM, Extinction Rebellion, and all the other pricks under control: rioters and desecrators cannot be tolerated, no matter how well they shout ‘racism’.
9. Positive discrimination is illegal in Britain, so why is Khan openly pushing for 40% of the MET being non-white? Best man for the job is the only credible criteria. End of discussion.
10. Finally, you’re the PM. The country cannot be held to ransom to loosen the bra straps of your current bint. Prince Harry tried that shit, and you might have noticed how well it’s going. Love and kisses, Tory voters.
Thread 1: Perfectly willing to be the only person defending #DavidStarkey and the inevitable firestorm, but for those aghast at his interview please consider this:
Thread 2: The criticism against him appears to be twofold – he doesn’t think slavery equates to genocide, and he used the term ‘damn blacks’ and is therefore racist.
Thread 3: I also don’t agree that slavery equates to genocide, since slavery is a business which you would instantly put yourself out of if you killed all your slaves.